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Everything posted by Subbeh

  1. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1440602990' post='2852330'] I'm riding a hobby horse here - sorry. This sort of nonsense does frustrate me. Some thoughts [/quote] Your post makes so much sense, unlike the OPs interviewer, it seems entirely ludicrous that they would have you demonstrate your dexterity in this manner. If you had experience as a mechanic would they ask you to change the cam belt on your car for them? Wtf :s Good job you weren't a proctologist previously, I imagine f***ing yourself infront of an interviewer would be less fun than it sounds.
  2. Awesome stuff, had heard of them but hadn't heard them until now. Really enjoying the songs I've tried so far and love his tapping stuff, never heard it done in music I actually like before and he uses it to great effect in terms of melody and rhythm. Thanks for the link!
  3. Yeah that probably was a bit toolish of me but telling kids to practice getting stoned and drunk to help with their playing is a best pretty dubious!
  4. [quote name='MarkW' timestamp='1439754464' post='2845525']Because I have a 4x4 and a trailer I hump most of our gear to and from gigs, and a few weeks ago I was described in all seriousness by our keyboard player as 'a roadie who plays a bit'. Charming! And tonight, when we're trying to sort a dep guitarist for an imminent gig, our singer said "if you'd learned the guitar instead of the bass we'd be fine, 'cos I could probably learn what you do in a fortnight'.[/quote] Take the singer up on the offer next time! let them play a song or two at rehearsal or a gig, they sink or swim but wither way maybe they'll have a better understanding of what it is that you do.
  5. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1439745220' post='2845428']When I was at music college a lecturer who was a pro muso and had been for 40 odd yrs, played on the strip in Hamburg same time as the Beatles and all said to me and others. "Go home have a smoke and a beer and practice your ass off. [b]There will come times when you have to gig in that state[/b]. Better be ready." Best homework ever. We all did. [/quote] Hopefully most music colleges can do better for their students than burned out old potheads giving piss poor advice. The bit in bold is one of the single most ludicrous things I've ever read . For us it's generally a three hour rehearsal but it's a startup and were trying to put a solid set together as well as getting used to playing with one another. I practice anywhere from an hour to three a day depending on how much time I can spare. Learning new stuff, polishing stuff I already know and playing just for the fun of it.
  6. Clean mojo every time, dirt, grime and human detritus on a guitar is just nasty, be it my own or someone elses. Don't mind wear and tear on a used instrument but I will really take my time removing all traces of the previous owners skin and dirt, euughhh Puts me in mind of that blog by the tech who cleaned up Lemmy's touring Rick, that thing looked like a bio hazard!
  7. The thing that puzzles me is the number of used left handed basses for sale that are reverse strung, it almost seems like a one in five ratio at times. Do some left handers prefer to play this way or are right handed players the ones setting up lefty basses like this?
  8. I was going to say gold hardware but if I liked a bass enough that'd be easy enough to swap out. The upper horn on corvettes and streamers, love everything about them but those upper horns put me off to the point that I wouldn't consider owning one. Oh, spalted wood of any variety, enough to put me off any bass, can't stand the look of it.
