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Everything posted by SisterAbdullahX

  1. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='109834' date='Dec 27 2007, 12:26 PM']I had the solid state version for a while, they're well made but the EQ is very weird, all of the controls interact with one another. I wasn't too keen on the compressor either. I just bought a Demeter which is fantastic.[/quote] Thank you for that my friend.
  2. Anyone out there got a BBE Bmax-T? Would like to hear some thoughts....
  3. Anyone out there have an SWR Henry the 8x8? Heard good reports about there punchiness/volume. Would love to hear a few opinions. Is the horn any good or is it the usual "granny knitting a jumper" clickiness that seems to plague so many bass cabs these days? Reliable? Anyone know of any used ones for sale?
  4. [quote name='jwbassman' post='69481' date='Oct 4 2007, 11:57 AM']Talking of mini rigs - i've just put together my first... Preamp - BBE Bmax T (modded and with 5751 valve - thanks Dave) Power amp - Alesis RA300 (at the moment - subject to change) Epifani UL112 - (Bought from kjb - thanks Kevin) Sounds great to me and an easy lift - the cab is so light and the 3U shallow rack is very manageable *mental note to self must post some pictures Until now I've used a variety of combos - carlsbro, peavy, trace (with 2x10 extension). EA iAmp200 and sound wise this little set up is a good if not better than all of them. The EA was easily the most portable but not by much. Mini rigs.. they're the future [/quote] Interested in the BBE Bmax T and would love to hear your honest opinion of it. Do you use the BBE process? Good comp and eq? Quiet? Good aftersales? Should I buy one!!??
  5. [quote name='jwbassman' post='90168' date='Nov 18 2007, 10:45 AM']+1 on a great resource... I recently changed my gigging set up to include a valve pre and went for a BBE Bmax T. Using an active bass I was getting an unwanted distortion so I sent the unit to OBBM who very kindly modded it to reduce the input gain (removed some components, replaced a couple of others) and also sugggested I try a JAN 5751 valve in there - the stock valve (GTECC83) was quiet harsh to my ears - and what a difference the lower gain valve made, so much smoother and warmer and souned great. I've also just 'invested' in a Demeter VTP201S for my studio rack and was contemplating which valves I should use in that - I'm obviously keen to try a couple of Mullards to see what all the fuss is about but would be happy to use the JAN 5751's again. I'm also interested by the lower gain Mullard the ECC81 - guess it's all a bit of trial and error, until you find something that works for you - but this thread has given me a great heads up so many thanks... [/quote] I'm interested in the Bmax T myself. How are you getting on with yours? You spoke about the distortion problem. Did BBE do the mod for free and what were they like to deal with? Do you find the BBE process makes a difference to your sound? Is the eq and compressor any good? (Heard that the comp is great). What amp and cab combination do you use? Basically, should I buy one!?
  6. [quote name='ped' post='106006' date='Dec 18 2007, 04:02 PM']Probably this one for lots of reasons - been through a fair bit with this one, it has seen off basses from all corners of the globe and I don't think I have owned another bass for as long as this one! I have been playing its 5 string sister almost exclusively since I got it though - I think the 5 string is more 'me' at the moment, it is probably even better to play and is a 'better' example of the breed, but there is an undeniable beauty about this scarred and beaten slab which I know the sound of inside out, live and in the studio. It is the bass equivalent of sleeping in your own bed. Realistically though I would probably be consumed in the fire as I frantically try to save the other two and my amp - and of course my staffie! Doubt she would help me out though, always looking after #1 she is!![/quote] You like your Vigiers, and I'm glad to see it! There doesn't seem to be many of us about. I own a see through red 1983 or 84 Passion (full carbon graphite neck), serial number 213, which was my main bass for 15 years. The neck is just the best I've had my hands on. It was bought on a friends recommendation after my then #1, an ESP Jazz, was stolen. I absolutely love it and would never consider selling it. The only reason it ain't my #1 now is because the finish has pretty much peeled off and the bridge pickup has packed up. Was told by engineers on many an occasion that it was the best recording bass they'd heard. They really are a much underrated bass. I really have to spend some money on it and return it to former glories. So good on yer for having such good taste!
  7. That's a toughie, cos like most I like em all for different reasons, but would probably have to plump for my Fender Jazz Bass V Deluxe (black with maple fingerboard) cos it is just so comfortable to play, sounds great and looks so cool that I had to buy it as soon as I saw it hanging up on the shop wall, even though I was only browsing! And if not that then, though I would have to start a new thread entiltled "Which stolen bass do you miss the most?" I would have to say my all time true love was an ESP Jazz with EMG's on it, stolen from a club in Blackpool about 13 years ago. Still upsets me when I see photos and hope the bastard who knicked it either appreciates what he got or has contracted cancer by now. Scum.
  8. [quote name='birdy' post='105682' date='Dec 18 2007, 01:04 AM']The topic on how many basses do we own collectively and seeing some people with a lot got me thinking as to if you had to choose ONE only to keep out of your current crop which would it be and why? Imagine all your basses are in your house/flat and a fire is ravaging through it. All humans and pets are safe and as you escape yourself you can save any ONE of your basses. Which would it be and why? Would you save the most valuable, a sentimental one perhaps? I'll start - I would without doubt save my Sadowsky Metro. I have two other more expensive basses but the Sadowsky gets the job done all the time whether recording or gigging with no hassle and is a joy to play. Steve[/quote]
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