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Bass Culture

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Everything posted by Bass Culture

  1. Slightly smaller and (presumably!) lighter body too. I loved mine when I had it; mind you, I am a bit of a short arse...
  2. Any idea how much this weighs? I had the 300w version and the only reason I moved it on and replaced it with my RH450 was because of the weight, but I think I can remember reading somewhere that there was a pretty significant weight difference between the different power versions. I seem to recal that the '300w' version was also labelled up as 280w on the rear, come to think of it... Cheers, Mark
  3. Trigger Fingers will be playing their first gig at band central in Little Sutton this Sunday - The Olde Red Lion. Be really nice to see any Wirral/Birkenhead/Liverpool BC-ers if you're at a loose end on Sunday evening and fancy having a listen to my Roscoe / RH450 / Barefaced Super Twelve set up. We play mostly recentish chart covers and a couple of older favourites. Some we've 'reinvented' slightly - er, drastically in a couple of cases, come to think of it....
  4. I picked up an EBS Unichorus through our very own BC. Much prefer it to the Boss CEB-3 I was using before (I'd tend to agree with the comments about that sounding a bit metallic by comparison). If you can pick up a Boss CE-2 though, do. Not bass specific and only have depth and speed controls but much 'nicer' sounding - deeper and warmer - than the CEB-3 to my ears.
  5. [quote name='dood' post='918736' date='Aug 8 2010, 01:46 PM']Hey Mark! We've had adverts for all sorts of non bass stuff that we have had to remove in the past, including car stereos - and even whole cars that we have had to remove. So It would be unfair to those people to allow an advert for bike stuff in the instrument forums. The only thing I can suggest is to put them in to the recycling forum OR I think you could mention them in the bicycles thread in the Off Topic forum - maybe post a link to some information and pictures that way? Sorry, we have rulez to stick too ;o)[/quote] No problem - thanks for the response. I know we've tried to run with a non-musically related For Sale section before and it got a bit daft, so I felt a bit cheeky asking in the first place to be honest. Thanks all the same. Mark
  6. We played at 50th birthday party in a back garden in Prenton last night. The whole night was spent imagining feeling drops of the rain that thankfully never came. The police were called by some neighbours who lived 300 yards away apparently but, in fairness to the boys in blue, they were cool as hell about it - said it didn't sound that loud to them and told the host to forget about it. Great bunch of people who all had a good time and we got an offer of more gigs out of it afterwards from another one of the guests. There's worse ways to spend a Saturday night!
  7. Mods, I've got a couple of bicycle saddles to sell and, seeing as the 'Bassists who Pedal' thread is 70-odd pages long I'd much rather offer them on here first rather than ebay. The only reason I ask is simply because one of our members might actually be after one! Would that be okay and, if so, which do you think is the best place thread/forum to post them in? There's no problem if you'd prefer not to though - I know we've been down that path before. Cheers, Mark
  8. and, 2) to see if i can actually post a link that will work! [/quote] Obviously, I can't...
  9. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' post='917063' date='Aug 6 2010, 03:31 PM']Maybe you should Use Somebody to help you [/quote] Oh, very good! I can't even erase the topic now!
  10. I've done something wrong...
  11. Thought I'd share our version 'Use Somebody' for two reasons - 1) I'll be grateful for any comments and, 2) to see if i can actually post a link that will work! <object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fmarknewman63%2Fyou-got-the-love&secret_url=false"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fmarknewman63%2Fyou-got-the-love&secret_url=false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href="http://soundcloud.com/marknewman63/you-got-the-love">YOU GOT THE LOVE</a> by <a href="http://soundcloud.com/marknewman63">marknewman63</a></span> Cheers, Mark
  12. Appreciate the response - many thanks.
  13. Folks, Is there any 'correct' order these two pedals should go in, please? I use an EBS Unichorus and SFX-modded Digitech Bad Monkey. Any benefit in either going in front of the other? And apologies in advance if this is a dimwit question that's been covered thousands of times already! Cheers, Mark
  14. [quote name='chris_b' post='909321' date='Jul 29 2010, 03:08 PM']A Mk1 4 string has just sold on EBay. The seller wanted £2000 but settled for £1800. Prices have levelled out in the last few years.[/quote] In fairness that one hjad been butchered around the bridge area though...
  15. I might add that I neither know Eubassix nor do I have anything to gain from 'bigging up' this lovely bass - just telling it like it is based on my experience with my own Roscoe. Pip pip!