  9. [quote name='MattM' timestamp='1439112392' post='2839991'] I'd be tempted to stick a clear scratch plate on that just so you could see more of the finish, would work really well. [/quote] Great suggestion, it really is a shame to hide any part of that awesome finish! Congrats, that's a seriously good looking bass, finish is beautiful and that maple is just
  10. I'm self taught, had an hour lesson once, picked bits up here, there and everywhere. I've finally begun to get a firmer foundation in terms of theory and learning to read music as well but self taught so I've really got noone else to blame for my cack handedness. I've never found anything else in life I enjoy more than playing bass though and wish I'd had a proper musical education or structured lessons. Asked the music teacher at school once, she drew the stave on the black board and didn't think it was worthwhile finding a tutor for guitar/bass despite me being more than happy to pay. Still pisses me off twenty years later, in the five years of school music lessons all we ever did was copy biographical information about composers from a text book to our work books, never played us a note of their music. I don't know when that teacher lost her passion for music or indeed teaching but she did every pupil she taught a disservice. We had a suite of practice rooms with drums, guitars, woodwind, strings, brass, everything, all gathering dust
  11. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1439137993' post='2840327'] ......Simply delightful...... [/quote] Couldn't have put it better, what a lovely thing to listen on a beautiful summer evening, superb
  12. Love every thing about these, the sound, feel, colour, very light relicing and being Mexican means they're super affordable too. Wish they did a lefty model, even in the brief mess around with the right handed version it felt like a lovely bass. Heard many good things about Mexi Fenders but even so I was still super impressed with the Nate Mendel, congrats! great purchase
  13. [quote name='AngelDust' timestamp='1438806601' post='2837636']they were made with the same equipment and i was playing the same motive on every sample, most of all.[/quote] That's what I love about it, never seen such a comprehensive library of sounds with so little in the way of variables. Makes this genuinely useful
  14. Not usually a fan of them but this effort is right up my street, doesn't really abandon his job as the bass player the way many do during a solo and it's just a fabulous bit of playing [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCIWmldNbyA[/media]
  15. [quote name='Chaos Daveo' timestamp='1438810485' post='2837689'] Some people are poo heads, 1st rule of band spend time together and become a band a unit. [/quote] I think you've missed the point of the thread, it can be difficult to become a unit when people can't be arsed to turn up .
  16. Wow, that must have taken some doing! congrats man, it's an awesome resource, been on it an hour an barely scratched the surface
  17. Love Clutch, thanks for the link! surprised they weren't higher up the bill at download, they're such a good live band.
  18. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1438096091' post='2831599']the neck has a repaired crack in it. [/quote] Wow, didn't notice that, the guy clearly had a very skilled luthier fix that up, same artisan that routed the space for the new pickups no doubt One of the most over priced, F'd up pieces of crap I've seen in quite some time.
  19. Wow, a real embarrassment of riches, each one nicer than the last! Always get the impression he'd be a good guy to have a pint and talk bass with
  20. You'd never guess that was thirteen years old, clearly very well looked after and it looks awesome with the matching headstock Glad it turned round for you after the initial disappointment, really would like to try a sterling, from what I've read and heard of them I think I'd prefer it to the standard 'Ray. Congrats!
  21. I really, really like that and it's interesting to see that LL will do custom stuff like that. I'd assumed it was strictly vintage replicas. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1437758054' post='2828879'] .. Here's some bits I had lying around [/quote] A pile of parts that IMO look awesome combined . Always like LH necks on righty basses and I love the classic looks of the black/tort with the tug bar combined with the more modern MM style pickup. Would be very intererested to hear what that style of pickup sounds like in that position as well.
  22. Bit of a bargain for any lefties for a bitsa or project body. £18 buy it now, in nice condition and a great price! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FENDER-SQUIER-JAZZ-BASS-BODY-LEFTY-BLACK-VERY-GOOD-CONDITION-/181806871213?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a5488b2ad"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2a5488b2ad[/url]
  23. Haven't seen them for a while but also in the midlands, Fred Zeppelin. Always enjoyed their bass player's stuff.
  24. I'll have another look when I'm on my desktop but I swear they were doing the r/h version for the same price last night. Took the pictures under cover as it was raining, cover was indeed green. That's why I normally get the other half to do it, she's a photographer, I can barely figure out how to turn the camera on! Must change the strings as well, they sound nice but even for stainless rounds I've never encountered strings that feel so coarse. My finger tips feel like they've been sand blasted.
  25. Cheers! It really is good value, Owned a good few basses but never had one without a solid finish before It just feels so good! Don't know if its because of the plek fret job but Ive never had such a low action buzz free setup, the videos of the Machine in action are pretty neat.
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