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Everything posted by umph

  1. i like the shuguangs, not happy with jj's strange you had problems with the ehx 6ca7's been running the ones in my roost for about 3 years now
  2. [quote name='Steve Spector' timestamp='1333196532' post='1598591'] Yeah, I did see that, isn't that the forerunner to the VBA400? Doesn't go to 2 ohms does it? Steve [/quote] yeah it is and i'll have to check, how come you need it to run at 2ohms?
  3. [quote name='Steve Spector' timestamp='1333139128' post='1598094'] Thanks guys, it's more vanity than tone I'm ashamed to admit - just want a big tube head behind me! I have debated it a lot though - partly because the Aggie seems approximately twice the volume of my VBA400, that did surprise me I must admit, and that's only at 4 ohms where it [i]only[/i] 750W as opposed to 975 at 2 ohms. Steve [/quote] buy my 2001 if you want some real volume
  4. umph

    DIY Effects

    hey al would you sell any of the small clone pcbs?
  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1333111436' post='1597570'] If it has to be serviced/revalved every year, something is wrong. [/quote] or your tech is making a killing on replacement valves
  6. [quote name='razze06' timestamp='1333099779' post='1597265'] I've tried the amp again at home last night. The pre doesn't clip almost at all, and the sound is clean(ish) all the way to max gain in the pre. That is with very low volume from the power stage, haven't tested the overall effect yet. Interestingly enough, we tried bridging the inputs like to engage all channels, and we could hear a weird and interesting tremolo/flanging effect on the signal The amp almost certainly has parts that started life as PCB bits from a kit, but there is plenty of signs of modification on the PCBs themselves. It is quite likely that it has been modded to alter the tone to suit a certain style of guitar playing. I had to ask the tech to stop working on it, as I wanted to make a decision about what to do with it. I still haven't... The options I have are:[list] [*]Sell it as is, for around £200. Probably more appealing as a guitar amp, but the current tone is very nice for bass too. Tempting, but a bit of a wasted opportunity, as Mr Foxen says [*]Sell the components separately. Original Fender OPTs from 1973 should fetch a fair bit of money, maybe £300/£350 for the lot? Does anyone else think that is close to murder ? [*]Rip out the existing preamp, and have it rebuilt as a proper bassman pre (or even a fender twin pre) using as many of the existing bits as possible. [*]Bypass the preamp, and use it as a valve power amp with another pre [*]Keep it as is. [/list] What would you do? [/quote] the trem effect is the amp going into oscillation. personally i'd redo the pre, since you'll be lucky to get 200 for it and the transformers aren't really gonna be worth as much as you think they are.
  7. the preamp would have to be really badly designed to clip that early. Also the tech could've dropped some lower mu valves in the pre? I just think he was being lazy.
  8. 40w clean sounds really bad. theres no way you'd only get that much in fixed bias without there being problems elsewhere
  9. i've built 6 other ones before this, this one should just be the end one i'm happy with
  10. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1330942023' post='1564920'] Give him a chance, lad. He's from yorkshire! probably just having a bit of a sit down for a brew before getting on with the rest of the build [/quote] haha very much been doing this. Also absolutely skint atm which means i'm having to get on with the jobs that make the money - urgh
  11. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1330242714' post='1554414'] They do not tend to explode. They sound good, but I think there are better amps out there. I had a Blues Jr for a few years and it was great. I currently have a Marshall JCM800 combo and a power brake to quieten it down a touch. [/quote] i've had to fix alot of them, they bias the output valves far to high and the speaker isn't really up to the job
  12. avoid the blues juniors they tend to explode
  13. get a guitar amp for the bridge, put it on full
  14. umph

    Sunn Amps

    model T(doom))))
  15. [quote name='the_brow' timestamp='1329480721' post='1543061'] Owned a 400+, nothing like the GT200. The GT200 is cleaner,especially the pre, more mids and less highs. The boogie sounds good clean, but I did not like the way it distorts. It also has a very hard feel, and seems to lack responsivenness when compared to the GT200. The GT200 is more pillowy and seems to have more sag than the 400+. To me the 400+ and Bassman 300 PRO are very solid state sounding tube amps. [/quote] haha very strange you'd say that about the 400+ alot of its make up is very traditional valve amp. @kiwi transformers work or they don't, the ones in the 400+ don't go all that low.
  16. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1329372737' post='1541347'] If I wanted clean power, I'd get a Boogie 400+. Best valve amp I've ever owned and built like a nuclear bunker. I worry about valve amps getting too hot - not a problem with the fans in the Boogie. [/quote] 80watts more isn't that much of a huge leap. Never been to impressed with the low end of the 400+ either
  17. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1328951321' post='1535128'] Do you mean long plate rather than long pin? Pins have to be consistent to be compatible. Long plate is better for tone mojo, short plate is less microphonic so better in practice. Most of the difference is down to seeing the tone. I've had people demand to know details to they can tell how it sounds in favour of actual recordings. [/quote] longer plates = better current handling = less harsh break up = moer awesome = more doom
  18. [quote name='the_brow' timestamp='1329347322' post='1541234'] thunder tank! [/quote] thunder doom tank
  19. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1328354345' post='1525837'] Heard this beast last night, it sounds immense! Really big sound and a kind of low growl that reminded me a bit of the bass sound on 'Dopethrone'. [/quote] nice thanks dude, was listening to dope throne on vinyl yesterday, it's a pretty awesome sound
  20. haha good selection of names, keep em coming! work hasn't stopped, i just decided to make some changes, gonna add a bias meter on the back and bias pots and also some outputs so you can monitor the bias with your dvm so you don't have to get it out of the case to adjust the bias. Might add a meter on the front to to show how many watts you're doing.
  21. haha yeah the other products you're selling don't really inspire faith in your product. Gutshots and a better explanation of the features wouldn't go amiss either
  22. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1328620832' post='1530080'] Apparently new ones have different transformer, which could be the fix. [/quote] nah still totally have 2k primarys
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