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Everything posted by nick@ibassmag

  1. Hi guys.. A quick update for you… The re-programming is all but finished and we've almost got the mag back up and running. This has taken WAY longer than we had anticipated, but we're doing all that we can to get back on track. Would we have done things differently if we had the chance to start again? I'm sure we would, but the learning curve for any new business is a steep one and sometimes you've no choice but to roll with the punches. There's no doubt in my mind that the material we're currently working on is as good as you'll see in any bass publication and once we've caught up things should become much smoother. Apologies for not responding sooner, and I will be checking back regularly from here on in. Maybe I need to put together some kind of BassChat street team to help answer questions when I can't get on here? Let me know if you'd like to get involved. In the meantime, please feel free to give us a call or drop me an email if you've any questions and I'll do all I can to get back to you asap. Nick
  2. Hi all.. Firstly, thanks again for being so patient while we get iBass off the ground. We really do have some fantastic editorial coming your way and for those who are feeling a little frustrated with the time it's taken to get to this point I can only apologise and hope you'll appreciate that we're a VERY small and independant team that's trying to build something new and exciting without the support of an established publishing house. We've also been busy reacting to feedback from our current subscribers, which has led to a lot of re-programming. The good news is that we will be rolling out the new format this week with each issue now available for free. We're also introducing a new members only area for paying subscribers that we'll be continually updating with extended video edits and exclusive competitions. The iPad and Android editions are still waiting in the wings and, all being well, will be released in the coming weeks along with a few other new additions. So, there's a lot to look forward to and I truly hope you'll stick with us as we get up and running again. Please do sign up to the mailing list.. http://www.ibassmag.com Or link up via our social networking sites and I'll be sure to keep you posted. Thanks again, Nick
  3. Hi all, Contrary to reports, we are still forging ahead with the project, which is now really starting to take shape. The reprogramming has taken much longer than we had hoped, which is one of the drawbacks of having such a small team here. But we are on the brink of putting together something really special that's already beginning to evolve into other things. The relaunch is now days away, which includes brand-new bonus material..and we've got some great video interviews with Richard Bona, Janek Gwizdala, Duff McKagan, Ron Carter, Mark King and Pino Palladino all set for future issues.. plus a behind the scenes tour of Fodera Guitars.. so some really great stuff. I'll be the first to admit that it's been a difficult few months while we find our feet, but we are so, so grateful to everyone who's shown an interest in what we're trying to do. Thanks again for sticking with us. As soon as I have anymore news, you'll be the first to know. Nick
  4. Hi all, Contrary to reports, we are still forging ahead with the project, which is now really starting to take shape. The reprogramming has taken much longer than we had hoped, which is one of the drawbacks of having such a small team here. But we are on the brink of putting together something really special that's already beginning to evolve into other things. The relaunch is now days away, which includes some brand-new bonus material for those who've already subscribed..and we've got some great video interviews with Richard Bona, Janek Gwizdala, Duff McKagan, Ron Carter, Mark King and Pino Palladino all set for future issues.. plus a behind the scenes tour of Fodera Guitars.. so some really great stuff. I'll be the first to admit that it's been a difficult few months while we find our feet, but we are so, so grateful to everyone who's shown an interest in what we're trying to do. Thanks again for sticking with us. As soon as I have anymore news, you'll be the first to know. Nick
  5. We've got some pretty exciting news to announce in the next few days regarding the mag, and the Pino edition will follow! Just looking to see who we'll be featuring on the cover after Pino... Richard Bona and Janek Gwizdala! We've got Yamaha Nathan East and Billy Sheehan Ltd Edition signature models in for review as well.. and some great gear from Ampeg and EBS.. So stay tuned! Thanks again for your patience.. we really do appreciate it. Nick
  6. Hi guys, Huge apologies for the break.. but we're still here! And we've got some pretty exciting news to announce in the next few days regarding the mag. Keep an eye on your inbox for all the details! Thanks again for your patience..we really appreciate it. Nick
  7. So, if you've enjoyed our video interviews so far, with the likes of Bootsy Collins, Hugh McDonald and Marcus MIller... issue number 3 see's Pino Palladino and Duff McKagan in the ibassmag hot seat..Don't miss it! Coming soon to [url="http://www.ibassmag.com"]www.ibassmag.com[/url]
