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Everything posted by umph

  1. [quote name='bassjamm' post='243597' date='Jul 20 2008, 01:36 AM']It's my Marleaux Constat 5 string...so we're talking about a serious piece of kit here. And of course i wouldn't do it myself, it'd be down to the Gallery for this...even with their experience i'm nervous about the thought of it, but it is the cheapest solution for my quandry! It's lined...[/quote] get a fretted neck made for it? would only cost a bit more and would mean you could swap them around whenever you felt like it?
  2. [quote name='escholl' post='242212' date='Jul 17 2008, 10:02 PM']just picked up an EHX Blackfinger, which is amazing. it's not really any sort of life changing thing however, with compressors it's more of a "you shouldn't notice that it's on, but you should definitely notice that's it off" kinda thing.[/quote] aye i'd go with that one just picked up a blackfinger myself i like how it's fattened up my tone
  3. the matamp ad200 bass head is much much nicer and the same price as that ;<
  4. got to many fuzzs so this one needs to go as you may know this holds the low end perfectly and is a really fat fuzz. looking for about £65 for it bit scuffed
  5. would be quite manly if it was 74kgs. nice head btw good luck with the sale! i'd consider this if i hadn't just got a new head
  6. [quote name='alexclaber' post='236715' date='Jul 10 2008, 05:32 PM']Endorsements, riders and really nice PA systems. How much does your cab matter when you have a full-size PA? Alex[/quote] play louder and get ear defenders
  7. [quote name='burno70' post='236455' date='Jul 10 2008, 01:01 PM']I've got my eye on a Catalin Bread Hyperpak - would this count as a low gain OD?[/quote] in a word no. they're fairly full on
  8. [quote name='Oscar South' post='238173' date='Jul 12 2008, 08:32 PM']Lets all move to Canada.[/quote] smoke lots of pot everybody move to canada right now?
  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='237462' date='Jul 11 2008, 05:07 PM']You're either going deaf, or listening to it through speakers with no bass...[/quote] ahh my sub broke but i just fixed it, nice tone
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='234456' date='Jul 7 2008, 08:13 PM']After years of searching, mine was finally nailed here (skip the first half of the clip... the real fun happens on the second half) ...thanks to fantastic recording gear and a great engineer. Now I just need to work out how to get it at every gig...[/quote] am i going deaf or are you pretty mixed out in this?
  11. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='236202' date='Jul 10 2008, 12:04 AM']last night i took my new sadowsky to band practice for the first time!...... ....ive been experimenting with a few effects and compressors lately so........ i plugged my bass into each pedal (tested one at a time) then from the pedals output to my amp (mesa/aguilar) sounds pretty normal right? each pedal had fresh duracell batteries and sounded just about ok while on but really seemed to be lacking something while in the off "true bypass" mode so with each i tested the difference between the "true bypass" and just plugging straight into my amp!!! [size=6]BOOM!![/size] plugging straight into my amp was amazing!! (ive not done it in a while) it had loads more punch and sounded so much more alive than in the stupid "true bypass" mode or even with the effect/compressor switched in!! im starting to think that these pedals have been designed to sound a bit sh*t with the effect off just to make the processed signal sound even better! ive bought these pedals to improve my tone but they just end up taking the life out of my sound!! has anyone else had the same happen to them??[/quote] real true bypass has nothing that can affect your tone it just lengthens the path that the signal has to run so unless your using 2 30ft cables i'm guessing your pedal actually has a pretty bad buffer. what pedal is it?
  12. umph


  13. [quote name='Toasted' post='228926' date='Jun 29 2008, 11:18 AM']Are you using your own PCB or someone elses? [/quote] just perfboard i've made a few changes to the original design. Not really attempted doing my own pcbs yet may have an attempt in the near future at applying this to pcb though as it would save alot of space. Thats good to hear that it sounds like a proper tonebender though!
  14. i think this may be the best delivery ever
  15. umph

    Sunn cabs

    i've got a 1X15 one and i'd say there built like brick houses. Nothing to fancy just ported and insulated on the inside sounds good though
  16. ahh thanks atm it only has a volume / blend / tone / fat switch i didn't have any spare 1k pots so no gain knobs the circuit is basically based on a tonebender mkII as i wanted to start off with a good high gain pedal, but theres quite a few modifications i've done to the pedal as in adding a blend circuit and a tone circuit and rebiasing it for the transistors i used etc. thanks for the input though! edit: the clip is on an active bass and the only problem it has is the clean blend doesn't like low output passive basses
  17. clips on [url="http://www.myspace.com/eyepedals"]http://www.myspace.com/eyepedals[/url] can i has some opinions please ;o
  18. i wish my amp hadn't conked out on me grabbers are sexy
  19. probly wont impact the sound that much but i'd go for a good sovtek one
  20. i've got a warwick IX protube for sale atm how much were you looking to spend on one?
  21. [quote name='steve-soar' post='224638' date='Jun 23 2008, 12:10 AM']Ha ha Ha ha. In my best Stewy Griffin impression.[/quote] he says hes looking for PA gear ;<
  22. ahh thanks i'll keep this in mind if i get the amp i'm after!
  23. [quote name='thomas' post='220027' date='Jun 16 2008, 04:58 PM']I'm not after any trades for bass stuff, I am cutting back on most of my gear as I dont play enough to keep it all any more. I'll be selling all of my gear at some point (minus my Jazz), then make a reasonable little combo, so I have something to play when the increasingly rare urge takes me. I'm intreasted in trades/sawps for any P.A gear (not speaekrs tho). Its a long shot but I would also listen to trades for a Festool TS55 or a nice table saw (startrite, wadkin, ect). That is a great price Dan, I'll be thinking again about selling this if thats the typical price atm. Cheers Thomas[/quote] i have a EMI 200PA i could put towards this in a trade if you'd be up for it, its a 200watt all valve PA that can go rediciously loud and i just had it serviced recently
  24. [quote name='man_at_arms84' post='223967' date='Jun 22 2008, 08:33 AM']I have a 70's Superbass mrk II. Sounds "OK" to me. Hasnt really got the power I need. It all but dissapears as soon as the guitarist and drummer I play with start. Shame As my mate had one years ago and it sounded amazing. Mine still sounds great for guitar though. Shuuuut uupppp!!! haha. My Wallets taken a MASSIVE bashing with amps through the years and needs a good rest! I defo recomend Matamp cabs like. I got two 4x10 made up for me in Jan (they actually made me 4, incase I wanted all of them!). They sound and look great. (unfortunatley they had no green vinyl left, only a choice of black orange or pink.) Im thinking in the future of getting two 2X15's too to make a massive super rig. Let me know what yours are like when you get them. You live in sheffield and like matamp? Do you play in band down there per chance?[/quote] should just go for the best of the best and judging by what your saying you like LOUD and the matamp definatly does that. you gonna be going through 2 heads? i'm trying to look for one that isn't to expensive atm was thinking about a ampeg v4 might save and get a 400+ though 500 tube watts sounds appealing. Yeah i'm in a band called naisian i know dean from the mirimar disaster and that though whos been trying to get me and my guitarist to buy matamps. Your in the manatees right?
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