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Everything posted by SisterAbdullahX

  1. LOVELY!! Used to own an ESP Jazz till some twat knicked it from a club in Blackpool many moons ago. I loved it and still miss it! So many nice basses for sale at the moment!! Why am I terminally down at heel!? Have a bump on me.
  2. [quote name='bassatnight' timestamp='1333481548' post='1602437'] As a fellow Buzz owner - Don't do it!! It's the best Fretless I have played!! Damn rare in the UK too! [/quote] I think you could be right!
  3. [quote name='fiatcoupe432' timestamp='1332709775' post='1592054'] why are you doing this?just keep it and save to buy the amp, you will regret this so so so much [/quote] Ha! That's what stopped me selling it before!
  4. I know! Not an easy decision! Cheers.
  5. Tentatively putting a feeler out for my gorgeous Pedulla Pentabuzz. For quickness I've put the link below to the last time I tried to sell it. Am now letting it go to fund the purchase of 2 basses, so cash only. Still want £1350 FIRM. Not prepared to let such a beauty go for less. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/131843-pedulla-pentabuzz-fretless-5-string/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/131843-pedulla-pentabuzz-fretless-5-string/page__fromsearch__1[/url]
  6. Oooh! I never did do that review, did I? Well, I've had it for 8 months now and these are my findings; The journey from the car to the gig is now done in one trip, bass in gig bag over shoulder, suit bag and bass stand in left hand, amp in right hand. Never struggled for volume on any of the gigs (mainly weddings, but some larger stage/louder shows with 5 piece band). never had the master past 10 o' clock. Strangely, the power amp clip light does seem to come on at this volume but never heard a hint of distortion and never had to go any louder. Sounds good to my ears, sometimes have to dial out a mid hump that can approach boxiness in some rooms, but that is easily done with the graphic. EQ is fine! No more complicated than it need be. Handles the low B on my Pentabuzz beautifully. Never use the Vibe control. Can't say I've heard it turn it from a Shuttle to a Bassman, seems a little too contrived sounding for me so always have it turned off. Yes, it does hiss but only annoying at bedroom levels (which is annoying!) but can't be heard at all at gig levels. Also, it has on one or two occasions had the volume drop off completely when set very low, but seemed to sort itself out with a quick turn of the master. Overall, for the money I'd say 8 out of 10. If I'd had a bit more cash to spend at the time I probably would have gone for a Streamliner 900 and a second hand neo 2x12, but I didn't and am happy with how it's performed so far. Would like to try the head with another lightweight cab, maybe a Golight 410 or a neo 212. As I said in one of the earlier posts, it arrived with slight damage to one corner of the cab and I was going to send it back. In the end I got a bit of a refund from Thomann.
  7. Have to agree with everybody else, what a lovely colour!
  8. One thing I'd like to add is that out of all the basses I've owned this had by far the best slap sound!
  9. [quote name='skin_vert' timestamp='1331311264' post='1571262'] Sorry chaps. I made a new for sale thread with these in, where they were both subsequently sold. [/quote] Bugger....
  10. [quote name='TomTom' timestamp='1331282846' post='1570626'] Well I never heard the original setup, so couldn't possibly comment, but the SD pups and J-retro make it a BEAST. The fact it's still in the condition it's in after 10 years is astonishing. You don't want it back do you? Lol I'd love it back, seeing photos of it is like seeing photos of an ex girlfriend with another bloke, and she's had some work done! Unfortunately funds won't permit. Good luck with the sale, really is a great bass. [/quote]
  11. Ooh ooh! Will the tort one fit a 62 Reissue? If so, I'll have it!
  12. [quote name='Freddie75' timestamp='1328303309' post='1525362'] Further Price drop on this beast - now only £325 - with gator case! Come on - where is the love! [/quote] Now that's what I call a deal!! Good luck and have a bump on me.
  13. Yes Jim, it is lovely! Would dearly love it but a bit more than I have to spend. Will be very jealous of whoever gets it! Have a bump on me, mate.
  14. [quote name='RichF' timestamp='1331231695' post='1570030'] great bass with at least one active thread on Items Wanted. I have the natural but think the white is the best MM. [/quote] Yeah, that was me! Unfortunately, the wife said "no".
  15. Used to be my baby! Bought it new it '03, I think. Lovely bass. Have to say I never found the original pickups to be lacking, or the original preamp "anemic"! Always sounded great to my ears. Plays and balances beautifully, even smells nice! Good luck with the sale!
  16. [quote name='bassatnight' timestamp='1327994803' post='1519911'] Just taken ownership of a fellow basschatters Pedulla Pentabuzz, had a play at the weekend in between watching Englands Cricket batting collapse and Arsenal making a meal of beating Aston Villa, but what a bass, having owned fretless Ray's a Wal and a US Jazz I was fairly open minded but the Mwwhaa factor put them all into the shade. You only have to touch the fingerboard to start her purring the tones available are fantastic, she even sounds good as an old slapper. Def the best fretless I have owned and so hard to come by in the UK. If your after the ultimate in fretless and wanting a great Mwwhha from your fretless go no further. Steve. [/quote] Good choice. I love mine. Have been tempted to sell it a few times but luckily have always come to my senses at the crucial moment! Get some pictures up, by the way!
  17. Hmmm.....as possibly one of only a very small handful of people to get the P5210 combo I'm wondering if it's rarity will mean it will hold it's price!? Not that I'm thinking of selling it....
  18. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1327998395' post='1519945'] Big +1 on Jakes quote. What about doing this?: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0sS0hhfezQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0sS0hhfezQ[/url] [/quote] For some reason I always thought Joe Hubbard was English.
  19. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1328013241' post='1520228'] Unfortunately we live in an era where younger people expect instant gratification from musical instruments without putting a lot of work into it. They probably think that just 'cos Guitar Hero or Rockband is fairly easy to learn, then the real thing can't be that hard can it....? P.S. - I've played those computer games - yeah, it's a laugh with all those coloured buttons & whatnot, but I prefer the real thing anyday. [/quote] Hey, cheers, you've just made my day by mistaking me for a young person! I know it wasn't intentional but I'll take the compliment anyway! As for the book in question, I wouldn't say from what I've scanned through that any of this can be learnt in a week, but by attempting to break the fingerings into smaller, movable forms it can move the process on a bit faster, which can't be a bad thing. There is still many a years worth of practice to be done with any method one would choose, including this one. I'm not saying it's any better or worse than any other method, I merely wondered if anyone had used it and found it useful.
  20. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1327969303' post='1519836'] There's 100 places to play notes on a 4 string, 24 fretted bass guitar. Why would you pay £88 for a book when you can use time, effort & memory? [/quote] Mike Overly Expensive??
  21. Anybody seen this? [url="http://booklens.com/mike-overly/bass-encyclomedia"]http://booklens.com/mike-overly/bass-encyclomedia[/url] At £88.00 (that's right!) it ain't cheap, but as a way of learning the neck it looks very comprehensive. If you scroll down the sample pages you'll see what I mean.
  22. Sterling work boys, thanks again!
  23. Cheers all! One last thing, is a receipt from the seller accepted as proof of purchase price by HMRC?
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