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Everything posted by Rumble

  1. D'ya know what, I think the penny might have actually dropped, thanks to you guys! I had it in my head that it was much more complicated than this. However, having listened to what's been said / written and having just drawn the different combinations out on a piece of paper, I can see that the majority of the chords I've seen other guys playing are just maj or min combos of R,3,7, with the occasional R,5 thrown in. Please tell me I haven't completely misunderstood!!
  2. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1342341603' post='1733321'] Are you talking about which triads are commonly built on each degree of a scale? E.g. in your example of G major: [/quote] I think that's pretty much it, yes. I guess it's also about how you would 'finger' each chord. For example, would you always finger IV the same way (allowing for adequate space on the fingerboard), regardless of the songs root chord? Paul 5 - thanks for your input too. Do you suggest I start off just working on the R,3,5 chords first? When starting to add the 7ths would you always drop the 5th instead of the 3rd? Thanks guys....
  3. First up, my theory knowledge isn't fantastic so please go slow and I don't read music when I'm playing! I understand the basic major & minor triads, and I use 5th DS quite happily, but I need to understand which chords I can play over a song in a particular key. For example, if I'm playing a song in Gmaj, I know that I'd need to play a minor triad in the second and third positions (A and and major triads in the 4th and 5th (C and D). However, if I want to break away from just playing Double-stops based on triads - and sticking with the example of playing a song in G - could I play a D7 chord in the 5th position instead of just playing a plain old D? Taking this one step further, is there a general rule that says that I'd always play a 7th chord in the 5th position of any key, or a maj7th chord in the 4th position etc....? I guess my basic question is, how do I use Triple-stops? I hope this makes sense!
  4. BUMP with additional trade option - a nice 6 string...... anyone?
  5. I'd be happy to make a special trip up for a guaranteed sale, but I'm afraid you'd have to wait for a planned trip otherwise.
  6. My folks live in Rotherham! FWIW this bass plays beautifully.
  7. Last couple of days before I revert to eBay. Come on guys......!! I'll even try another price drop - £585 + P&P
  8. Not much longer before I revert to 'the bay'.... Please, someone save me the indignity!!
  9. Thanks Kev. I've tried to do it directly into the post but it just keeps saying that the upload failed. Is there a better way to do it?
  10. I've tried on several occasions to load some pics, but four some reason it just doesn't work. Any suggestions gratefully received. I'm more than happy for folks to pop round to have play it if they want. Free tea and coffee available on request! Thanks for your suggestions and feedback. All gratefully received.
  11. No love for a piece of Warwick history?!
  12. I recently acquired one of David's Kinal MK5's and can attest to their greatness! Absolutely fantastic instruments.
  13. Blumin eck, I'd forgotten how quickly this forum moved on!
  14. Erm, yes....slightly.....ish. More evident on the back which means its less evident on the front!!
  15. Since getting my Kinal 5 this just doesn't get a look in so it's up for grabs. Pre-empting the questions about the SS1 label, this is the model Warwick used prior to developing the LX. Consequently, it has the maple neck of a modern SS1, but it's BO instead of NT. The body is Cherry which seems to help give a little extra warmth when compared to the usual maple body. Tone - very punchy with a nice warmth whilst retaining the typical Warwick growl. Condition - very good. No specific bashes or dings that I can see although the hardwear is tarnished in places, particularly on the bridge pieces. Electronics - It's an all MEC affair. There's some crackle on the volume pot which has appeared recently, probably due to limited use. A bit of lube should help resolve this. Price - Looking for £[s]625 [/s] £585 please Trades - no really interested in trades, but might be tempted by a nice P bass, Lakland BG or a 6 string. Pictures - struggling to upload them at the moment so I hope Josh won't mind me pointing you in the direction of his ad: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/162733-sold-warwick-streamer-pre-lx-bo-4-stringsold/page__p__1469641__hl__stage__fromsearch__1#entry1469641"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1469641[/url] Thanks for looking and please get in touch with any questions.... New photos here - [url="http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj639/MrNed13/Warwick%20SS1%20BO/"]http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj639/MrNed13/Warwick%20SS1%20BO/[/url]
  16. Hi Arpi, What are the 5 control knobs for? Vol, blend, bass, treble ....? Thanks
  17. Sounds nice. Do you have any pics?
  18. I remember playing this when Scooby had it. Lovely, lovely piece of craftmanship. IIRC it's a 2 band EQ.
  19. Are there any sound clips of the Goncolo one please?
  20. If the darker one sounds half as good as it looks then it will be amazing, but does the bridge on the Bubinga one overhang the body? I can't tell if it's just an illusion created by the wood, contours and lacquer.
  21. Without the import taxes and VAT this would be an absolute bargain and very very tempting, but .... Have a bump anyway
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