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Everything posted by Rumble

  1. These have always appeared quite attractive to me. What's the body wood and PUP spec on these?
  2. That's very, very cool. Fantastic playing. A great example of not overplaying IMHO.
  3. [quote name='Tee' post='138836' date='Feb 12 2008, 01:33 PM']Well, it's the vintage 'premium' version, ie alder and US pickups, not the cheaper basswood and Japanese pickups version. So you have to ask yourself, do i like it and can i afford it? [/quote] The simple answer is yes and yes.......however, going with a p-bass is something of an unknown for me (currently have a jazz bass) so don't want to spend £400 buying from a shop to find it's only worth £350 on the used market.
  4. I've just had a look at Ishibashi and it would appear the only new ones available for overseas export are the US versions. So with this in mind is it worth jumping on this one whilst it's available?
  5. Hi guys & gals Do you think [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Japan-62-RI-Precision-Bass-Alder-USA-Pickups_W0QQitemZ300198390625QQihZ020QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Japan-62-RI-P...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] is a good price? Ta
  6. Blimey, he's a bit isn't he! Totally agree with ^^^ about the fingers!
  7. Whether or not people think a spare bass is a necessary part of their arsenal is a personal choice. If you choose not to have one for whatever reason that may be, I have no quibbles and respect your choice. As for me, I don't - and never have - like looking an arse in front of people; so for that reason alone, even if the odds are very slim of anything going wrong, I'll take a spare. As for the reliability of modern day basses, I agree with previous comments made. However, when my mate knocked over his band mates bass rendering it useless for the remainder of the gig, it wasn't so much a reflection of the basses quality, rather the force with which it hit the floor!! Back to the original purpose of the thread......... don't ask me why, but I feel myself being drawn towards a P-bass. It feels a bit bizarre given that I've never really liked them before, but... I know, I know....it's a 4 string to back up a five, but I don't know that I'm not up for a bit of a change and a challenge!
  8. [quote name='chardbass' post='134723' date='Feb 5 2008, 11:27 PM']I would have a 5 with a slightly different slant to your main bass- that way it won't be an idle back-up that never got used. 2 different sounds so as a result the Jazz gets used instead of being a dust-gathering insurance policy.[/quote] Very good point! I had been thinking about something Warwick-like as I loved the feel of the SS1 I used to own. [quote name='BassBunny' post='134763' date='Feb 6 2008, 12:31 AM']Cause it is an excellent excuse to convince the wife you need to buy another Bass [/quote] Also an excellent point and just as valid as any other in my book [quote name='Johngh' post='134875' date='Feb 6 2008, 10:43 AM']...Result was that I missed bottom B too much...[/quote] Hi John, I have to say that having to play a song I'd routinely do on a 5, on a 4 in the middle of a gig would in all probability throw me completely off kilter. Not sure I'm that proficient to switch from one to the other, just like that. BTW - Are you still enjoying that gorgeous Shuker?!
  9. [quote name='matt_citizenbass' post='134877' date='Feb 6 2008, 10:46 AM']..... i dont want to spend all that money only to find out that the cab starts to struggle when i crank it.[/quote] Matt, like I said in my first post, it isn't the cab that stuggles in a louder setting, it's that my amp doesn't have enough juice to put through it. As rodl2005 said, it's only one 12" cone, that's the issue. I really think if I had the WT550, it wouldn't be a problem.
