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Everything posted by Rumble

  1. Oh don't worry, this has been a fantastic intro to fretless and has done exactly what I hoped it would. Like I say the ONLY reason for moving it on is the desire for something active. To be perfectly honest, I've been absolutely amazed at how good a bass it is for £150. Ridiculously good!
  2. I originally bought this as a cheap entry into the world of fretless to see how I got on and it's been a great success, but I'd actually like to move onto something active, hence the sale (and believe me this is the only reason!). This is the Warwick Rockbass which is made in China and don't let this put you off - the cost belies the quality. Alder body Dynamic Response MEC passive pickups Passive Elecs - Vol / Balance / Neck tone / Bridge tone Maple neck Beautiful Tigerstripe Ebony finger board Warwick tuners Single piece Warwick bridge This one has a solid cream colour - kind of 'off white' and the finish is unmarked. The entire bass is in excellent condition and I couldn't actually find any dings on it at all. I'm not looking to make a profit on this, but I would like to get as near £[s]150 +[/s] £140 + P&P as possible. Will consider trades for an active fretless if you fancy taking my Fender MIM Ltd Ed RI jazz as well. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy to meet up within a reasonable distance. [attachment=94135:IMG_3042.JPG] [attachment=94137:IMG_3044.JPG] [attachment=94138:IMG_3046.JPG]
  3. Are you just looking for cash sale or are you interested in trades?
  4. Shemeck's a great guy to do business with. Trade or sell with confidence!
  5. That's really useful, thanks. I strongly suspect that the magnets may well have de-magnetised to some degree given that they came to me in a box which they may well have been in for some time. It could be that they were sat in the box slowly sapping the strength from each other. How would I 'recharge' them?
  6. I accept the point about just turning the amp up, but I'm still intrigued why one pickup generates such a low signal compared to another? My Jazz is a MIM - not sure of the exact year - late 90's I think. BTW - Are the white wires coming off the PUPs the 'hot' ones?
  7. I've recently got an Ashdown ABM500 and have noticed that when I plug in my Fender jazz I need to really crack up both the gain and volume to get a reasonable level of noise (I'm talking 3 O'Clock on both!). However, the output from my Lakland JO5 is absolutely massive by comparison despite it also being passive. Is it worth getting some different pickups in the jazz to get a hotter output? I'd wonder about some Wizard 64's or Dimarzio's. Opinions?? BTW - I'm pretty sure it's not the PUP height - I couldn't get them any higher!
  8. I've recently got an Ashdown ABM500 and have noticed that when I plug in my Fender jazz I need to really crack up both the gain and volume to get a reasonable level of noise (I'm talking 3 O'Clock on both!). However, the output from my Lakland JO5 is absolutely massive by comparison despite it also being passive. Is it worth getting some different pickups in the jazz to get a hotter output? I'd wonder about some Wizard 64's or Dimarzio's. Opinions??
  9. Does this bass feature on any of your soundcloud tracks? Some of them definitely appear to have a fretless in there. Some great tracks BTW!
  10. Does this have markers along the top edge of the board? Could you give us some idea re trade value?
  11. Wow, you know the financial state of affairs is dire when you get two hand-built NT 6 string Shukers for sale, both for under £800! Seems like a crazy amount of bass for the money. I swore I'd never go back to 6 again, but this has me contemplating the return!
  12. I'll try that and see where i get. Guess I could always boost some of the lower mids if I need to bolster the low end. Ta for all your suggestions
  13. Can these be used with both a passive control setup and an active onboard preamp (i.e Audere, J-retro etc...)? Thanks
  14. Played this today - lovely bass in every respect. Pete's also a great guy and makes very nice coffee!!
  15. Thanks for your suggestions. My Epi cab is the S1 version so it shouldn't be too mid-scooped. One of the earlier comments also questionned whether my strings might be a bit less-of-life and I said that I didn't think they were. Well, I've just had the chance to do a little compare-and-contrast; I have new strings on order - say no more! Thanks
  16. I think I probably will persevere for a while at least. I've never been particularly good at EQ so this might be my chance. I saw a great demo of EQ'ing a semi parametric on Youtube the other day to give me some tips; basically the guy just kept twiddling everything in every direction until he got the sound he wanted! Sounds time consuming, but actually only took him about 20 seconds max.
  17. Hmmm, having looked around the rack based pre's certainly aren't cheap so that idea has probably bitten the dust. I may well keep my eyes open on the for sale forum, but in the meantime if its good enough for Pino then maybe I should stick with it!
  18. JTUK, thanks for your comments and suggestions. The strings on the bass are pretty new so they shouldn't be an issue. I'm also a bit like you in that I prefer the plug and play type of amp, but I guess I could get used to the semi-para EQ. Will probably keep my eye out on the for sale thread in case anything comes up. OOI, what's your opinion on the power+pre option??
  19. Do you guys think that the power + pre-amp thing isn't necessarily required to get the best out of the cab? The alternative is to go with something SWR, Eden maybe EBS with plenty of ooomph?? JTUK - I know what you're saying about the option of matching the Ashdown head with an Ashdown Cab, but I agree that it looks like a slightly backward step.
  20. Sorry, xgsjx, I was actually referring to JTUK's post. Having done a bit of research it looks like the Epi cabs perform optimally with High wattage power amps combined with a pre, so that might be a way to go??
  21. I think I know where you're coming from, but to avoid assumptions, why?
  22. I recently swapped a MB LM II for an Ashdown ABM 500 running through my Epi 410UL to try and get a little tubey goodness into my sound. Unfortunately, the tubey goodness seems to have introduced a bit of boom with it. The church I'm playing in is a typical high-ceiling-solid-walls affair, so I don't know whether than has anything to do with it? I can dial out the boom by trimming back the bass, but that seems to negate the point of getting the ABM in the first place. Am I expecting too much given the acoutics of the room? The other possibility is that I've read the Epi 410UL described as being a bit boomy in the low end. Would I be better with a 2x12 to give the low end whilst also offering a few more mids?? Opinions and experience welcomed!
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