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Everything posted by umph

  1. aye adding bigger capictors at the input and output stage helps
  2. aye might aswell get a quake bass if you want to annihalate peoples insides, there basses that can handle been tuned to an octave below E
  3. can't wait till my pickle pie arrives, the shippings taking so long :/ also is that your final price on the di?
  4. not really build quality if the components can only handle 9v
  5. [url="http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=108&Itemid=26"]http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/index....8&Itemid=26[/url] the "ggg tuned" one its the same as the blue beard pedal like what the guy in mastodon uses etc
  6. ^ i don't know but i want one
  7. £15? ;o
  8. my mate has one its not so good
  9. wouldn't a whammy work?
  10. i got the 15" version of this its pretty good and should be fine in that kinda size enclosure
  11. nah russian muffs just add loads of sustain i just did it like GGG tuned one
  12. how hard is it to defret a bass?
  13. i use my modded russian muff for more sustain ;o fs at getting gas for more stuff from america.
  14. yeah guess its the fact it can get really bad really quick if you have the gain past half way or the highs to high
  15. boss - bass overdrive dont get the hate for these can get some awesome grindy tone if you roll of the highs on it i use this with a big muff i modded to be a lil less harsh and have more low end then i stick an eq at the end of it all for epic tone ;o
  16. people seem to just dislike letting bass cut through in a mix :/ i hate it when there isn't even any bass in the moniters and it goes to a bit with solo bass and you stop to check to see if you forgot to actually turn your amp on or something
  17. morley wah and big muff? sounds like you'll like it from your name
  18. if its ported you'd probly want the port on the floor so you get more low end. you can always put it in a corner to make it louder to.
  19. not really it's a squire it doesn't even have p-bass style pick ups either how weak
  20. less high mids / play away from the bottom of the neck / raise your action
  21. distortion - modulation - delay - eq - compression although you can mix the eq or compression to else where if you only want it to affect certian effects
  22. damn why do people giving stuff away always live in london ;<
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