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Posts posted by Rumble

  1. That's a very nice pair! How do you choose which one you're going to play? I have to say that having owned a SS1 for sometime I wouldn't be overly keen to go down that route again. The SSII on the other hand is a different proposition entirely. Like Blink said, I'd go for a 5 string, and there aren't too many of those around.

    Anyone have opinions on Statii for covers?

  2. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='21084' date='Jun 20 2007, 10:33 PM']...but I find my SR5 better for my covering needs (function stuff..you know the type of thing) -the fivers are a lot mer versatile than the SR4[/quote]

    OK, thanks guys for your suggestions so far. What about the SR5 (as suggested by nottswarwick)? And let's put it in the pot with say....... something like a Warwick Corvette and one of the older Statii (Eclipse etc.. still with graphite neck)?

    All still roughly in the same bracket. Which one would you choose now? Jazz, SR, Warwick, Status?

  3. [quote name='Sean' post='21328' date='Jun 21 2007, 12:31 PM']While we're all talking Lakland - why not try the 44-02 or 55-02. You get all the versatility of a Jazz with a MM pick up at the back (splittable) which gives a array of sounds for covers.[/quote]
    That would be my ultimate, but they don't come up very often and when they do (I've seen the one mistaben (?sp) is flogging) I don't like the finish. I'd really like one with a tobacco finish.

    [quote name='P-T-P' post='21353' date='Jun 21 2007, 01:16 PM']Personally I used to bring one of each (I never do a paid for gig without a back-up, even though I've never needed one), now I bring a pair of DJ5s, one with Bartolini pre-amp and one passive. The passive one does a reasonable facsimile of a P-Bass.[/quote]
    I'm finding it very difficult not to hate you right now!! :huh: I'd love just one DJ, nevermind two of 'em.

    [quote name='Sibob' post='21543' date='Jun 21 2007, 07:32 PM']Like i said in a previous Fender post:

    A USA Jazz with S1 switching, J and P tones, thats what i use for covers anyway :). Although i generally only use one sound, the sound i like, the crowds are generally to pissed to say "that bass tone he's got is a 70's whereas the song is 90's" or whatever lol

    I'm becoming increasingly interested in trying a lakland after this thread though, i don't think i've ever tried one.....ever!
    What would people say the DJ or JO has over a fender USA jazz?

    I totally agree that when someone is so drunk they can no longer remain vertical without assitance, it's highly unlikely that they'll be passing objective comments on my bass tone. Problem is, I'll be stone cold sober and frettin' about it if it doesn't sound just right.

    With regards to the Fender Vs Lakland question, it could almost warrant a thread all of it's own, but I have yet to hear a non-vintage Fender that IMHO sounds as good as my JO.

  4. [quote name='paul, the' post='21184' date='Jun 21 2007, 02:52 AM']I've heard the Joe Osborns are weighty - although I've never tried one.[/quote]
    I can confirm that the JO's are a bit weighty. I have a 5 string weighing in at 12 Ibs! Needless to say, it gives my shoulder a bit of grief after 45-60 mins continuous playing. Hence, I'm on the hunt for something a bit lighter.

  5. [quote name='obbm' post='21031' date='Jun 20 2007, 09:02 PM']Don't forget the Lakland Duck Dunn.[/quote]
    Don't these bare an uncanny resemblence to rocking horse poo in the second hand market?!

  6. Thanks for all your advice. Really useful.

    Re the bass, it is fantastic and I love it. I've put in a j-retro to give me just a bit more flexibility when I need it, but in the main it stays in passive mode. The j-retro would be even better if it had a pickup blend in P mode. It also looks the dogs whatsits! The only downer (and I don't know if OBBM's is the same) is the weight. At 12Ibs it's a bit on the hefty side. My left shoulder has been known to ache at the end of a set! With that in mind, I'd love a 4 string version of this bass. I'm sure it's one of the best J basses out there.


  7. [quote name='alexclaber' post='16099' date='Jun 12 2007, 11:05 AM']There's your problem, you're scooping a whole load of critical low mids and placing more demands on the lows and highs where the cabinet performs least well. So called 'enhance' knobs are best kept for playing solo - a dash of them (up to 9 or 10 o'clock) can work in a band if you have a bass with strong mids but more than that and you will get lost unless you have an amp with huge power in the lows.


    So should I roll the enhancer back to 9 o'clock and then add some upper mids on via the main EQ to help me cut through a bit better?

    BTW, I play a Lakland JO5 which, being a jazz bass, has a natural mid scoop to it. Would this have anything to do with it?

    I'm such a novice!! :)

  8. I take the point that many have made about using both cabs and to be honest I don't really have a prob with this for gigging, because they are fantastic little cabs especially when working together.

