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Everything posted by SisterAbdullahX

  1. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='422866' date='Mar 2 2009, 03:15 AM']try allparts, wdmusic or, in the states, stewmac[/quote] Cheers. Tried 'em all. They all sell the same one that I got from Warmoth! Bugger!
  2. [quote name='Shockwave' post='419080' date='Feb 25 2009, 10:27 AM']Hey guys. Just got myself a bit of a bargain on a Roland DB-900. Which i will be picking up tommorow. Tried one a few years ago and loved it, But couldnt afford the 1000 quid price tag. And now i cant remember how it sounded! For the uninitiated its a 7 speaker combo. 4x10 passive 2/12 and a tweeter. I have read the harmony-central reviews, but would also like basschatter opinions on them. Cheers![/quote] I had (in fact, still have, at the repairers) a DB700 and it was a brilliant sounding thing until it packed up, requiring a 250 quid repair. My only gripe with it was that it didn't have the power to fill a loud stage, but the sound of the 15" and the horn was lovely. I fancied the 900 myself a few years ago but, like you said, it was a grand to buy, and boy, it's heavy!!
  3. Anyone know where I can get a Fender football side jack socket, as fitted to the Jazz Deluxe series, If not original Fender, then something like? It's to fit on my Warmoth Jazz. Bought one from Warmoth but it doesn't fit the profile of the Jazz body (brilliant, eh!?) and it isn't flexible at all. The one on my Jazz Deluxe 5 would do the job as it's a lot thinner, therefore more flexible than the Warmoth. Need to find one as I don't want to fit an electro socket cos I want to use a right-angled jack.
  4. [quote name='NJE' post='421584' date='Feb 28 2009, 11:18 AM']Apologies if this has already been posted, I did do a search and found nothing. Stevie Wonder at the whitehouse with the always superb Nate Watts on bass. Also some guest appearences including the amazing Esperanza Spalding. The link is also available at Sadowsky website. Enjoy: [url="http://www.pbs.org/inperformanceatthewhitehouse/"]http://www.pbs.org/inperformanceatthewhitehouse/[/url][/quote] Stevie is God.
  5. [quote name='bottomfeed' post='405919' date='Feb 11 2009, 01:21 AM']a Jedson bass at 13.... it was sh*te!....looked like this: ...followed by an [b]Audition bass[/b] from Woolies!... it was 'shop soiled' (string missing & ding in scratchplate) so I managed to haggle with the shopkeep from £26 to a tenner!....was well chuffed! ... anyone have a pic of an Audition bass?[/quote] Heh-heh!! This was my first bass as well. Mine was white. My was also sh*te!
  6. [quote name='damo200sx' post='397122' date='Feb 1 2009, 07:21 PM']Mine was a Hobbs Music 4 string bass I traded it for a cheap Columbus Les Paul copy in 1990. I believe they were for the Hobbs music shop in Lancaster but could be wrong. It looked like a Matsumoku made bass with precision pickups, stained finish through neck. It was quite nice as I remember. Started playing because the bigger boys were better guitar players and I wanted to be in a band![/quote] Jedson Telecaster, shortscale. Bloody awful. Rangemaster all valve combo. Both bought second hand for my 10th birthday. I wanted a camera but my older brother convinced me that I wanted to be a bass player! Traded the Jedson in for a Hondo II Rickenbacker 4001 copy when I was in my Geddy Lee phase. This lasted me a good few years, then this was traded in for a Westone Thunder 1A, then this made way for my first "proper" bass, an ESP Jazz, which some twat stole off me.
  7. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='417825' date='Feb 23 2009, 08:39 PM']yes, but tell her you MUST have a custom bass, coz some of your mates on BassChat have them [/quote] Haha!! Top advice, my friend!
  8. [quote name='lonestar' post='415864' date='Feb 20 2009, 11:10 PM']Sister abdullahX now yo can really gwan express yo'sel! That is going to be one hell of a mammie nun.[/quote] Heh-heh! You just gotta love Frank.
  9. [quote name='zigmondo' post='413142' date='Feb 18 2009, 03:24 PM'][url="http://www.pbase.com/doverow/acg_harlot_s"]Here[/url] A raftload of pics of this beauty at my gallery above. No soundclips as yet as I'm recording; these'll follow in a few weeks. If any of you fancy hearing what I do on a small guitar, feel free to give me a listen here: [url="http://mychristianbands.com/Shaun_Reeder/"]Shaun Reeder[/url][/quote] Absolutely awesome.