  16. Can't disagree with anything that Scalpy's said there. I think another thing that's been slightly over looked is the musical environment McCartney operated in terms of his bass playing contribution. Remember, he started playing at a time when the first electric bass had only got into the UK about 5 or 6 years or so before! There was few people who could afford a quality electric bass at that time, let along had been in a position to record with one. Yet there are those who are lining up to criticise him for his tone! He was responsible for contributing to the creation of a new musical landscape for a new instrument, for God's sake! Of course his playing wasn't as sophisticated or technically adept as players who came after - he was, as has been accurately pointed out elsewhere, the inspiration for the players others are comparing him to and judging him against! Given all that, I still think he can play a bit.
  17. [quote name='Delberthot' post='906733' date='Jul 27 2010, 09:59 AM']I forgot to add - the Frog Chorus? Silly Love Songs? Simply Having A wonderful Christmas Time? what utter sh*te.[/quote] That's big - pull 2 or 3 songs out of a cannon of several hundred, dozens of which are unarguably classics, to PROVE that Macca is 'utter sh*te'. Not really the most sophisticated form of argument really, is it? BC
  18. Mine wobble a bit but I think that's just the hole being slightly wider than the button (which, of course, it needs to be!). I had the same problem as Mario with my first RH450 - one of the buttons more or less disintegrated around the LED in the centre. The others all had cracks in that ranged from hairline to more obvious. It was an irritation more than anything, and didn't actually affect the working of the amp, though I suppose it might have done if I'd let it progress to any of the buttons actually falling apart!
  19. I played my first Roscoe at Bass Direct last year - and went back to the shop to relieve Mr Stickley of it a couple of days later. Mine's a LG3000 but very similar to this 3005 in all other respects. I can honestly say these Roscoes deliver mids like no other bass I've played and their build quality is second to none. If you spec'ed this bass new I'm sure it would come in some way of £3k. This looks like a steal to me. Good luck with the sale.
  20. Sorry, Mario - just noticed you picked your RH450 second hand; I don't know if that means the guarantee is no longer vaild, even if it is within the guarantee period. My advice - contact TC directly then and see what they have to say. I can't believe it's difficult to swap the damaged buttons but I guess you might need to return it to a dealer? I've not had any dealings with TC myself but they give the impression of being reasonable people to deal with. Mark
  21. [quote name='NoLogic69' post='906080' date='Jul 26 2010, 05:26 PM']Hi there, I have eventually managed to get my hands on a used RH450 for a great price! The thing that's bothering me is that the preset buttons, shift and mute buttons have all got cracks across them. The shift button has actually split in two parts. They still sit in the amp securely and work as they should, but the plastic is obviously defective. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Most importantly, can it be rectified. I would really appreciate any help that can be given. Cheers guys, Mario.[/quote] Yep, I had [i]exactly[/i] the same problem. Took it back to Mark at Bass Direct, where I'd bought it from, who got on the phone to TC when I was in the shop, as they were quite sceptical, to tell them that the problem was precisely as I'd described on the phone. If it's still under warranty take it back to the shop and get it changed - Mark changed mine without any problem. If it's not I'd write to/contact TC anyway (and you're welcome to refer to my amp being returned to Bass Direct) as this has happened with others before and they should have now identified it as a defective or substandard part in the manufacturing process. Even on my replacement amp there are hairline cracks across a couple of the buttons. They don't seem to be getting any worse but I'm keeping a close eye on them all the same. If there's any other RH450 users out there who haven't already done so I'd seriously suggest you have a VERY close look at your amp to see whether the buttons have the same problem. Best of luck, Mario. Mark
  22. I'll take these bad boys please. Can you PM me your paypal email and I'll send payment later on today? Cheers, Mark
  23. I did quite a bit of music theory as a youngster but have since stuck rigidly to the advice of - I think - Billy Sheehan (please someone correct me if I'm wrong) who, when asked what the best thing to learn was, said 'everything...then forget it'. Previous posters explanations of the difference between the two modes couldn't be bettered. But as both they and others have implied (and, indeed, stated), does the [i]knowing [/i]make the slightest bit of difference to which sounds better to you? If I [i]think[/i] about what I play at all these days I just look at everything as a variation on the major scale - either directly or indirectly. And seeing as I often use chromatic passing notes all over the place too mostly what I play is... a bunch of notes that sound good to me in a particular musical context. Pip pip!
  24. This is a highly-contrived 'going to the Latitude Festival and will be away until next Tuesday'-type BUMP, just for anyone who does show an interest/sign of life during that time. Pip pip!
  25. [quote name='obbm' post='894016' date='Jul 13 2010, 06:22 PM']Red to 1+ Blue to 1-[/quote] Brilliant - thanks, sorted. Now, can the Mods pull the thread before anyone else sees! Cheers, Mark
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