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Bass Culture

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Everything posted by Bass Culture

  1. [quote name='bassjamm' timestamp='1470140607' post='3103513'] What scale length is it please? Not sure what "medium scale" is. [/quote] Hi Bassjam, scale length is 32" - a winning compromise between 34" long scale and 30" short scale, I found.
  2. BUMP for pre-weekend price drop. As mentioned I'm happy to consider two of three staged payments if that helps but as the price is getting into 'cutting off my nose to spite my face' territory I'll likely pull it for a while and leave in its gig bag under the bed for a few months if I don't have any takers. Thanks all. BC
  3. Now sold and EAD's ACG collection is now just that little bit bigger.
  4. Bump. Been offered a few trades on this so, to clarify, this is sale only please.
  5. Having recently taken delivery of my new Custom Zoot 32" scale I thought I'd drop Rotosound a line this morning asking if they had any plans to introduce more choice in their - very limited - short and medium scale sets, especially seeing as shorter scale basses generally seem to be getting more popular. Received a very nice email back confirming that they did indeed have "plans to expand our short and medium scale sets sometime this year". The market speaks, suppliers listen - great news, say I!
  6. Well I never thought I’d do this but as I’m currently band-less and have recently taken delivery of a Zoot Custom I am putting my lovely ACG Custom Finn 4 up for sale. I’ve owned this for about three years and it is every bit as good as Alan’s legion of fans attest about their own basses. This is number 108, is a 33" scale (great compromise between tone and playability) and I am supplying it with its original neck (as shown on Alan’s website) and a new neck I asked Alan to build me with a 16” radius, wenge fingerboard and EVO fretwire about 18 months ago. This means if anyone wanted to try an ACG but had misgivings about the standard flat fingerboard they can try it to see if they get on with it but swap for something just a bit more traditional if they prefer. The spec is as follows:[list] [*][font=Symbol]· [/font]Spalt Maple top, Purpleheart accent, Black Walnut body. [*]· 5 piece Wenge/Maple neck with Pearloid bound Acrylic Impregnated Purpleheart board. No radius; 33″ scale with Banjo fret wire; 38mm nut [*]· Second neck: 3 piece maple and purpleheart, wenge board with 16” radius. EVO fretwire; 38mm nut [*]· ACG RFB with Series/Single coil switching [*]· ACG EQ02 4K/S filter pre-amp [*]· Hipshot Type A Ultralite tuners [*]· Dunlop dual design straplocks [*]Satin finish [/list] And a link to the page on Alan's website with further photos in its original guise: [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0108-finn-4-string/"]http://www.acguitars...-finn-4-string/[/url] [url="https://postimage.org"][/url][url="https://postimage.org/"]photo upload sites[/url] [url="https://postimg.org/image/kqeckurhf/"][/url][url="https://postimage.org/app.php"]windows screenshot[/url] [url="https://postimage.org"][/url][url="https://postimage.org/"]upload gambar[/url] [url="https://postimage.org"][/url][url="https://postimage.org/"]upload gambar[/url] This is a beautiful bass but needs to find a home where it will be played. I hope I’ve priced realistically and fairly for a quick sale as it includes the second neck. Delivery will be extra and I can include if desired a Hiscox hard shell case for an extra £50. Can also deliver within reason for petrol money. Anyone wishes to give it a trial is welcome to pay a visit to Bass Culture Towers in sunny Chester, where tea will be available. My feedback: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/43960-feedback-for-bass-culture/page__p__2841896__hl__bass%20culture__fromsearch__1#entry2841896"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry2841896[/url]
  7. [quote name='spiltmilk_2000' timestamp='1469261515' post='3096977'] Simply stunning! Can't wait until it's my turn to make a collection from mike but won't be until close to Christmas. The wait is killing me already. Looking forward to reading your full review! [/quote] Ooh. what's the spec for yours? Do share!
  8. [quote name='Ian Davies' timestamp='1469213340' post='3096771'] Great looking bass, good luck with the sale! [/quote] Thank you - sounds pretty impressive too.
  9. [quote name='Harryburke14' timestamp='1469214760' post='3096784'] Only *almost* a work of art? [/quote] Actually, it's the real thing close up! I'm truly in awe of people with this level of skill. The build quality is breath taking.
  10. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1469214714' post='3096783'] Stunning. How's the neck? [/quote] Fantastic actually. Profile is a soft 'V' and - I don't know how - but Mike's got it as close to a Wal fretless that was owned by a friend of mine which I played maybe 35 years ago as I've tried since. Very comfortable and the V is a subtle reference point for your thumb. Superb and incredibly fast. Did you try it in his workshop? If so I have you to thank for not taking any more off because it's perfect as it is.
