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Everything posted by Subbeh

  1. It's not the sort of bass I'd like to play but as a piece of craftsmanship it is just stunning, congrats, that really is a beautiful bass I'd sooner have that hanging on the wall than any painting I've ever seen, just ridiculously good looking!
  2. Cowpoke Precision would be my choice, great looks for country and the added versatility of the J pickup. They're not particularly expensive but can be tricky to find.
  3. Yeah, rehearsed there for years and it's a shame it has to go. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner though, never struck me as a well run business. Be a boost for the 10,000 take always on that road fighting for the pissed up student trade.
  4. Had my hands on a couple of VM California basses and fell in love with the sound of the pickups. Think they were both equippped with Delano pickups and glockenklang preamps. In passive or active mode it was so easy to dial in a range of usable sounds. I don't like too much top end and they certainly had plenty of low down grunt. Liked them so much that I'm looking at modding my stingray with a delano/glockenklang setup and I've no doubt I'll get another Sandberg at some point, won't buy blind from Thomann again though.
  5. Got to get me one of those Warwick Star basses, always sound great on your live clips and they look so damned good as well. Seem like a lot of bass for the money.
  6. I'm certainly interested to see how this turns out. I've browsed alixepress a few times and wondered what sort of quality you'll end up with. Hope you get a good bass out of it, or as youve said, at least a good platform for modding. Good luck man!
  7. Tried switching batteries in the Warwick? (assuming it's active). I get the played in thing but as you've said it's odd they'd be so much quieter
  8. When I'm away without my bass , I run through the things I've been learning recently, in my head, sometimes accompanied by the fretting hand movement. Sounds odd but I've found it really helps things I'm learning to really sink in. Sometimes just looking at tabs or sheet music for scales or songs I haven't played before, it really makes a difference for me the next time I pick up my bass.
  9. Absolutely, I really love a good build thread and this one is a stunner! Well done, it must be so rewarding to be able to build something so damn cool yourself
  10. Maybe he meant magician rather than musician?
  11. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1428253386' post='2739629'] I don`t really see any point of having barely audible low rumblings. [/quote] I usually get those for free with a post drink takeaway. I do like the low action, tidy bridge and even string spacing though. Looks so bad it could almost have been made by me
  12. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1429784566' post='2754863'] This level of instrument is waste on me but it looks very well finished. Id be scared to touch it tbh. [/quote] Heh, I feel exatcly the same way. Have to say though, it's as nice a single cut bass as I've ever seen. Sometimes you see an instrument that almost oozes quality, bet it looks even better in the flesh as well. Congrats!
  13. My playing isn't going to impress anyone in a part piece kind of a way, so I'm generally not busting out any flash stuff. A few scales up and down the fretboard, and a light bit of noodling of whatevers in my head at the time. Generally I just like to get a feel for the neck and how the tone/electronics colour the sound. Also nice just to get a feel of the weight of a bass and the balance. Being a lefty does mean it's pretty rare that I get the opportunity though.
  14. People genrally say that maple is brighter with more attack and rosewood/ebony can be warmer in tone. Some agree,some do not. YMMV
  15. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1429601038' post='2752936'] I kind of laugh when I hear someone playing a standard bassline, tbh.. [/quote] Yeah me too. I'll often prance around them with a cape and a crown on, really let them know how far beneath me they are. Bleedin' plebs eh?
  16. Absolutely, I find that every now and then a simple line gives me too much time to think and that's when I get into trouble . Have to make sure I'm really keeping focused and give the line 100%. Anyway OP, hope it goes well for you, should be a really fun gig!
  17. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1429477525' post='2751832'] Gold hardware... [/quote] Same, I can't think of anything that puts me off a bass more. Just can't stand the blingy gold look.
  18. I'm getting too old but I still love the crowds, drunks & drinks and the unpredictable stupidity that the bigger festivals supply in spades. Going to download again this year, Faith No More, Rise Against, Clutch, Slipknot and maybe a bit of Kiss or Motley Crue for good measure. Can't wait to see Faith No More again and in general last years download was as well run and organised as any festival I've been to.
  19. Looking around a few guitar shops last time, the best bargains seemed to be pedals, still regret not picking up a Sansamp bass driver for a very good price.
  20. As much Apple Pie moonshine as can be carried, guitar gear is useful but that stuff is awesome!
  21. Sorry for the late feedback! Bought a pioneer h/u and alpine sub from James lovely condition and a great price. Just had them fitted and they sound really, really good! genuinely couldn't be any happier with them. Cheers!
  22. I'm certain many players aren't actually attempting to demo gear at all, just using the gear as a means to get people to view and comment on their playing. It can be really frustrating when you're genuinely trying to get a feel for a product you can't try in person only to have to wade through so many w*** sessions I really enjoy the basswhispers youtube videos, plays the same thing with fingers and pick, varying the pickups and tone to really give you an idea of the sound characteristics of the basses he demos rather than his chops, top stuff!
  23. Fair enough, I just don't understand taking such glee in not being able to entertain. I'm sure most of us have ended up at gigs not best suited to our bands but have been able to make it work to some degree rather than taking some perverse pleasure in driving punters out of the door. It's good that you were able to get a laugh out of it and hopefully the LL won't be put off hiring more bands who actually want to play for her customers.
  24. Glad to hear that they intend to look into it properly, hopefully this could still end with you getting your gear back
  25. Not sure I see the lolz to be honest, emptied the pub and annoyed the person paying you. What a great victory for artistic integrity
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