  10. [quote name='stunbass' post='408384' date='Feb 13 2009, 11:21 AM']Yupp.... had my Tulipwood Evolution for 6+ years.... most versatile Bass I.... have had.... am never disappointed with it in any way. They put out what you put in.....the neutrality of the tone puts some people off admittedly, but this that the sound is completely processable at your amp..... further electronic adjustment is via trim-pots inside the cavity, If you need a bit more "Sturm and Drang" or "slice and dice".... this helps to personalise the instrument output etc... to your needs.[/quote] Years ago, when I was in my first "proper" band, I had the use of a Chris & Andy's bass, which I believe was the forerunner to Overwater. It had a Jazz shaped body and a Bill Lawrence Music Man style pickup and MM scratchplate. I believe it had a bound and blocked fingerboard as well. It was red with a red headstock! It was great. The thing I remember most about it was it had thin frets at the bottom of the neck, graduating to wide flat frets in the higher register. I was told at the time that this was supposed to aid intonation. I would imagine they're very rare! Anyone else seen one?
  11. [quote name='chris_b' post='324705' date='Nov 8 2008, 10:36 AM']I don't think there are good or bad years, but there are good and bad basses in every year and in some years Fender have produced more of one than the other!! But why bother to try harder when they all get sold anyway! This discussion has been going on for 40 years! Even by the late 60's it was known that you had to be careful or you could buy a duff Fender bass. Everyone played them because they were better than the competition but even then pre-CBS Fenders were already sought after and pricey![/quote] Your avatar scares the sh*t out of me.
  12. [quote name='deksawyer' post='415892' date='Feb 20 2009, 11:50 PM']I'm loving mine now after a bit of a shakey start. When I bought it from Alan a while ago, I thought it would be a competitor to my Wal circuit, but in reality it doesn't come close. However, when approached as a preamp in its own right, I now find it works extremely well and I wouldn't change it for the world. Believe it or not it's in a £100 no name jazz bass, with Bartolinis and a BadAss II and an action so low you'd struggle to get a teenage pube between the strings and the fretboard. I love this bass!!!. I really don't think this preamp is for everyone, but I'd say if it stirs your interest, then give it a go. You never know............ D.[/quote] Ordering mine next week!
  13. [quote name='edstraker123' post='414601' date='Feb 19 2009, 06:51 PM']Just debating the merits of buying another bass with my wife who cannot understand why I need another one I currently have 4 and an acoustic and the same number of guitars but I bet this is a modest collection compared to some other basschatters. Please can somebody else tell me how many guitars they have in their collections so I can prove that it is not an obsession and is quite normal ![/quote] I have 3 basses, one of which I use all the time, one which is half built and one which was my #1 for fifteen years but needs TLC. Like any of us, I would spend all of my disposable income (which ain't much!) on more basses/amps/cabs/effects. However, we've just booked our wedding day for next year. Even if we're really careful it'll cost us 10 grand FOR ONE DAY! And no matter how careful we start out, it won't be long before she tells me that she MUST have a chocolate fountain, cos her best mate had one at her wedding. So we need to start saving. She's just told me she will spend the 500 quid I need to finish off the half built one, then every penny after that goes to the wedding. Should I still marry her!?
  14. [quote name='sshorepunk' post='415448' date='Feb 20 2009, 03:44 PM']That looks nice, should be killer with that p/up - pre combo. What colour is that body, I know it's a white, but which one? I got me a buttercream ray and an off white sei, but I avoid hite socks T[/quote] very wise. It's called Vintage White, but lets face it, off white is off white, whatever it's called. Think i might have had a re-think on the pre, sorely tempted by the ACG/East EQ02 filter based baby.
  15. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='396298' date='Jan 31 2009, 06:09 PM']I fitted one to my Sei 6 last year, it originally had a normal John East pre fitted to it, the change made an already fantastic bass something that really can't be bettered, and I mean that, I've tried many basses since, and my Sei is by far the best. I'm having a new Sei built at the moment, a fretless 6, that's going to have an East/ACG pre fitted to it too, possibly with Q-tuners.[/quote] I thought the J-Retro Deluxe was the way to go, and having waited ages to get one, I now find out about the ACG. Now I'm confused! You've had 'em both, which way should I go? Have to say that the blurb for the ACG makes it sound fairly confusing to use, is it easy to dial up a great sound, and more importantly, is it easy to dial up a bad sound? I would be looking to get the 4 knob Jazz plate ACG to fit to a Warmoth Jazz with Nordstrand NJ4SE's.
