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Bass Culture

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Everything posted by Bass Culture

  1. I'm really saddened by this. Steve did some work on one of my basses a good few years ago and I spent a really pleasant couple of afternoons over at his place in Birkenhead, dropping off and picking up the bass. I'd been listening a free Mojo CD on the way over and was telling him I'd been in raptures listening to Half Man, Half Biscuit's 'National Shite Day' on this thing. He proceeded to regale me with tales of the lead singer, who happened to live just a short distance away from him. I found Steve to be a thoroughly engaging and decent guy. Hell, it was only a very weeks ago he commented on a thread of mine. What a sad, sad loss. My sincere condolences to his family.
  2. I and the cats thank you! ๐Ÿ˜Š
  3. In fairness to her, my wife has never objected to me buying anything bass-related (or anything else for that matter). This has resulted in me now owning 5 Zoot customs. I sometimes wish she would object.
  4. I'd forgotten what an utterly brilliant band the Feelgoods were. BC (5'4" of "never thought about it" when wielding any of my current stable of Zoots...)
  5. One thing I should mention is that neither Veijo (Rautia) or Nuno (Lusithand) claim their respective products to be copies of the original, Wal items. I don't believe they have tried to backwards-engineer (taken apart!) the original, Wal parts, and set out to copy them. What they have done is understood the design concepts (eg, 8 coil, humbucker per string, pickup design), and sound they were trying to emulate and apply those to their own products. On this bass, they both work together brilliantly.
  6. Thanks Russ - an accurate and thorough response that's saved me some typing!
  7. He did. He may be along to shed some light - if he can find time to take a break from building basses! Mike really knows his stuff so I'd be surprised if this was anything other than awesome.
  8. I've been happily using my TC RH750 for 7 years now, and have precisely zero need to change it - gives me the tone I'm after and has some great features. But there's something about the Markbass Vintage D2 that's making me come over all funny right now... EDIT - Just noticed thread is in the 'Bass Guitars' section. I'll get my coat....
  9. Or, indeed, ever!
  10. I should add that I haven't engaged the 'pick attack' feature in this demo, which gives a further boost at the frequency the filter is set at...I think.
  11. The build thread for this bass, which covers all the specs and relevant build info, can be found here: For those who are interested, here's a short sound demo for the bass though. I start with a short burst of one of my favourite sounds so far, then sweep the filters with each pickup solo'ed to give an idea of the huge variety of tones available. It's got that typical, full, throaty Wal-type sound, and basically sounds pretty awesome all over. I can't say I've mastered the preamp yet but I'm starting to get there. Enjoy - and forgive the playing, very much 'make it up as I go along'. EDIT: Forgot to add that the bass is just plugged straight into a Focusrite Scarlett Solo AI, and recorded (along with the vid) via the Camera app on my PC. So, no DAW software, pedals or processing of any kind.
  12. Youโ€™re all philistines!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  13. One more sleep to Collection Day! Put the kettle on, @Cosmicrain, Iโ€™m coming for you! ๐Ÿ˜
  14. I call it 'subtle bling', Rich - it's a classic combo. ๐Ÿ˜Š You may see see the Wal-a-like looking like this in due course too. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  15. A LOT longer than 12 - 18 months anyway! Best put your prices up, @Cosmicrain, or you'll be snowed under with orders! ๐Ÿ˜
  16. On looks alone, I don't disagree - the flaming on the maple is ridiculous.
  17. Hee-hee - sorry, I was being a bit mischievous there. ๐Ÿ˜„ It's just personal taste at the end of the day, isn't it? Weirdly, there's not been one comment on Mike's Facebook post about the hardware, they've all been on the build thread on here. To be completely honest, I had the gold monorails already, so thought I may as well get some use out of them. They're some cheapy ones from a European supplier but are surprisingly decent quality, with brass saddles. Now they're on, I'm thinking of buying a set of back ones and doing a mix of black bases and gold saddles, which is the same as I've had on my other Zoots (I'm addicted - this is the fifth bass Mike has made for me now!). But I don't pick the bass up until next Friday so may well feel differently when I see it in the flesh. Anyway - apologies to @funklefor the derail.
  18. Whoops - I had forgot! That'll put the kibosh on that then!
  19. Gee, thanks Kev - you really must invite me round to share your thoughts on home decor some day! ๐Ÿ˜‰ BC (or Mark Newman to his friends - owner of new Zoot Wal-a-like...)
  20. Hmmm, interesting. The Rautia was the one that got the most love on the Aria SB Facebook users page and was felt to be the most authentic generally. Mind you, I don't recall any particularly negative comments about the Armstrong pickup.
  21. I don't pick it up until next week, Rich! ๐Ÿ˜
  22. And, @Steve Soar- you're more than welcome to pop over and give her a blast any time.
  23. Thank you, Steve - Gawd, how many years ago was it you installed that ACG filter preamp in my old Zoot?! I hope all is well with you.
  24. I am here you know! ๐Ÿ˜ Well, it looks like we have a hung jury! The gold bridges were just some I already had and don't owe me anything, so I think I'll buy some black ones also and experiment.
  25. There will be sound clips in due course. Gold hardware - still not completely sure myself, to be honest. I may get a set of black bridges and see what it looks like with black base plates and gold saddles.
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