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Everything posted by umph

  1. damn wish i was quicker ;<
  2. i should do a clip of the pedal i just built its kind of based on a tonebender but with a clean blend etc would be perfect for drone been able to sustain notes for around 40 seconds when i tried it with my squire
  3. new cab ftw
  4. ps-3 (best tracking) - octoplus ( best tracking) - modded big muff(sounds great as od into fuzz) - pickle pie(sounds great after of) - cream pie (sounded best after fuzz and always have it on with epic volume boost) - AXL chorus (modulation at the end sounds best) - small stone(same as AXL)
  5. would you split with one of the celestion 2X15's on their own? ;<
  6. low end is overated get more mids ;<
  7. urgh feel like an idiot now fet's are wired up differently /hand /face
  8. i've been attempting to do this with not much luck at all i was wondering if i was going about it wrong as i was using this [url="http://www.seanm.ca/stomp/minblend.html"]http://www.seanm.ca/stomp/minblend.html[/url] but on the send and return i was hooking it up to the send and recieve of the circuit is that wrong or?
  9. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='185106' date='Apr 25 2008, 09:51 AM']Hey Lee. If you're talking one valve (12ax7 / ECC83) in the preamp I have to confess that from experience there is sometimes not a huge amount of difference in the tone between valves. The EBS may be different but I've had 4 valve fronted amps and I bought a whole selection of tubes at one point (sorry they've all gone) to try in the front end and the difference was negligeable! I had H&K, Groove Tubes, Rubies, EH, Mullard etc and even though I tried all of them in all of the different amps over the course of a couple of years they didn't make enough difference for me to justify one over the other. I'm not saying that would be the case in all amps or that valve amps wouldn't be affected to a greater degree by the choice of preamp valve(s) but in the case of a single valve in the front end of a basically solid state amp I didn't notice any massive difference. I could be wrong (step in and correct me techies) but I have a feeling that many of these valve fronted amps actually don't send 100% of the signal through the valve, which could account for the lack of obvious difference [/quote] i'm pretty sure the signal does go through the valves since it is a valve pre amp unless the circuit shorts really badly i don't see how they would and why you'd go to the effort to make the signal not pass through them
  10. [quote name='ahpook' post='184287' date='Apr 24 2008, 08:26 AM']ok - just an update on the faulty steel leather. the nice people at creative tools have tested my steel leather and have agreed to replace it as it [i]was[/i] passing current through to the output, so they're going to replace it. i also spoke to them about my micro q-tron which the steel leather damaged and ehx have said they'll replace that as well. BUT...here's the rub. EHX say that that steel leather can't be run off the same power supply as other pedals...it needs its own psu or has to be run off batteries. [i]WTF ?[/i] nowhere in the instructions does it say this, and i'm going to be contacting ehx to tell them i think if that's the case then they should say so explicitly in the instructions. so, if you're planning on getting a steel leather, bear this in mind.[/quote] is it pnp or smts?
  11. umph


    [quote name='mr pablo' post='184159' date='Apr 23 2008, 10:13 PM']Its an EH big muff clone, you can build triangle/rams head versions with an extra tone select switch as well, and for an extra £8 you get parts to 'Pickle' your large beaver [url="http://www.buildyourownclone.com/beaver.html"]BYOC website[/url] I got mine from [url="http://www.vibe-o-tronic.co.uk/products.php?brand=1&type=1"]Here[/url][/quote] [url="http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=20&category_id=7&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=45"]http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/index....t&Itemid=45[/url] ;< to make it more pickleesque you just have to change a few capacitors to cut the mids to ;o
  12. umph


    i don't see the point of valve pedals they don't get to run on the full power needed so you dont get the full benefits really. i need to do clips of this big muff i've been modding into an overdrive sounds so much like om's overdriven tone
  13. playing bass isn't just chugging root notes as long as you hold down a groove it's fine
  14. umph


    [quote name='Wren and Cuff' post='179220' date='Apr 17 2008, 08:08 PM']Hey Kev! I know you sold your Pickle Pie but I thought you might want to check out my new Pickle Pie "B" version. It's a new version I made that is voiced for bass guitar. It has a totally revamped circuit, completely changed FET based clip section and best of all for bass, an active buffered clean-blend. It's not up on my site yet, but I saw this post and thought you (and everyone else) might want to check it out. I worked on it for months, so I guess I'm a little impatient! [url="http://wrenandcuff.com/mp3s/pp_b_3samp.mp3"]http://wrenandcuff.com/mp3s/pp_b_3samp.mp3[/url] thanks, Matt[/quote] damn i like the clean blend have you got any good schematics for adding clean blends to circuits? i was thinking of using [url="http://www.seanm.ca/stomp/minblend.html"]http://www.seanm.ca/stomp/minblend.html[/url] but just putting the circuit in between the send and return bit would that work?
  15. haha fair does my mate wants me to put one in his tube screamer which would be powered by the mains anyway so link away pretty please
  16. what did you use for the led btw?
  17. [quote name='Higgie' post='177502' date='Apr 16 2008, 12:15 AM']Good idea. I have a really crap recording setup, but I'll give it a go! Cheers[/quote] do it.
  18. [quote name='WarPig' post='177515' date='Apr 16 2008, 12:32 AM']that links going to cost me alot of money haha Know any similar sites umph?[/quote] theres an english one that'd still cost £42 for the kit you could always just buy the pcb off that and source all the bits i think it would come to about £30
  19. [quote name='man_at_arms84' post='176634' date='Apr 14 2008, 08:41 PM']Matamp have just started making the classic 200w bass amp again. If I had enough money I'd get one, but there guitar heads are over a grand so im guessing it wont be cheap. I have two cabs they made for me which are amazing.[/quote] ahh man i heard you playing through those cabs at a sheffield gig a while ago sounded great! how much did the cabs set you back to have made?
  20. build one [url="http://www.buildyourownclone.com/lazysprocket.html"]http://www.buildyourownclone.com/lazysprocket.html[/url] i wanna
  21. damn thats pretty good of ehx, looking after the dealers since they shouldn't directly gain much from this just more dealer security i guess
  22. thanks brah
  23. nice where do you order all your bits from? imma order a load of stuff later gonna build some sh*t this week me thinks
  24. i'll build you a clean boost to swap with this if you want haha
  25. £7 atm i'm thinking thats a lil short of what you want oh how i wish paypal hadn't "Lost" £210 and work would actually pay me ;l
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