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Everything posted by Subbeh

  1. Got tickets to see them soon, I'll have to check as I can't remember where or when :s Caught their set at download last year and they were better live than I expected, very much looking forward to seeing them again.
  2. Yup, they're not known as crack converters for nothing, police still advise victims of theft to checkout their local branch.
  3. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1425035556' post='2703174'] Interesting - I've always used a .96mm, I've never looked beyond them. [/quote] Same, I settled on the Dunlop 500 .96 twenty odd years ago and always been happy with it. Randomly bought a handful of them and it's really never occurred to me to change. I think I'll try a few different thickness picks next time I'm buying, see if I like anything else more.
  4. Congratulations, that's awesome! Was planning on going again this year so I'll hopefully be there
  5. John Paul Jones, a mates dad was playing some Zeppelin and The Lemon Song blew my mind. I'd never really noticed bass guitar much but his playing on that track blew my mind. From then on I was always listening for what the bass was doing on any song I heard. Got a bass and started a band with some mates not long after. Messed around with drums and guitar, both fun but I just never had the passion for them I have for bass.
  6. The Staten Island ferry is worth a look, it's frequent, free and offers amazing views of the Statue of Liberty and the city. Also the views from Brooklyn bridge park are great and walking across the bridge is worthwhile too. This place is amazing!
  7. Not musical but I recall reading an article, in the economist I think (christ I was bored!), that suggested lefties have the advantage throwing the first punch as people expect it to be delivered with the other hand. So we're not necessarily more violent but we are more likely to be 'successfully' violent. Go lefties! ��
  8. Got to New York Sunday night, with wind chill it was -35 as we stepped out of the airport! I like cold but that really took my breath away. Central Park is fantastic, even more so with all the snow, really beautiful with a couple of skating rinks and plenty to see and do, I'm sure you're kids would like it. It's huge and for 90 ish dollars you can get a rickshaw tour that takes in all the sights if you don't fancy the walk. Times Square was pretty good and even as an adult the toys r us there is great, has a huge animatronic T. rex and tons of cool stuff. We'll probably check out the Statue of Liberty and Coney Island over the next couple of days. Just being here and wandering round is just great, been to places up and down the west coast and New York is such a different experience, well worth a visit. Also dragged the Mrs out to red bank NJ to go to Jay and Silent Bobs secret stash, Kevin Smith's comic book store.
  9. I had two lefty Sandbergs with retailer rather than manufacturer problems, both had the curvier bridges pictured in Paul Hauser's post. I'll definitely get another one at some point, the California is the best sounding bass I've ever played, sounded immense in active and passive mode.
  10. Just had a look and they only have balcony tickets left, balls!
  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1422645385' post='2675179'] I can't help but think Paul Gray only gets a mention because he sadly passed away a couple of years ago. I can honestly say I've never actually heard his playing. Fieldy from Korn would have made more sense, even if his style rubs some bassists up the wrong way! [/quote] Couldn't agree more, whether you like or hate what Fieldy does, it's a defining part of Korn's sound. I genuinely like some of Slipknot's stuff but never felt the bass defined or contributed to the sound in a big way, Paul Gray (RIP) was a solid player but objectively he seems oddly out of place in that top ten.
  12. Possibly, I've seen a couple of basses on the BC classifieds that have actually had the necks slimmed/shaved down a bit to suit the player.
  13. To be honest I don't think anything he said was far fetched. I'm sure the average music shop will sell more four than five string basses, and they also probably sell more Fender shaped guitars and basses than more interesting shapes like the bongo or thunderbird. His offer is pretty typical of what you could expect for a non p/x deal. As far as bands not liking the look of a bass the guy really isn't talking crap, Ive certainly heard of bass players being asked to play something more image appropriate for the band, not all are willing but it's cropped up on here and talk bass before. Maybe the guy just didnt come across well to you but I don't think anything he said was bull*&%$.