  11. Mike's gearing up to increase his output again, I understand. He's still most certainly active and capable of turning out basses like this, which I picked up yesterday from him: [URL=http://s120.photobucket.com/user/Myrtle2014/media/Zoot%20Custom/WP_20160722_09_23_39_Pro_zpseldsho1h.jpg.html][IMG]http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o168/Myrtle2014/Zoot%20Custom/WP_20160722_09_23_39_Pro_zpseldsho1h.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  12. Bump for special added instalment purchase plan option for interested buyers.
  13. [quote name='spiltmilk_2000' timestamp='1469200078' post='3096614'] Well? Did you pick it up? How is it? Where are the pictures??? Can't wait to see... [/quote] I did - just got back in the last hour after battling with car park that is the M6 on a Friday afternoon. It was worth it though. When I arrived yesterday afternoon Mike took me into his workshop where the bass was waiting to be collected, innocently lying on the (protected) worktop. My jaw just dropped and I just stood there smiling like an idiot for several seconds. I had no idea it would turn out this good: [URL=http://s120.photobucket.com/user/Myrtle2014/media/Zoot%20Custom/WP_20160722_09_23_39_Pro_zpseldsho1h.jpg.html][IMG]http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o168/Myrtle2014/Zoot%20Custom/WP_20160722_09_23_39_Pro_zpseldsho1h.jpg[/IMG][/URL] And then, once I closed my mouth, we plugged it and gave it a listen. I'd taken my TC RH750 and we plugged into one of Mike's Zoot cabs which, he mentioned only afterwards, had a damaged driver. Even so it sounded simply fantastic. It's got the weight and character of a passive bass with the note definition and focus of an active bass. And it honks and growls like a beast. I'll do a NBD and proper review in a couple of weeks because if I write it now it will just be a list of superlatives! To say I'm overwhelmed though is an understatement. It's not only a fantastic player's bass, it's also almost a work of art.
  14. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1466787628' post='3078881'] However, on a slightly different note, I found this on the Public-Peace website, a rather nice piece of laid-back funk [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byV-mCaGNak[/media] [/quote] Like the music but hate the 'I'm feelin' it' hand gestures that someone's sold all soul and funk singers out there. Right out of the Janet and John book of stage presentation and - for me - mitigates against connecting emotionally with the song. Hate, hate, hate it!
  15. Officially excited now I've received the confirmed invite from Mike to pick up my new bass tomorrow. Okay, so it means a 500-odd mile round trip to Colchester from Chester but that's preferable to waiting until he gets back from holiday for it!
  16. It's a lovely bass whatever it is.
  17. The attachment of the pickguard to the body is an insanely great detail. What a great idea.
  18. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1468924722' post='3094300'] To my knackered old ears a TC RH750 got close but not close enough. [/quote] I use a TC RH750 for the same reason - gets reasonably close to the sound I had from my own AH300-SMX. That said, I agree, it's missing a certain 'something' but it's simply a case of weighing up the pros and cons. I'm happy with my RH750 on that basis. Mind, I can't say I wouldn't be tempted by a keenly priced 12-band SMX head again if one popped up.
  19. "£550 shipped, folks - it's a steal"-type bump!
  20. [quote name='Bastav' timestamp='1468840983' post='3093635'] Those neck stringers look to be quite striking indeed [/quote] Blue Jarra, I think it's called - an Australian hard wood. Mike assures me they're better in the flesh than on the photos too.
  21. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1468837824' post='3093610'] I had a Zoot bass once. Very much like yours... same shape, same neck, but without the whizzy woods (just plain black). Still wondering why I ever sold it... I allowed myself to be persuaded by the retro 60's band I was in at the time because it didn't fit the image. Should have ditched the band rather than the bass (I ditched the band anyway). I suspect this bass will be awesome... don't know how you can live with yourself while waiting. Enjoy it when you get it! [/quote] Well, if you're ever tempted to commission one yourself you're very well welcome to pop over to Chester and have a blast on mine beforehand.
  22. Mike picked up the new tuners at the weekend and got them fitted. Getting close now. Definitely getting difficult to suppress that 'kid on Christmas Eve' feeling now! [IMG]http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o168/Myrtle2014/Zoot%20Custom/13697024_1349332038413740_23870328483557133_n_zpsndwlrlyk.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [IMG]http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o168/Myrtle2014/Zoot%20Custom/13659086_1349332071747070_627959352616958742_n_zpsypfibx9f.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
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