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Everything posted by SisterAbdullahX

  1. Hey! here's a clip I made of me playing Joe Farrell's lovely flute solo from Chick Corea's tune "Friends" from the album of the same name on my Yamaha BB. It ain't perfect but it's as close as I could get! Enjoy!
  2. Yeah, I agree. Rob is fantastic.
  3. Woah! Haven't seen one of those before! So that's a "not for export" model, then? I'll have to have a look around. Cheers.
  4. The BB X's have scratch plates though?
  5. My understanding, which is quite possibly wrong, is that the 3000s has a 38mm nut width and the 3000 42mm.
  6. Edited this post as it was meandering just to say.... is there a Japanese made BB which is the same as the BB3000s (1.5" nut, matching headstock/body colour, no scratch plate, Jazz and P pickups) but has a bolt on rather than through neck?
  7. Ahh, once again, something that I could quite fancy is about as far away from me as it could be.... Have you put rope lights in there, by the way?? GLWTS
  8. Skezza, is that my old Warmoth Jazz in your profile pic??
  9. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1508748888' post='3394085'] I like mine super low. The G string is lowest and the E a tiny bit higher to give a better slap. I play very lightly so there is no buzz, but a delicious clank when digging in. Here you can see the G and I’ve had to magnify it so much you can see the discolouration where the string hits the fret, invisible to the naked eye. The neck has to be dead straight to achieve this, which is why I like my Vigiers, but not every Vigier I’ve tried is able to do it quite so well. My little Wingbass also has a flat fingerboard because it’s got no truss rod either, the board is flat glued to the body which is a single cut shape. As a result it’s also extremely low - maybe lower, in fact... will see if I can get a pic later. [url=https://ibb.co/bza5GR][/url] [/quote] As a former Vigier Passion ll owner (#312 if memory serves me correctly) I can vouch for how low an action you can get on them. The wide flat frets seemed to help with the feel as well. That bass had the best neck of any four string I've owned or played, it was gorgeous.
  10. Had a guitarist years ago answer an ad for a club band I was in. I took an instant dislike to him, absolutely full of himself, pain in the arse to spend even five minutes with. He turned up to a few gigs with his wife before his audition in an attempt to ingratiate himself further and give himself what he thought would be a head start over the other prospective candidates. I remember him standing with his wife talking to the bandleader about the bandleader's holiday and saying "me and the wife love it there, we should all go there together next year!" I made my feelings clear about him early on but the bandleader wanted to give him a try. He was given three or four songs to learn with about two weeks to learn them. We set up during the day at this club so he and another chap could come and audition. I remember dreading it. Gets to the time he was due to arrive, no show...half an hour goes by, still no sign, bandleader phones him and he says he's lost, even though this was a particularly well known venue, about an hour goes by before he bursts in, again with his wife, pissed and stinking of beer, all flustered. Rushes to get his gear in then to my absolute delight puts in the worst audition performance I think I've ever heard, clearly did next to zero preparation, could hardly make it through a song without making the most horrendous bum-note laden racket. It was a joy to watch! He then tried to say "no no, I just need to get myself together, give me another try" to which the drummer and myself got up and walked out the room. He at least had the good grace to have left before we came back. He still had the cheek to phone the bandleader a few days later to beg for another try! What a wally!
  11. Ah! Can see them now!
  12. Struggling to see the compression driver!
  13. No photos!
  14. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1416558091' post='2611372'] I've always preferred the John East preamps, or if you have an interest in something a bit different the filter preamps are very cool. These are a good introduction to the breed: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/249328-acg-eq02-pre-amp-recently-serviced-healthchecked-by-john-east/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/249328-acg-eq02-pre-amp-recently-serviced-healthchecked-by-john-east/[/url] [/quote] A few years ago I built a Warmoth Jazz and was just about to get an East Deluxe when I read a few reviews of the filter based preamp so went for that instead. I thought it was a bloody nightmare! Granted, it could do way more than a standard Bass/Treble active but the controls were so sensitive moving one a maggot's eyelash made a big difference. The frequency range on it was incredible but that just meant the majority of sounds were unusable, and could I buggery get it to just sound like a Jazz! I swapped it for an Audere which I wasn't knocked out with either so I sold the bass and got a passive Jazz.
  15. [quote name='Meypelnek' timestamp='1507761651' post='3387867'] Haha. And what a fool I was to let it go. Miss it, really. Cheers! [/quote] My SB5000 is going nowhere!
  16. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1507637183' post='3386878'] If its bass amps, i'll hang on to my Carvin BX1600 for another 45 years and it'll be a vintage must have for mucho moolah [/quote] I'll do the same with my B1500!
  17. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1507674218' post='3387237'] Are you sure you want 1mm veneer? For the bass I defretted a few years ago 0.6mm veneer was a good fit in the slots. [/quote] You could be right there, I think a bit under 1mm will be needed, I would like them to fit snuggly and expect I'll have to sand them down to the correct thickness.
  18. I naturally gravitated to muting with my little and third fingers and keeping my thumb on the E string when playing the D and G strings, it kind of happens without me having to think about it. I must admit I find it hampers me when playing fast alternate fingers on the D and G so have started trying to move my thumb to the A string. I'm having to work at it as it doesn't come naturally to me, I'm conscious of thinking "move thumb now" every time I go to or from higher strings, but can play faster runs easier.
  19. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1507580341' post='3386562'] Couldn't you use thinned down matches? The red ends would make great position markers and if lit during the gig, would aid finger positioning too..... Being more serious, I used Veneers Online who don't appear to have an eBay listing now but do still have a website. I think a piece of veneer cost me £2.10 or something daft. [/quote] Why didn't I think of that!😂 Great, I'll have a look at Veneers Online. Thanks for that!
  20. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1507577200' post='3386508'] A proper hardwood veneer or plastic card would be better than wood filler, as wood filler can simply compress under string tension. Wood filler also tends to make for a messier look, especially when it is a contrasting colour and is smooshed into the areas of wood chipped out when the fret tangs are pulled up through the surface. In short, this look: [/quote] Yes, that's not the look I'm going for!
  21. Apparently it's just the pro-audio division which separated from Carvin, so Carvin and Keisel guitars and basses not effected. Not sure if bass amps effected or just the p.a. gear.
  22. As an owner of one of their great basses and bass amps I can truly say this is a sad day! https://www.facebook.com/carvinaudio/posts/1208629359280670
  23. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1507324426' post='3384848'] Ebay search for "1mm veneer" didn't dissapoint. [/quote] It did last week!
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