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Everything posted by Subbeh

  1. They're one of those bands I wasn't into at the time but listening to some of his bass playing has seen them grow on me a lot recently. Girls and Boys is such a great line, adds so much to the song and is a blast to play. As for the man himself he makes his playing look so effortless, almost as if he's never played bass and just walked in, picked one up and knocked out a great line without trying
  2. The last guitarist we auditioned, wow, I wish he hadn't turned up. Looked the part and had a beautiful Gibson Firebird, however, despite his assurances that he knew most of the songs on the list we'd given him the only song he could play was Alright Now. That wasn't on the list
  3. I'd just watched that exact clip five minutes ago oddly enough. Like the guys playing , never understood why he adopts the stompy dwarf stance so often . Such a sterile performance though, they sound so tame and the performance really lacks energy, passion and bollocks, I know they're playing on a talk show but it still sounded very poor. Here's a clip of Beware Of Darkness playing on Conan, everything that's wrong with Metallica's performance is everything that's right with theirs [url="http://youtu.be/pqY1sqNXUU8"]http://youtu.be/pqY1sqNXUU8[/url]
  4. Was it though? [url="http://youtu.be/SwxcFmToim8"]http://youtu.be/SwxcFmToim8[/url] Fruitcake!!!!
  5. There was a thread not long ago where toneknob kindly linked to some information on the player and the tab/notation: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/248919-waitresses-christmas-wrappin-notation-please/"]http://basschat.co.u...otation-please/[/url] 'tis a great line to be sure
  6. Mooaaarrr bass!! [media]http://youtu.be/ToqCy-nTMzE[/media]
  7. Love it, always liked the idea of a Fenderbird and that one looks great, especially in that colour. Gonna have to get a tokai and make a lefty version, I'd want it to look exactly like that, nice job!
  8. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1418418304' post='2630162'] pic here - discuss: [/quote] Lighting, composition, focus could all be improved. I'm sure you'll nail it next time
  9. You could always go to the venue on the day, the touts get pretty desperate on discounting once doors open. Had tickets for less than face value a couple of times.
  10. The whole ticket thing is bad enough but when those companies then setup sites for resale it takes it far beyond the piss take it was to begin with. They get paid all over again and some even hold back tickets to sell on a higher price on their resale sites. £&@?!&£ robbing bunch of £&@!s.
  11. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1418165573' post='2627694'] That'll be the singer who's not risking any gear and could easily go through without having to explain away an instrument case. [/quote] If she wants to turn up without her band and have pissed a great deal of money away then I yeah Im sure she'll be fine
  12. I'd say your only chance would be going without gear, I'm amazed the singer wants to spend do much to do this and take such a deeply stupid risk.
  13. Some nice hipshot tuners on ebay going for between £40 and £60 depending on type, supposed to be very good.
  14. Seen a few posts from people with the same issue on talk bass recently, and on some fairly recent basses too, good to see they're happy to put it right.
  15. [quote name='mikeswals' timestamp='1417979359' post='2625716'] Woah, that blue one looks fantastic Bob![/quote] That finish is just a thing of beauty, just WOW
  16. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1418001389' post='2625945']I apologise to anyone who was offended by that. [/quote] I bite my thumb at theeeeee!!! Anyway.... A MM configurator ike the Sandberg and Fender ones would be the greatest thing ever. Obviously their current business model works but still, it's criminal that such a thing doesn't exist! Getting to really customise my perfect Sabre or 'Ray would be effing fantastic
  17. Rancid's Matt Freeman always has such a great tone, people seem to get turned off by tracks like Maxwell Murder and Axiom but his playing and tone on stuff like Roots Radicals, Detroit, Time Bomb, Sidekick, Soundsystem, Up to no good and so many other tracks is just fantastic. Getting to hear him live is always a blast. Journey to the end of the east bay in the clip below, such a nice line, great tone and really fun to play. [media]http://youtu.be/pph1tnEydQM[/media]
  18. Don't suppose you tried the lefty Sandberg 5 string they have in White with the twin MM style humbuckers? I'm thinking about selling one of my kidneys for it
  19. Very jealous! the Delanos in the VM4 I tried were in both active and passive mode the nicest pickups I think I've ever heard! The natural finish/maple block neck combo is stunning, congrats Which store did you get that from? I really would like another Sandberg.
  20. So, OP is annoyed enough to start a thread implying that this MM fanboy attitude is a problem for them on BC, and then pisses off. The bloody anti MM bias here is doing my head in!
  21. I actually would have considered bidding on the lefty telebass he was selling if he hadn't butchered the poor thing. He'd put together a nice parts bass and then just ruined it and I was shocked at how many bidders were so keen on a bass that looked like someone had repeatedly wiped their arse on the neck
  22. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1417567243' post='2621943'] I'm not going to give you a link to the thread for fear of reprisals.[/quote] Reprisals! oh come on! All brands have their fanboys/die hards who won't entertain negative comments about their chosen brand. I really don't think there are many of those types on bass chat. Best keep it quiet though, these "reprisals" sound worrying!
  23. I have left a band because of a drummer, I've also joined a band who I wasn't keen on because I enjoyed playing with their drummer so much. I can put up with plenty but I can't play with a bad drummer. Those buggers are just so crucial to a good band, can't live with 'em etc etc
  24. One of the best looking Jazz basses I've ever seen, very, very nice! *edit* is it the pics or does the string alignment look a bit off?
  25. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1417308810' post='2619125'] Mike Starr on 'Rooster'. Fat, Spectory awesomeness. [/quote] Good shout, fantastic tone and a fantastic player!
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