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Everything posted by Subbeh

  1. Think download tickets had an £18 per ticket service charge, not even per order which would be bad enough. Cheeky £$%$!*s
  2. Hope you get lucky third time round, the Yamaha seems like a great choice. Maybe checkout somehwere that offers similar credit terms where you can try the bass first. Had the exact same experience with Thomann, gutting when you're so excited about something only to get let down. They managed it twice as well, the second bass had cosmetic wear, strings that were utterly dead and the nut fell off. No idea how it was signed off by their QC guy. Stories of poor service from them seem few and far between so it's a kick in the nuts that I was that unlucky twice!
  3. To be fair, the keyboard part is playing in the wrong key. You'd think he'd figure that out quicker though!
  4. Properly nice bass, great poster too was Wayne
  5. Never been a huge fan of the looks but I really like the tone in the OP's clip, very nice playing as well!
  6. Too often the jams Ive heard or been invited to join have been a rhythm section doing it's thing while a guitarist wails away with little regard for anything other than extended fret w***ery. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1428945821' post='2746270'] this is exactly what is needed. not saying you can't have fun without theory knowledge.. but when everyone is on the same musical theory page, you can make some proper music. not everyone fumbling around trying to think they can do everything by ear. [/quote] I think people have managed to produce 'proper' music without being on solid ground theory wise. Incredible as it seems, it can and does happen.
  7. Really, really great work! taking a piece of wood many wood have written off and doing that with it really is quite something. Very impressive and inventive build and a great read as well
  8. It really is, very few people seem to be able to relic a bass as well as this guy. Also blocked and bound neck, stack knob controls, matching headstock, Jazz basses don't get any better looking than that!
  9. Billie Jean is certainly tricky for me but it's down to repetition, anything that repeats quite that much my mind starts to wander and I'll mess up. It's also like when you say a word over and over again and eventually it just sounds odd/wrong, I get a bit of that with overly repetitive lines and that'll throw me.
  10. Sounds to me like the Warwick is the keeper, sounds like you're more fond of it than the 'Ray. Given that the second hand values on Warwicks has been pretty low of late, you'd probably take a bigger financial hit selling that on than the 'Ray. I just don't get why the resale on such awesome basses which cost so much new is so low, Warwicks seem to offer unbeatable value in the used market right now
  11. Can't stand the song either, walked into a supermarket and it was just starting over the PA, walked right back out at the prospect of having to hear to whole song. Love the rest of her list though!
  12. Just cannot fault any aspect of the looks of that bass, drop dead bloody gorgeous
  13. Amazing! can't have looked as good new, must be so satisfying to have been able to do that. It really does look beautiful
  14. I don't think a Disturbed thread would be complete without https://youtu.be/66gSvNeqevg
  15. Yeah, love Killswitch Engage, really great live band. Plus it was awesome seeing Adam kicking arse on The Price Is Right not long ago!
  16. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1432486602' post='2781937'] Here it is, nothing that special to look at [/quote] I disagree, my favourite colour/pickguard combination on a Precision, lurrrrvely!
  17. Fernandes Nomad? It's certainly small, and rounish at least. [url="http://www.fernandesguitars.com/nomad-bass/nomad-bass.html"]http://www.fernandes...nomad-bass.html[/url] Absolutely adorable!
  18. You truly must have the patience of a saint! I'd be giving a firmer kick up the arse than that after a couple of weeks. Ridiculously good of you to a) do the favour in buying and holding on the the bass in the first place and having a super human amount of patience and still being so good about it. Hope it's sorted to your satisfaction
  19. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1432226284' post='2779461'] I've always fancied a Lull jazz.[/quote] Me too, also a Precision and might as well throw in one of those Jeff Ament signature Thundebirds too!
  20. It's hard to imagine theres a pickguard that wouldn't look good on that! have to say mint looks a lot better than I would have thought.
  21. Wow, that trans blue finish is ridiculously good looking! have to say I wouldn't be in a hurry to change the pickguard, the blue and white together with the maple board make for a fantastic looking bass. Congrats!
  22. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1432209709' post='2779188'] Bass is a minority interest compared to guitars, and with a lot of people buying on line anyway why would they bother to stock much? I can totally understand why this is happening. [/quote] I totally agree, we're pretty much a niche part of the industry and as many people admit they use shops to try what they want then but then buy online for a better price. The same people often turn around and bemoan the lack of bass stock. I really don't blame most stores for not having more bass gear in stock. Luckily there are some great places like bass direct that are geared up for us and sites like this with a great community selling well looked after gear at great prices with members often happy for people to try their gear at meets etc. The US stores I've been to are generally pretty good, I was in a branch of Sam Ash a few weeks back and they had an awesome selection, from fenders, warwicks, gibsons, Yamaha and Ibanez to fancy single cuts and more high end boutique options as well as a solid selection of used and budget gear. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1432203029' post='2779070'] Try being left handed! [/quote] Indeed, being a niche within a niche market can be a real kick in the nuts
  23. I think you should take a break, come back to it fresh, really nail the part and then up the BPM until your comfortable at full pace. It's very easy to get stuck on something and become frustrated at a lack of progress, come back to it with a focused mind and rested hands and I bet you'll see progress.
  24. I finally got rhythm stick on Friday. The verse always threw me but I found one of Scott Whitley's youtube videos and he taught it in such a way that it has actually stuck. He picks the line apart and takes his time teaching it, very much recommend the vid. The tutorials were only about forty minutes, it took my feeble brain nearly five hours, it was 2am by the time I'd gotten it! I'm still chuffed two days later
  25. [quote name='PTB' timestamp='1431626344' post='2773409'] My favourite was the singer whose false teeth fell out and rolled under the drum kit in a filthy rehearsal room. He shouted "guitar solo!" and crawled between the kick & floor tom in search of them. Once retrieved, he stood up, blew the crud off them & stuck them back in. That's when we stopped playing & sniggering and started laughing. He couldn't understand why. [/quote] I'm amazed he couldn't see the funny side of that. "Guitar solo!" that bit made my day
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