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Everything posted by umph

  1. you could just daisy chain the cabs?
  2. [quote name='joegarcia' post='254569' date='Aug 4 2008, 04:01 PM']Ooh, have been keenly looking at their stuff recently. Very interested.[/quote] nice still in the process of getting clips done should be sometime next week if it goes to plan
  3. orange / matamp / mesa
  4. around 200 - 250 now i think with the whole vintage revival going on
  5. [quote name='joegarcia' post='253880' date='Aug 3 2008, 07:46 PM']Ooh yea that could be exactly what I'm after. Got and more info or clips? Who's it made by?[/quote] made by www.myspace.com/eyepedals i'll get some clips done soon.
  6. looking at the schematic its gonna lose a lil bit, change the input cap to a .1uf cap from the 0.01 and it should be all good either that or change the output cap to something a bit larger but that might make it sound a bit more gainy etc.
  7. [quote name='ahpook' post='252237' date='Jul 31 2008, 06:37 PM']i'm just curious...anyone ever used one on bass ?[/quote] if your building it go for it ;o
  8. [quote name='joegarcia' post='253267' date='Aug 2 2008, 12:34 PM']Bought this RAT off Bassmankev a few months ago and am not really using it at the moment as I have another. It's in pretty much perfect condition and has the sought after chip in it. Interested in trades for other distortion/fuzz boxes particularly octave up fuzzes. May be after something that has a gate in it. Heres Kev's original thread which has a bit more info on it: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10729&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10729&hl=[/url][/quote] trade for a ampeg scrambler clone? that has ALOT of octave up.
  9. [quote name='SteveO' post='253543' date='Aug 2 2008, 10:50 PM']I read that post as "what head should I use for my old cab that I built with my dad" rather than a general what head should I get question. so, if the drivers are 8ohm each and they're wired in parallel then the cab will be 4ohm, with a rating of somewhere between 200 and 300 W It's safest to buy a head rated at max 200W @ 4ohms, but the problem with this is that there just might not be enough grunt and then you'll be looking at buying a new cab AND a new head. As you can see from the other posts, 200W would be the absolute bare minimum that pretty much anyone on here would use. you could risk pushing as much as 300W through the cab, how hard you push it depends on how much heartache it'll cause if you blow a speaker. My suggestion - and I admit that it's a little risky - is that you get whatever head you like (forget about matching the power to the cab, check out the other threads here, there's loads of good advice which I won't attempt to replicate) When you next look at buying a cab then match the cab to the head, in the meantime just don't run the head at full whack so as not to blow your cab. A simple rule of thumb is that if your head's rated at 400 W then half way on the master vol will be about 200W. NOTE - THIS IS NOT ACCURATE, so care is needed. My head is rated at 450W, I have 2 cabs (300W each) sometimes i'll only gig with the 2x10 if it's a small venue, keeping the dial under halfway, and i've never had a problem.[/quote] sounds quite bad if your overdriving the speaker you should go for a old tube head like a sound city 120 or a ampeg v-4 or something around 100watts! will be plenty loud and be a perfect match for your cab
  10. [quote name='cheddatom' post='251862' date='Jul 31 2008, 09:40 AM']Fixed![/quote] shoud? i might have to make me one and see what all the fuss is about although it wont have the mojo feel of the original ;<
  11. do want this. Just bought a new head though, maybe if i sell that first hmm. no shifting on the price?
  12. umph

    Bass Octave Pedals

    [quote name='joegarcia' post='249898' date='Jul 28 2008, 07:45 PM']If you do a search, theres loads and loads of past topics on this. I like my old DOD Octoplus.[/quote] i'd go with that to
  13. i wish i could justify getting this the fact its 5.3ohms is a bit dodgy though would it be alrate using it with valve heads running at 4 ohms?
  14. you try changing the input and output caps to? maybe change some of the clipping caps to or the diodes for more tubelike grit oh the possibilitys ;<
  15. tried a power attenuator? can crank the power amp as hard as you want then and keep it at okay volumes!
  16. umph

    Homemade pedals

  17. umph


    its sold now sorry
  18. [quote name='simon1964' post='247798' date='Jul 25 2008, 01:37 PM']I've genuinely never understood this argument, which always seems to be thrown at Behringer. I'm not a huge fan of their stuff, but why is a copy of a Boss pedal more reprehensible than, say, a cheap copy of a Fender Bass, which loads of us will have happily owned at some time. And where does that leave the expensive ''super-jazz'' basses by the likes of Lakland, Sadowsky, Sandberg, and others? Is it OK to do copies, but only if you charge more than the original?! I agree that the build quality isn't up to Boss standards, and I can see that there are issues with producing copies, but I'm always puzzled as to why it always crops up in discussions on Behringer equipment but not other manufactures who produce derivative designs.[/quote] all their pedals are cheaper rip offs theres nothing thats a new idea, they've just brought out a head called a bvt. that ones a pretty obvious rip off
  19. umph

    this sound

    [quote name='escholl' post='247451' date='Jul 25 2008, 12:42 AM']really?...which ones?[/quote] LMC567 is the only one i can remember at this time gonna check it out in a week or two when i've got time!
  20. umph

    this sound

    i think i found some ic's that do that kinda sound i need to order some though and find out, crazy tone occisilating ring mods are great
  21. i don't know it worked fine with my active bass and sounded great though. i could never get inside it those screws are done up pretty tight!
  22. aye it is
  23. i'd grab the pre would wanna give it a whirl first though
  24. thanks, BUMP WITH PICTARS
  25. maybe he has to compensate for other things
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