  16. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' post='412589' date='Feb 17 2009, 11:31 PM']Great news! Thanks to the generosity of my good wife I can finally finish My Warmoth Jazz. It's been hanging around in it's present state for nearly two years, due to financial constraints, but she's just offered to buy the Nordstrand NS4SE pickups and East-Uk J-Retro Deluxe preamp in 2 or 3 weeks time. Hurrah! Finished pictures to follow....[/quote] .....I mean Nordstrand NJ4SE's, of course.
  17. Great news! Thanks to the generosity of my good wife I can finally finish My Warmoth Jazz. It's been hanging around in it's present state for nearly two years, due to financial constraints, but she's just offered to buy the Nordstrand NS4SE pickups and East-Uk J-Retro Deluxe preamp in 2 or 3 weeks time. Hurrah! Finished pictures to follow....
  18. [quote name='Bassmonster' post='164738' date='Mar 27 2008, 08:05 PM']Ok, PC has been down for the past couple of days....new central heating was getting installed, total f*****g nightmare, but anyway got the PC back up and running checked my mail and this was sitting in my inbox, [/quote] Makes a mess getting ch installed, doesn't it? I should know, that's what I do.
  19. [quote name='BeLow' post='104271' date='Dec 14 2007, 12:46 PM']Unusually I showed great forethought and ordered two shukers at once. Saved considerably on travel time! Great looking spec btw - I'm sure you are going to love it - although the dilemma of which to play? [/quote] I'm gonna try that one...."That's right, Love, I ordered TWO! No no, it makes more sense, it cuts down on the travel time! Love, what you doing with that knife!!??
  20. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='329371' date='Nov 14 2008, 07:59 PM']Am seriously thinking of all blacking my black Spitfire.[/quote] Don't do it!!
  21. [quote name='ped' post='329215' date='Nov 14 2008, 04:11 PM']Am I the only one who finds 'stealth' basses a bit TOO black?? I think this looks very nice as it is! ped[/quote] Yeah, I agree. Stay with chrome. It looks a lot classier, IMO.
  22. [quote name='agoulding' post='341444' date='Nov 30 2008, 09:38 PM']where can i find these? i cant find dealers on the internet or anything and im probobally a hundred miles away from a shop that stock them! knowing my luck im one of those who has a complete inability to use a search engine properly. anyone know anything i could look at?[/quote] You can buy them from the States on e-bay. Obviously you won't be able to try them first though.
  23. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='346728' date='Dec 5 2008, 07:03 PM']I recall a link to a Billy Sheehan vid from another thread in which he states that the bass he uses is the off the shelf signature model, no special gubbins or woods, exactly what you'd get if you bought one. Has to be applauded, even if he is a scientologist [/quote] Billy is a scientologist, is he? Oh no. My heart just sank!
  24. [quote name='Golchen' post='362104' date='Dec 23 2008, 04:09 PM']Any bass designs that really turn you off? I love the Status classic shape, but I REALLY don't like either the Kingbass shape or the newer Streamline. I know that they are great basses, but if I won either they would be straight on eBay with barely a pluck in anger. I find both unpleasant to look at! Another one for me is the GB rumour. It's supposed to have a womans curves, but I prefer my women with a little less ass! It makes me think of one of those chubby assed women in a renaissance painting rather than a curvaceous babe. If I had a GB I'd go 100% for the Spitfire. In no way am I knocking these superb instruments, many people have them and many love and admire them. This is just a totally personal opinion on aesthetics and not intended to offend. Any designs that you lot don't like???[/quote] I'm with you on the Rumour/Spitfire.
  25. [quote name='birdy' post='361625' date='Dec 23 2008, 01:18 AM']I change gear 'quite a lot' Since January when I bought my IP112 and EX112 extension cab it has been the one constant that I have kept. I have a Summit Audio TD100 which is great and really warms things up but I think it is more effective with passive basses. I have a Berg HS 210 which I often pair with the IP112 when I want to fill more of the room and it sounds great as well. I have recently bought an EBS preamp for a change of tone and it sounds awesome as well. Overall I am incredibly happy with the setup that I now have. Yes its expensive but it works so well for me as we are quite often limited on space when we travel. In addition I can use the IP112 stand alone for home use. Re) the volume control being at the back as Machines mentioned above what I do is just turn it to full and then use the volume on the preamp to control the volume which seems to work fine for me. Hope this helps! Steve[/quote] Cheers, Steve. I bet that beautiful GB Spitfire sounds awesome through it!!
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