  8. [color=#202020]It's the holidays! And we're giving away copies of this all-new Christmas album to the first seven people to sign up for an annual membership.[/color] [color=#202020]Subscribe and email in with the header title 'Holiday Rumblings' for your chance to win. What's more you'll save 50% on the cover price.[/color] [color=#202020]The album features bassists from the Zon artist roster, including Michael Manring, Ray Riendeau, Jonni Lightfoot, Alex Bershadsky, Scott Harlan, Zander Zon, Mike Dimin and Chuck Bianchi, all performing their bass-focussed takes on traditional Christmas music.[/color] [color=#202020]This offer will close in just 5 days on Christmas Day, so act now before the 7 spots we've allocated f[color=#505050]or this offer fill up.[/color][/color]
  9. More exclusive footage in ibassmag, this time of Jamiroquai's Paul Turner and his new AV BP5 bass.. http://kiosk.ibassmag.com/
  10. Exclusive to issue 02 of ibass magazine.. last month we sat down with Laurence Cottle as he put his big band through its paces in preparation for Ronnie Scott's 'Portrait of Jaco' gig, which marked what would have been Jaco's 60th birthday. Our footage features the band in full flight as they run through Cottle's arrangements of classic Jaco tunes including Domingo and Used to be a Cha Cha.. Laurence talks us through Jaco's solo on Continuum and shares his own memories of Jaco. Pino Palladino, Richard Bona, Marcus Miller and Dave Swift also get in on the act with their own thoughts on the great man, and there's also a brand-new solo bass track on offer, written and recorded by Michael Manring especially for this feature and in tribute to Jaco. All inside this month's ibass magazine... [url="http://kiosk.ibassmag.com/"]http://kiosk.ibassmag.com/[/url]
  11. [quote name='BB3000S' timestamp='1324294714' post='1472567'] Any news on the iPad-version? [/quote] We're still waiting on Apple to approve the app.. but you'll be the first to know as soon as we get the go ahead.
  12. New issue is out now! Featuring Marcus Miller, Laurence Cottle, Yolanda Charles, Pino Palladino, Paul Turner, Richard Bona, Chris May of Overwater Basses, plus our full report from Bass Day UK in Manchester... Get it here! http://kiosk.ibassmag.com/ibass-magazines.html
  13. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1322974788' post='1457853'] The Scott Devine video on page 44, its apparently a 6 minute video but it keeps cutting out at 45 seconds ? [/quote] Hi Daz, we're looking into this right now for you.. in the meantime you can also view Scott's video here. http://www.youtube.com/user/ibassmag?blend=8&ob=5#p/a/u/0/Zk6RuP8ZT84
  14. Congratulations to Chris Reddy who wins a pair of Radiopaq Duo Headphones just for subscribing to ibass magazine! See what you could win! [url="http://kiosk.ibassmag.com/ibass-magazines.html"]http://kiosk.ibassma...-magazines.html[/url]
  15. Congratulations to Travis Moore! Winner of our Vanderkley Facebook Competition. Travis wins a 212MNT NeoLite Custom Cabinet courtesy of Marc Vanderkley! And here it is in action... http://www.youtube.com/user/ibassmag?feature=guide#p/a/f/0/63bmO45V_xs
  16. [quote name='vsmith1' timestamp='1322149379' post='1447260'] I am having problems with the mag - I have sent an email to the support team. At the moment I can only get the first 5 pages. I have previously been able to get the lot. [/quote] Sorry to hear that you're having trouble viewing the issue.. can you forward the details to me at [email protected]? And I'll chase up the support team.
  17. Thanks to all today's subscribers! We hope you're enjoying the issue... http://kiosk.ibassmag.com/
  18. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1322002936' post='1445471'] Quick question Nick, sorry if it's already been answered, if i subscribe today, when the iPad version comes out, do i automatically get it on there or will i have to pay again? Jake [/quote] Hi Jake.. If you have already purchased an online subscription you will be able view that same publication on iPad as soon as the app is available. Hope that helps! Nick
  19. Thanks for all the feedback! Keep it coming.. We're busy working on the next issue as we speak.. look out for exclusive video interviews with Marcus Miller, Yolanda Charles and Laurence Cottle - including behind the scenes footage with the Laurence Cottle Big Band rehearsing for the 'Portrait of Jaco' night at Ronnie Scott's.. We've also got a new columnist in the tuition section, gear reviews including AV Basses, Overwater and Vanderkley cabinets.. plus our full report from Bass Day UK.. Were you there? Did you make it into our film? www.ibassmag.com
  20. So, who would you like to see interviewed in an upcoming issue?
  21. Don't worry.. We'll be at hand to help out the winner if they need a few pointers..
  22. Have you watched Hugh's interview in ibass mag?
  23. We're working on it!
  24. [quote name='squire5' timestamp='1321882379' post='1443981'] On reflection,I wonder how I would have fared if I had clicked 'Pay Now' without thinking.Would it have emptied my bank account? Not that I have £17 million,you understand,but My Paypal is directly linked to my bank account.Jeez! [/quote] The system in the background is working correctly while the data is displayed incorrectly..so your millions are safe! We think we've located the problem. If you're able to try again it should now be fixed.
  25. Sorry guys.. our technical team are looking into it right away!
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