    However, there's no way I'm taking both to practices and, like last night, my head seems to struggle for juice when we start to pump it out a bit (and I'm not talking crazy volumes). I keep having to knock off the lower frequencies on the EQ so the output clipping light doesn't keep winking at me.

  9. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='15772' date='Jun 11 2007, 05:43 PM']You just know you are going to get a dozen different suggestions and one of them <be>might</be> be right for you!

    Mine is to buy a Neo equipped 6x10 (not as big and bulky as an 8x10 but more displacement than a 4x10).

    30kg, 19" wide, 6 speakers... not perfect for everyone (and to some it will be an abhorrence) but it's starting to work for me![/quote]

    They may not not be that heavy but they are big enough to warrant buying a small van to move 'em around! :huh:

    [quote name='Bernmeister' post='15785' date='Jun 11 2007, 06:08 PM']Sorry ! But would definately say, its suggestion 1 for me.
    Its not as if the aggie 112's are a big & heavy cab are they.[/quote]
    No they aren't heavy, it's just that I'm lazy and have grown rather keen on the 'one trip' rig (i.e. head in one hand, cab in other and bass over shoulder). Don't know why I'm this way given that when I have used them together they've sounded great :)

  10. [quote name='The Funk' post='15661' date='Jun 11 2007, 03:36 PM']Give all your equipment to me and stop complaining. :)[/quote]

    I like :huh: but I not do :huh:

    [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='15680' date='Jun 11 2007, 04:05 PM']A common notion, but a flawed one. The single most limiting factor in volume achieved is the driver's displacement capability. The average 12 is displacement limited to about 50 watts in the low frequencies, anything more than that only leads to farting out at the least, blown drivers at worst. If it's not loud enough there is no replacement for displacement.[/quote]

    Unless, that is, the 4 Ohm cab is a 2x10 and not a 1x12.....

  11. I have an Eden WT400 into one or two Aguilar 112's. In truth it's usually into one because I'm too bone-idle to take two to a gig. The problem is that with only one cab the Eden struggles for juice and starts clippin' at higher volumes.

    The question is do I.....

    1) stop being so bone-idle and take both cabs to give a 4 Ohm rig (and hopefully a bit more Oooommpphh)
    2) get a 4 Ohm cab (there's a nice Eden 210 XST on here at the mo)
    3) get an amp that has more on tap into 8 Ohms

    ???? What d'ya reckon ???

  12. [quote name='Muppet' post='14301' date='Jun 8 2007, 05:36 PM']You're so on the mark that it's already being discussed [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1315"]here[/url] :)[/quote]

    Sorry, didn't realise it had already found it's way into that thread. I was only reading that thread last night as well. : :huh:

  13. Have a look at this...


    I may be off the mark with this, but it smells a little bit fishy. For a start I've checked on Fender and it says that a 1966 bass should have a 100 000 or 200 000 serial number.

    Is this another dodgy Fender on e-bay?

  14. That has to be one of the most fancy, yet tasteful pieces of playing I've ever seen and that's not BS'ing you. A fantastic mix of melody with rhythm. It makes such a refreshing change to see someone not trying to prove they're a great player by playing slap licks at 1000mph.

    Hat's off to ya' fella!

  15. I know this is a bit sad, but I was looking very closely at a EB Musicman add featuring Paul Turner of Jamiroquai who uses the DB750. Once I'd figured that the bass/mid/treble controls are actually the other way round to usual (i.e. treble-mid-bass) I saw that he has his treble and mid both turned down to about 9 or 10 o'clock.

    Don't know whether this is of any relevance or help whatsoever, but thought I'd let you know anyhow!

    PS I'm as jealous as a very jealous thing that you have a DB750.

  16. I've recently been listening to some Queen stuff again and I have to agree with acidbass that his playing is just so ...... appropriate. He's not out there to show off, but does exactly what the songs need and in a very simple but classy way. Top bass geezer!

  17. Gadget,

    I used to run it through an MB Traveller 4x10 which really wasn't a great sound, then I got my Aguilar 1x12's which I love. I really like the Eden, but I find the 235W into 8Ohms just isn't enough sometimes. I'm also not sure if the warmth of the Eden through the 1x12's limits the ability to cut through the mix a little.

  18. The one I had was the same as the Yellow one apart from the colour. To me it always sounded rather flat and a bit dull really, the complete opposite to what so many people seem to be saying about the new MB gear.

  19. I used to own one of the old MB Little Mark F1's (in bright red). At the time it just didn't do it for me, but I'm now in the market for something with a bit more ooomph than my Eden WT400 (into 8 Ohms).

    Do the newer MB amps sound the same as the older ones or has it changed at all with the updated power section etc..?


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