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Bass Culture

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Posts posted by Bass Culture

  1. On 24/02/2018 at 10:39, Deedee said:

    Any excuse to post a pic of my beloved 250 SMX.  It doesn’t matter which class D heads I try (and some of them are pretty good), none of them come close to classic TE 😎



  2. I play lined.  If it was good enough for Jaco it's good enough for me!  Actually I did start playing fretless when the aforesaid My Pastorius was still with us and as it was he who was responsible and played a lined bass himself it really never occurred to me that such a thing as an unlined fretless might exist.  I like lines and I've tried a few unlined over the years anbd didn;t 'click' with them.  Guess I'm too set in my ways now to change, even though the lines themselves are usually in the fret positions and therefore slightly 'out' the higher you go up the fret board.

    • Like 1
  3. Include me in! I'll bring: 

    • Zoot Custom passive 4 fretted, medium scale
    • Zoot Custom active 4 fretless, medium scale
    • Barefaced 110
    • Barefaced BB2 Gen 3 (if I've not sold it by then)
    • Oh, and the Valeton rip-off of a Tech 21 Flyrig

    Looking forward to it.



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  4. We all know the quality of Dave's instrument, speaker and other music related cables - he probably doesn't get as much repeat custom as he should because the things last forever in the first place!  However, as a bit of a Hi-Fi fan I was looking recently for audio interconnects, specifically a small 'extension' to the integrated one from my turntable.  After googling a couple of custom options online and being putting off by the accompanying 'boutique' prices I had a light bulb moment and contacted Dave - OBBM.  Not only was he willing to take on the job but he also recommended a cable with impressive specs that compared very favourably to other custom options I'd found.  They turned up yesterday, made to Dave's usual, exemplary standards, and will be thoroughly put through their paces this weekend.  Dave remains my first port of call for cables - now with regard to ANY cable I might need.

  5. 1 hour ago, Bridgehouse said:

    Yes, pretty much exactly. 

    Except the FRFR could also do a lot more things too..

    But how much more do we need it to do?  Due to the advances in PA technology many of us now no longer need backline to enable the audience to hear us, as we do that through the PA; we simply need to hear ourselves on stage, and often at as low a volume as possible to avoid microphone bleed.  I grant you the FRFR is a really neat solution and provides for the appropriate monitoring angle too, but a small tilt-back combo or tilted back amp/1x10" (for example) would do the same thing.  Wouldn't it?  At the end of the day we just want to plug in to something and be able to hear what we're playing.  As bass players we've benefited more than most from Class D and advances in speaker design enabling us to get rid of the weight and size of kit we might have needed 30 years ago.  Is this not just taking it to somewhat obsessive extremes?  

    And please - I'm not trying to wind anyone up here, it's a quite genuine question.  Hell, if there's a multitude of convincing responses I might even end up considering a FRFR myself! :)

  6. 3 hours ago, gazzatriumph said:

    When I bought my footswitch a couple of years ago it was £75, the prices for TC stuff has gone up a lot due to there now being a distributor involved rather than shops being able to purchase direct from TC. In May 15 my RH750 and RS210 C cost £1050 its now around £1400.

    Yes, I bought my RH750 in the Summer of 2015 and it cost me £635. Cheapest I see them now is about £750. Mind you, they’ve been dearer too - prices seem to go up and down like a yo-yo!

  7. Excellent choice.  They're great amps.  Sold my RH450 to go to a Trace head, got fed up with the weight and came back to a RH750.  Very happy with it.  And it includes some tools that are actually useful in the 'real world' - tuner and top class compressor to name but two.


  8. 23 hours ago, stu77 said:

    yeah, i get you i just thought it's not like anyone would hold back for any reason in telling me the details straight away (though not a peep yet) but the clincher is ONLY they would be able to ID it. i gave paul at wal the serial number to check out but i asked that he please not divulge any build details for the very same reason but if anyone at all can throw some light on this then maybe he can at least tell me the original owner and see if they can add anything (or if recently deceased, though morbid perhaps,  at least that would be a clue). i'm getting new ideas to try everyday so i'll pursue it further and i may be wrong in my approach here but i'm just going by what i feel is best at the moment.

    Maybe some partial information to encourage someone who might, just might have parted with it in ignorance to think again - the area of the country it was purchased in, perhaps; number of strings; colour of fingerboard, something which would still need an awful of dots joined to definitely ID it?

  9. In the words of Britney Spears, 'Oops...I did it again'! and succumbed to this perverse desire I have every once in a while to buy pedals when I don't actually use any FX. In this way I have been through over the years Zoom B9.1 ut and B3 as well as a Boss multi I can't remember the model of. I've got neither the patience or need for the arsenal of magic any of these had any their hoods. These two TC's were the latest acquisition when I kind of convinced myself separates was the way to go - inconveniently forgetting that, whether they were individual units or one multi-fx pedal, I DON'T NEED FX! (When will I learn?!).

    Don't get me wrong, these sound great. I've spent time with them, found a variety of sounds that really appeal...I just can't find a place where they're appropriate in the occasional set of pop covers that constitutes my gigging life these days. Please, someone, buy them and give them some exercise!

    First up the highly regarded [u][b]Corona Chorus +[/b][/u] - this one is the Limited Edition version (only 2,000 units produced! - hey, it's actually collectible! :) ). When I was a youngster I actually did use a lot of Chorus on my fretless...all the time, in fact, and had a Boss CE-2 for the purpose. This is one of the few I've tried since that sounds as good. Has the Toneprint thing too (wasted on me) and three settings for Chorus, Tone print & Tri Chorus. All three are very usable and sound great - organic, musical and rich. Pedal is in good condition, complete with box, stickers and cable. No velcro and it looks as though the little pads have gone walkabout - didn't notice that when I bought it. SOLD

    [url="https://flic.kr/p/Xco6Pj"][/url][url="https://flic.kr/p/Xco6Pj"]P9060059[/url] by [url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/153103903@N07/"]Mark Newman[/url], on Flickr
    [url="https://flic.kr/p/XeM6pH"][/url][url="https://flic.kr/p/XeM6pH"]P9060060[/url] by [url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/153103903@N07/"]Mark Newman[/url], on Flickr

    Next up, the formidable [u][b]TC Sub 'n' Up Octaver[/b][/u], which offers, 2 octaves down and 1 octave up, all individually mixable. Again, Toneprint enabled and switchable for 'Poly; Toneprint and Classic'. Sounds brilliant, to be honest and does loads of really interesting sounds that will never find a place in any of the crap covers bands I'm ever going to play with. In good condition - boxed and cable all there. No velcro (carefully removed by your truly.). SOLD

    [url="https://flic.kr/p/Xco6Gf"][/url][url="https://flic.kr/p/Xco6Gf"]P9060061[/url] by [url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/153103903@N07/"]Mark Newman[/url], on Flickr
    [url="https://flic.kr/p/XeM6dF"][/url][url="https://flic.kr/p/XeM6dF"]P9060062[/url] by [url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/153103903@N07/"]Mark Newman[/url], on Flickr

    Thanks for looking, you lovely people. Pics show a lot of dust btw - neither pedal is a marked as they might look.

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