  10. Thanks loads for all you input guys! Really didn't expect this level of response. For those who've questioned the need for a back-up; a drummer friend of mine managed to knock over the bass of his band mate, didn't think he'd done anything, but when the guy came to start the set, no noise was forthcoming. It turns out one of the solder joints to the jack socket had come free in the fall. The bass player had a back up he hadn't played in ages, but at that time it saved his bacon and meant the wedding reception could continue with a full band. I take the position that if someone's paying you hard earned cash to put on a gig of 'x' length, then that's what I should do. I don't want to be the one to mess up someone's wedding reception. It may be the only one they ever have! Thanks again
  11. Having just sold my 6'er and being a long time 5 string user, I'm wondering whether I should replace the 6 with a 4 string to be my back up bass? There are a couple of issues I'm considering: 1.) Should your back-up bass have at least the same number of strings as your main bass? 2.) Does playing a 4 string alter your style after playing a 5 for so long (this might not be a bad thing! )? 3.) Should you back-up bass be of the same or very similar type (i.e. jazz, P, active, passive etc..) to your main bass? All opinions gratefully received
  12. Matt, I also have two GS 112's and I just love 'em. I have never had any probs at all cutting through the mix and although I've never tried the NT version, I'd certainly go for the tweeter if it's going to be your only cab. Re driving it. I use mine with an Eden WT400 which pushes out something in the region of 270W into 8Ohms. I have to admit that sometimes, if playing in a loud environment the amp can clip a bit, but I think this might be a cone area issue rather than an amp insufficiency issue (if that makes sense!). The cab(s) have never even been close to fuzzing up on me. I have occasionally wondered about getting a head with a bit more juice, but just love the Eden.
  13. My JO5 certainly doesn't have an apparent lacquer feel to it. Maybe a bit of the satin stuff that the other guys have already mentioned?
  14. Sounds lovely. Do you have a price in mind?
  15. I don't know anything about Nick F in his pre-Jamiroquai days, but I'm pretty sure he was Yamaha (and a whole lot of effects) through-and-through. Whilst I'm not quite the ardent JK fan that I used to be the albums I very rarely play are the ones with NF on them. Horses-for-courses I guess, but he just didn't do it for me.
  16. I know this is sad, but being a former SS1 owner, I keep coming back to look at this baby just because of those PUPs. It's crazy how good they look! Have a bump good squire.
  17. The sterling is absolutely gorgeous in a brown kinda way and looks very classy. The Bongo,.........well, it's still a Bongo and I just don't like 'em no matter how many strings they have.
  18. [quote name='The Burpster' post='123136' date='Jan 18 2008, 09:07 PM']Bugger the Warwicks .... Who's the spotty Kitty in your avatar? and has the dame with it got a screw loose? or has the cheetah been out on the pop the night before![/quote] Can't remember the kitty's name, he hadn't been out on the pop though. He was making the most of the mid-day sun and enjoying a head scratch whilst purring like a good'n. I kid you not!!
  19. Love the look of the LX's. Not fussed about the hollowbody. The $$ is ..... well exactly the same of the current 5 string, but with an extra string (profound, I know!!). The headless does absolutely nothing for me in any way whatsoever. Andy there endeth my two-penneth! Should the header not read "Ltd Edition 2008 - January's lot,...... soon to be followed by some February Ltd Editions then the March Ltd Editions, then the ...."? You get the drift. You have to admit, Warwick are rather partial to a Ltd Ed or two!
  20. Love the sound of your bass and the first clip of your fingerstyle shows that you've really come on. Re the floating thumb; I use both floating and fixed thumb (on the lowest string not on PUP) depending on what I'm playing. If it's something fast and dynamic I'll generally fix as this allows a faster transition between the strings especially if playing a descending run. If the song is slower and quieter I'll use the floating thumb to cut down on residual string vibration.
  21. She's very good, but the littl'n just put a very big grin on my face. How cute is he?! To boot, for a three year old he seemed to be doing some pretty logical stuff with his left hand. The boy'll go far I predict!!
  22. Identical in looks and/or sound?
  23. I must admit, one of the first clips I saw of Tal was a jam she had with Marcus Miller on the EBS stand at ?NAMM on Youtube and I really wasn't that impressed, but the more I hear her the more I'm changing my mind. It is SOOOOO refreshing to have someone entering the bass led jazz scene that doesn't feel the need to slap every single line (a slight overexaggeration I know, but...). Smooth and tasteful. Love it!
  24. Well I thought I'd worked it out, then I watched the Jeff Beck clip again on Youtube and she seems to be getting a fretless type sound from her Sadowsky fretted. Me-sa confused. In the last hour I must've listen to the second track on her myspace page at least 8 times. Nothing overly fancy, just fantastic, tasteful playing. Hats off to her.
  25. Don't worry, I think I've figured it out for myself
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