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Everything posted by Subbeh

  1. [size=4]Checkout some function and cruise band videos on youtube as well, I've just been checking a few out and they really show what this video is lacking.[/size] Plus, as others have said, a good guitar player would compliment what you've already got and take the sound to another level. Liked the bass playing a lot by the way!
  2. That tab is also wrong, I'd find another!
  3. That finish/pg combination is lovely, surprised I haven't seen it on more 'Rays.
  4. [size=4] [/size][size=4] for some reason the thigh slapping totally set me off, my sides hurt now [/size]
  5. I could accept the vocals as hers, sounds a hell of a lot like her on a bad day but I think even Courtney love drunk/stoned could still play guitar a bit better than that.
  6. I just like their music, their approach to making it is interesting but I don't get why so many almost write them off as novelty act (not so much on here but I've seen that mentioned a lot on other boards). What's novelty got to do with it? you either like it or you don't regardless of how it's played or by how many musicians.
  7. I've invested a fair amount in my soundcard and headphones and bass sounds like that make me so happy that I did! [size=4]Refin in vintage white! it'd be a crime not to! [/size]
  8. My biggest regret as a bass player (which lead to technical deficiencies) was being so blinkered as a beginner. Everything I learned was pretty much the day to day stuff I already liked listening to, just broadening my musical horizons and going wherever I could find great bass lines regardless of era or genre was something I didn't pickup on for so long [size=4] [/size]
  9. Not normally a hat person but I'd definitley get me a nice BC one.
  10. Another recommendation for square space, cheap and the tools are great, very easy to put together a great looking website with them.
  11. I wonder how their direct to consumer retail move is working for them? I know more stores in the US are baulking at their unrealistic demands, I don't think cutting out the middle man would compensate enough for a decreasing presence in retail stores.
  12. Love that bass! Has such a genuine 'lived in' look about it that relics generally get so wrong.
  13. Think Hurley was the only album where I couldn't find anything to like. I love a lot of their stuff but the percentage of filler per album has really been creeping up. Saw them live at Leeds a few years ago and they were so much fun, playing the hits and looking like they were genuinely having a great time doing it, some fun covers and Rivers legging it through the crowd and climbing over a fence, I've rarely seen a band enjoying themselves so much. Was a refreshing change from some bands [size=4]I've seen who almost seem to resent the songs that got the where they are. [/size]
  14. Genuinely pleased to hear that it's all sorted [size=4] [/size][size=4] good on Sandberg for taking responsibility and putting things right when the retailer wouldn't.[/size]
  15. It sounds like really over blown Japanese video game music, yes they're technically great but not something I can enjoy listening to [size=4] .[/size]
  16. Nice one! always nice to see a neglected bass returned to working order [size=4] [/size]
  17. Wow, instantly my new favourite Thundebird finish!, that is just a fantastic looking bass [size=4] [/size]
  18. We all throw our toys out of the pram at some point, I'm sure it wouldn't take much to sort things out if you want to carry on with this band.
  19. The issue seems to be that you are unable to distinguish between your opinion and actual facts, nothing to do with strong opinions. I wish Gibson would put out some lefty gear, would love a Grabber, Ripper , RD or Thunderbird, they make some great looking basses. That's just my opinion though
  20. Looks like they're using the pickups from the EB bass, not sure how good they will sound but they don't look right in that bass.
  21. Got my ebay BDI21 today, feels weightier and more substantial than I expected it to for the price. Haven't had that long to play with it but I like it a lot so far, really easy to dial a nice sound, I really didn't expect a pedal at this end of the market to be anywhere near as good as it is, it'd still seem like a solid piece of kit for several times the price!
  22. Awesome, a freshly minted bass player and another lefty to boot!
  23. So is the body genuine or is it a bitsa with a good neck?
  24. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1411388494' post='2558957']Life's too short for dealing with this kind of sh*t[/quote] I think that's what it boils down to for me as well, you don't need three months of crap and I'd be surprised if you didn't already feel like you've had a weight lifted from your shoulders. Onwards and upwards! [size=4] [/size]
  25. I nearly bought one from Ishibashi's Ubox, theyve got a black lefty at the moment with chrome controls and a matching headstock for just over £300, not including import duty. [url="https://flic.kr/p/pkQjzg"][/url] Seems like a bargain and it looks so damn good!
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