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Everything posted by Rumble

  1. [quote name='Tee' post='1156773' date='Mar 10 2011, 04:03 PM']When i've sold basses in the past, i removed the pictures after the sale (but left all other info) so that certain types don't copy them and set up fake adverts elsewhere.[/quote] This is probably the only plausible reason I've read so far for deleting any part of a 'for sale' ad once the item has sold. Personally speaking, I've recently bought something that turned out to be something I didn't recall it being advertised as, but by the time I'd received it, all relevant material from the advert had been completely erased and I'm left wondering if I'm just blind and didn't see it, which might well be the case, but not knowing leaves me with a nagging doubt. Put 'SOLD' on the title and leave the rest of it well alone, I say.
  2. Thanks again guys for your suggestions. I've changed what I was informed were pretty new strings and that appears to have made a discernable difference for starters. I'm actually not sure whether the strings that had been on were nickel D'Addarios that were just past there best, but I've put some EB's on and there certainly more 'zing'. I think I've come to the conclusion that it's not actually anything to do with the amp. It could well be more to do with the fact that I had 'past their best' strings on a passive J bass having been used to the zing and sparkle of a status S2 for the past few months. Will definitely persevere.
  3. Is it not just some graining in the wood? Same thing seems to be present at the 14th fret also on the A string
  4. Thanks for the suggestions chaps. Having done a little experimentation at home with a small peavey combo, I don't think it's the LMII. It does sound a bit like the VLE has been cranked up a notch, but I pretty much always have both the filters fully off. In terms of the bass, the D and G sound pretty good, it's just the E and A so it might be a string issue. I might also try just popping the original Fender PUPs back in.
  5. I tried my new Jazz bass last night through my LMII and Epi 4x10 cab and I was completely underwhelmed. Through my Tascam BT1 it's sounded great, but through the amp it just sounded so flat and compressed with very little bite or aggression. I've A/B'd the LMII against the MB F1 and Genz Benz Shuttle and it certainly sounded flatter to me, but this is really the first time it's sounded so flat. Is it just that the LMII just doesn't suit the jazz or that this particular Jazz is actually just a bit compressed?
  6. So do you think it's the tone of a bass that influences the way it's played then? I've noticed in the past that I'll play the same song quite differently using a P bass than how I'd play it with something more modern. Am I the exception rather than the rule?!
  7. I know what you mean about the string spacing, but they are both the same. I think it's more a case of not having the 5th string knocking around in my visual field saying 'do something with me now'!
  8. For the past x-teen years I've been playing 5 string basses with the odd 6 string thrown in here and there, but recently I've acquired a 4 string jazz and I have to say that I really like what it's done for my playing. I actually expected to struggle with adapting back to 4 strings after so long, but it oddly seems to provide more space for my fingers to move in. I don't know whether it's anything to do with scale length or what, but it just feels somehow .... easier. It also seem to change the way I phrase my playing. Has anyone else ever noticed this? The sour taste in the mouth is that I've also just acquired probably the best 5 string bass I've ever had (Overwater). Aaarrrggghh!!
  9. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1126758' date='Feb 14 2011, 10:12 AM']So get working with other musicians - they are the key.[/quote] Absolutely. I'm useless at just thinking up great basslines on my own and I'd always wondered whether a lack of theoretical knowledge might have something to do with it. However, playing together with other muso's makes a massive difference. Having said that, it has to be the 'right' musos. We have two drummers at our church both of whom are pretty accomplished at what they do, but one of them is more 'percussion' stylee whereas the other just holds down some great, tight grooves; I find it sooo much easier to come up with good lines playing with the second guy and really struggle for the first.
  10. I've only ever really had one bass at a time, but might reach into the sphere of multiple bass ownership this week. Whilst I play at church on a regular basis, I haven't 'gigged' for a couple of years, but I don't miss it in the slightest. For me, playing bass is something I do because I enjoy it and it helps me to unwind. I'm also starting to come round to the idea that there might be occasions when playing different basses (whether it be at home or church) might just enhance the enjoyment factor..........and then again I might just be trying to justify owning more basses than I can play at any one time!
  11. Rumble


    If they sound anywhere near as good as they look, you're onto a sure winner. Pleeeeeaaaase strike a deal for Mark at Bassdirect to stock a few so I can pop over and try a couple!
  12. Line 6 Bass Pod xt Live in A1 condition and comes in original box with Power lead and instruction manual. I haven't had it that long, but I'm just not an effects guy at heart. Asking £130 + P&P or would consider trade for a nice onboard pre to go in my newly purchased Fender Jazz (might also consider outboard pre if it's the right one!) Thanks for looking and please contact me if you have any queries. [attachment=71993:IMG_2403__50__.JPG] [attachment=71994:IMG_2405__50__.JPG] [attachment=71995:IMG_2406__50__.JPG] [attachment=71996:IMG_2412__50__.JPG]
  13. Thanks Marty, hopefully the new owner will agree with you :-)
  14. I'm pretty sure the string spacing is 18mm and the scale length is 34.75". As for the price, I'd rather look at trade for the moment. I have a couple of interesting offers on the table at the moment. If none of them work out, I'll post a price and go for a cash sale. Thanks
  15. To be perfectly honest, I'm still not absolutely sure that I'm doing the right thing here, but I'm employing the 'flip a coin, call and judge you decision by your reaction' type approach. Make no mistake, this is a fantastic bass (hence my hesitant approach), but I'm just not using the 6th string and in truth, would probably like something a little more growly in the low end. I'll try not to bore you with loads of blurb, so I've attached a pic that'll probably tell you most of what you need to know - Mahogony wings with Walnut tone block, bolt-on neck, gold hardware, lovely top which I think is a figured Walnut.... It's also absolutely MINT. Comes with Status hardcase Only trades considered at the moment for something Warwick or similar, but they must be 5'ers I'm afraid. Might consider cash sale but only if there's something on the forum that takes my interest. [attachment=71436:IMG_2741__50__.JPG] Get in touch if you have any interesting offers
  16. This is an interesting one - I'm usually a real tone snob, but since getting a Status S2 the 'feel' of the bass has become much more evident. If I'm honest, the S2 doesn't really give me the tone I'm after, but the neck is just something else and for that reason alone I'm struggling to contemplate the idea of parting with it.
  17. [quote name='icastle' post='1110573' date='Feb 1 2011, 07:28 AM']To me, those two videos explain 'musician' without needing to rely on words to do it. [/quote] Extremely well said and I completely agree - what makes it even better is that there wasn't any 'slap it as fast as you can until your thumb bleeds' stuff, which is nice Not sure the cats as interested in playing the bass as it is in biting it's owners arm!
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