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Everything posted by imfinlay

  1. I have what I understand is the prototype for this. It was built for Jools Hollands’ bass player when he used to do cruise ships. Yours looks like it’s missing the small “wing” that’s the other shoulder? I can see the felt piece it rests against. Pic of another one (not mine) for reference. Mine came with Presto steel core, nylon wound strings, but I really need to change them at some point.
  2. I spoke to him last year about the battery compartment on mine. He hadn’t been well but seemed in good spirits.
  3. Right, first gig out of the way. I didn't get to a rehearsal, so it was trial by fire. Not helped by getting to the gig so late after a mate's car broke down and we got stuck behind an accident on the M1 that the band had gone on already and done two numbers! I've never assembled my bass so fast, and was so chuffed that the GB was so light that I could carry everything in one trip. Of course I forgot a power lead, so borrowed one from a nearby kettle! I ran on stage, plugged into power, the sound guy plugged my bass into the DI as we didn't have time to set up the GB one and off I went - no chance to tune even. Bass, cable, amp and RUN. So, to the amp. WHAT a sound! Huge, deep, thumpy, tight, sophisticated - and I hadn't touched the controls since I brought it home from the shop. Just a louder DB sound, just what I wanted. The rest of the band heard it straight away - heads turned, grins across the stage, love it. After a few more numbers I thought the sound guy had taken the bass down as it went a bit quiet. I turned up the amp - no difference. Eh? Ah, no lights. The power cable wasn't in properly and fell out. A quick reach-around (oo er) and we're BACK! All I can say is, the GB 3.0 copes with a loud-ish guitar, sax, drummer, keys and 4 vocals with fairly loud foldback without even trying. I can't see needing a second cab. We don't play rock or metal, but for our retro styles it's perfect. It was the only high point of a completely awful night.
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1118826' date='Feb 7 2011, 12:54 PM']Interesting review! It's a shame you didn't get on with the Promethean... FWIW, when I'm noodling in the house, I usually run it flat but cut out the boxiness by pulling the 2.5K slider back a bit - that sorts it straight away. If I'm using the combo at a rehearsal, or small gig, I leave the boxiness isn't really apparent. It is at it seems to sit in a mix well. That said, I wouldn't be keen on running EUB through something the size of the Promethean for anything other than very low volume stuff. Glad it worked out with the Shuttle![/quote] I must say I really wanted to like the Promethean. I like the way it's put together, and it's less expensive than the GB. If anything did it for me it was the way the GB managed to articulate the finger noise and attack. It was much more like a microphone with extra thump, than the Ibanez's more "amplified pickup" sound. It would be wrong to call it more hi-fi, but it seemed to bring out of the EUB more of it's DB qualities. The proof of the pudding is in the gigging of course!
  5. [quote name='JTUK' post='1118748' date='Feb 7 2011, 11:50 AM']Some good thoughts there in this useful review Surprised at the small units you were considering, but if it works..???[/quote] Thanks, I was simply stunned at the sound coming out of these small amps. It remains to be seen how the GB copes with our drummer, but given we always have a decent PA (doing weekenders or festivals) I'm not too worried. Anyway, I can add another 10" cab if need be, it will still all go in the boot. I should have said that I tried them with a Jazz Bass also, and really liked the sound of the GB again. Anything from punchy to zingy, I use flatwounds so it will be interesting to see how that works too.
  6. Hi all, long time lurker here. I play with a '50s Doo-Wop band, and recently switched from guitar to bass to cover for our bass player who left. I have been playing for 30-odd years, and was the original bass player with this band, so have some kind of a clue (I hope!). Anyway, for my occasional bass gig I used my Ashdown EB15-180, which did a great job with both my '74 fretless Precision and cheapy Jazz copy - actually a great instrument, especially for the money - but as I've switched to bass more or less full time I bought a second-hand Bassix EUB, which with the Ashdown sounded a bit, well, electric. I also changed cars and couldn't get the Ashdown in the boot! So, after much reading it was off to the Bass Gallery in Camden to try some amps. I squeezed my amp into the back of the car somehow, and set off with my 12-year old son to see what was available. In no particular order, I tried these: Ibanez Promethean: Looks good, well built, light and compact. OK, that's the cosmetics taken care of, but the sound? With the EUB it just didn't work. The mids were all wrong, the bottom end seemed a bit boxy. Lots of sound but no balls, no thump. Remember, I'm looking for a vintage DB sound rather than a bright and lively modern sound... So, that took about 5 minutes to eliminate, even playing with the "vintage/modern" control which seemed to be mainly a treble-cut control. Used GB MB150E: First impression - HOW many knobs? Holy cow, this may take some work... I didn't like the cosmetics much, but what the heck, if it sounds good. Sadly, it wasn't for me. I could see how it would work with DB, but with the EUB there was that "electric" sound again. Bottom end was very tight, but somehow I couldn't get it to where I wanted it. Upper mids were either too prominent, or gone completely. Now, with the extensive control I was hoping I could get there, but in the end the lack of roundness of the bottom end got me. Also, it would be too easy to get a sound, then lose it - or to tailor it for a venue. Finally, the volume wasn't really there either. I saw that I was running the input at 3 O'clock, the output near the same, and it was still pretty quiet. Genz-Benz Shuttle 3.0T: I'm not sure I like the amp sitting on top, the Promethean seems to be more sensible. This thing is seriously tiny too, until you plug it in. Then just WOW - the sound is there. The controls, not too complex (actually much like the Ashdown in many ways), seem to all do something useful. I can get more finger noise easily, the bass is just right and the bass control just adds more or brings it under control, the top end is musical and not that dreaded electric-y quack. I'm not sure about the tone contour buttons, but I suspect this will help to deal with odd halls and boomy stages. Oh, and it's LOUD. Certainly loud enough for me. So I bought it. Ouch. Interestingly, my son is very musical although he doesn't pay bass (yet), but he agreed with me about each amp. I'll report back after my next rehearsal and gig next weekend!
  7. Now sold, thanks
  8. Hi all, thanks to threads on the forum I bought a Bassix EUB, so now I'd like to get an amp more suited to it. As a result: For Sale: Ashdown EB15-180 - the version with LEDs for input metering. I bought this amp a few years ago and promptly switched to playing mostly guitar! As a result it's been gigged twice (we get backline provided for many gigs) and is, as a result, in absolutely as new condition. It's never even been to a rehearsal as our room has a bass amp. I also have a proper Ashdown cover for it which is included. Review here: [url="http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/bass_amplifiers/ashdown/electric_blue_15-180/index.html"]http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/bas...-180/index.html[/url] I took some pictures on my iPhone but they're terrible! I'll put some up asap. Asking £130 for the amp and cover, located in Harrow/Wembley area. Please PM me through the forum with your contact number.
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