  14. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1422666410' post='2675545'] [b]People will probably laug[/b]h, but for me my favourite bass tone is Mark Hoppus and Blink 182 'Whats My Age Again' and Nate Mendal's in the intro to Foo Fighters 'My Hero'. Both make me want to pick up the bass! [/quote] Not at all, simple doesn't mean it doesn't kick arse. My Hero especially, Dave trashing that kit and Nate's bass line is just a fantastic intro. Matt Freeman at his toe tapping best, nothing flash, solid ska line for the verse and a catchy as *&%$ chorus, so much fun to play. Love his tone and the way it sits in the mix. [media]http://youtu.be/DhKHAopx7D0[/media]
  15. Caught a few repeats of You Bet on a quiet Sunday afternoon not so long ago, they had a fella identifying the brand/model of mattress by lying on them blindfolded and a kid identifying car wheel trims. As far as I recall they both did very badly. What really troubles me is thinking about how bored I must have been to lie their and watch two whole episodes of it
  16. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1422133664' post='2669168'] they have changed a lot since then, you still get the rogue bottle of piss, but generally it is frowned upon and efforts are made to stop it. from my experience of last years download festival, the toilets are much improved and the food is better, still expensive mind, but not gut destroying [/quote] Agree with Download being better, hadn't been for four or five years and everything was better, layout, toilets, number of stages and their layout. Food selection and quality was also waaay better. The food and drink prices were pretty good by festival standards too. My first festival was the old Donnington and it was *&^%, there was constantly people pissing in any container they could get their hands on to throw, others were packing containers with sand and soil and hurling them through the crowd. For the most part I was too busy keeping an eye on incoming objects to watch the bands. Rounded off with my mate taking a cooler bag full of soil to the head. There was a really nasty edge to the crowd that year and it's so much more laid back and friendly now.
  17. Strings and a setup will help, you'll get the best out of what's already there. Failing that maybe pickups or preamp.
  18. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1421160727' post='2657818'] I'm really not knocking other peoples instruments. I just don't seem to have found the Fender I really wanted to play. [/quote] Sorry, reread my post and I really didn't mean to be quite so much of a dick/twat/knob (delete as applicable) Apologies :-*>
  19. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1421085734' post='2656991']did Leo Fender ever make a Double soap Bar pickup in the shape of a 55-01 with a preamp.? no they didn't. But Lakland did. i think the Fender Fan boy vibe, never really goes down well. like i said I'm not knocking them. there just not for me anymore. [/quote] I think that like in the musicman thread you seem to be having a bit of a stir, at least in this thread you've elaborated rather than starting a fire and wandering off though. Once again with the fanboy stuff though, very easy way to dismiss others.
  20. I haven't gone off Fender but I've really gone off the Jazz bass, was always my favourite. Kind of itching for a precision and for the first time in my life, never having remotely liked them before, I'm really getting Rickenbacker GAS lately
  21. Bought a Zoom B3 from Mark, it is as new and he was super quick and great to deal with. Can happily recommend him. Thanks Mark!
  22. My Stingray, didn't know I wanted it back until it popped up on here. Glad I did and I'm getting on better with it now than I did first time round. I still keep an eye out for my '99 Japanese lefty Fender Jazz, my first quality bass and easily as good as the U.S. versions I've had since.
  23. I could understand them sending me one bass with issues but the replacement had those issues and enough grime and play time to kill the round wound strings that were on it. It had been signed off by their QC and was supposed to be brand new, their proposed solution was a £40 reduction off the £1000 price. Also in the time it took them to process the refund the GBP to Euro meant I lost a chunk of cash as well. Their customer service department was less than helpful and though I can see my experience isn't common amongst their customers I won't be using them again.
  24. I think I'd get lost with all of those controls, definitely one of my favourite basses in terms of looks and that looks like a great example, grats!
  25. Saw him with the Temperance Movement not so long ago and he was great, obviously very different from what he did with Jamiroquai but still a pleasure to hear him play.
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