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Cliff Burton

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Everything posted by Cliff Burton

  1. I hate to say it but TheBrokenDoor and SteveK, you guys need to dum that down slightly. Sorry Cliff
  2. [quote name='SteveK' post='257010' date='Aug 7 2008, 10:34 AM']Not forgetting The Blues scale, which is possibly the most versatile of scales: C Eb F Gb G Bb You can think of it as a minor pentatonic with a b5 added. This scale can be used over Major (especially Dominant 7) and Minor chords As the name implies this scale is used extensively in Blues. Try it over a 12 bar in C (C7 F7 G7) Steve BTW A Diminished scale is made up of alternate whole and half steps, ie. E Diminished = E F# G A Bb C C# D#[/quote] Cheers man, shoulda said, I know my blues scale over two octaves. Are there any modes of the blues scale?
  3. Hey yall i'm trying to figure out what other modes there are in a major and a minor scale and there cariations For Major I know the Mixolydian, Lydian and Ionian. For Minor 3 (can't remember the names atm) memory blank one being Dorian. Also do the Harmonic minors have modes and other scales all have modes? I'm trying to get a good scale to solo in for Metal/Prog rock. Could somebody recommend some? Trying to remember the diminished scale atm. FAIL If someone could either tab some scales out or give me the notes in an example scale in G C or G with Sharps and flats etc it would be grand or a link would be even more fantastic for referance.
  4. I might give them a go, reminds me of a Perfect Circle type Tone tbh with that metal pic. If I got the cheap set linked above would it make a hella difference? Regards Alex
  5. Any advance on these pics? escholl When you say they attack the strings do you mean rip apart the protective layers and wear them down quicker? How do they feel weird? I could imagine the grating being harsh on the ears though :L
  6. Hey there guys has anyone used this sorta thing before? If so any noticable difference when playing then a plastic pic? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/12-METAL-GUITAR-OR-BASS-PLECTRUMS-plectrum-pick-picks_W0QQitemZ290247870318QQihZ019QQcategoryZ20832QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/12-METAL-GUITAR-OR-B...bayphotohosting[/url] If not then this might be an experiance for all of us. I'd be to worried to wear the coating of my strings down with these, but i'm not sure if that would be the case. Also couldn't imagine the sound being much different to other thin plectrum (as I don't think there thick) Regards Alex
  7. Damnit! Shame, would had that gig bag as mines knackered. Enjoy ^^ Alex
  8. Cheers man, i've been looking, nothing my age, and as for party sounds even in a good amount of detail no one
  9. HEy all i'm looking to join a new band around west sussex. My main influences are APC, Tool, Amon Amarth, The Cure, Nevermore, Megadeth and loads more. PM me for more details
  10. I'm liking the Trace Elliot amps, i've played one in the studio and in the college practice room. Lovely tone. Also been looking into HArtke, thinking of getting as a speaker and maybe buy a head but this thread isn't about heads ^^ but if anyone would like to PM me . I'll probably go into GAK to try the combos out. Regards Alex
  11. I've decided to search for a zoom, if anyone wants to seet he post you know where it is Any pm's for shops like you've been doing would be appreciated also. Many thanks Alex
  12. Hey again guys and gals. Sorry to plague you on this forum but when i'm no longer a noob you wont hear of my questions so much hahah. Anywho I was thinking about getting a Zoom, I know a few people who have used zooms and I like there feel and sound from the brief time that I played on one which was a... B1 I think. It has a larger set of effects before and a chromatic tuner that i'd be after with a host of number of FX, but also, (one of the big reasons i'm interested because of the PC transfer). And this pedal has a large amount of drum beats. Also intrigued and excited with the thought of cubase software, i've used logic before on an Apple, can anyone tell me if it's remotelty similar? If anyone could recommend a better value for money Multi FX pedle with software that's as easy to use then go ahead Thanks again everyone at BC you ledgends [url="http://www.zoom.co.jp/english/products/b21u/"]http://www.zoom.co.jp/english/products/b21u/[/url] <=== linky for FX pedal Cliff
  13. Sorry, we're talking combo unless your talking about budget cab and a budget speaker, either is fine to be honest if you guys rate them alrite.
  14. Hey guys can you tell me what makes a cost effective amp? I currently own a schecter 5 string Diamond series and my current amp (an oldie being a "Laney session 75 bassman" amplifier cab combo) I would idealy be after an amp of this quality [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/fender-rumble-60/10733"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/fender-rumble-60/10733[/url], that my college use. But am trying to stick to a budget ideally less then that, something that would hopefully have a headphone output and ideally a PA output. Sadly i've only had chance to try these to amps and a few peavey practice amps. Any advice on amps in general is most welcome, help the noobie please guys hahah Thanks Cliff
  15. Hey all sorry for not posting for a while (finishing my music course), I was wondering if anyone on the forum has used one? (i'm sure someone has : ) I was curious what I should get because i'm a noob when it comes to equipment. I was looking at this on the e of the bay and thought it looked like it would do the job for the price. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/JMT-Clip-On-Tuner-and-Metronome-for-Guitar-Violin-Bass_W0QQitemZ330247510321QQihZ014QQcategoryZ22672QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/JMT-Clip-On-Tuner-an...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] And btw how do these things work? Can they pick up the sound if the bass if the sounds cut like the chromatic pedal tuners? Any help would be appreciated Thanks ya'll
  16. Sorry for the late birthday wishes, been inactive for a while. Happy birthday!
  17. I knew there was a thread previously to this but I couldn't find what I wanted so I figured it being nearly 2 months old i'd start a new one. Could anybody give me some tab and some exercises for both finger sweeping and picked sweeping, not to interested in the tapping yet, I want to get just the standard shapes nailed first, I haven't managed to come into any decent instructonal videos yet of technique in easy steps. I was hoping somebody may be able to provide. If anymore infos needed i'm more than happy to help, thanks Cliff
  18. [quote name='Buzz' post='143314' date='Feb 19 2008, 07:25 PM']He means because you've done it upside down by the looks of it, you've got: Yeah your right man i've been writing tab down wrong for yars then :S Don't know why i've done it that way... considering tab i've read is the other way around LMFAO! Cliff
  19. [quote name='jono b' post='143300' date='Feb 19 2008, 07:00 PM']You're pretty close, but you confused me loads by tabbing it out E A D G Usually it's the other way round. Here's a link to [url="http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/c/cure/lovecats_ver3_btab.htm"]a spot on tab[/url]. You can check yours against it to see where you went wrong.[/quote] Cheers man, the reason I tabbed it out like that was because I wasn't using the other string but next time i'll just leave them blank, i'm glad most of that song was right, it's been like the 2nd song i've learnt by ear. Damn, I don't feel like cheating and looking at the tab but I will I guess Thanks. Cliff
  20. Hey guys, long time no post, been busy at college. Well it's come to ol' time off and I tryed learning parts of lovecats, I didn't know whether to Tab it out on here or write the notes, I found it easier to Tab, sorry if it's an eye sore. I would really appreciate it if people would tell me where i'm going wrong in the song, not tell me the correct notes, it's all part of me training my ear. Once the tabs right i'll start writing the real notation, it's not the right number of riffs I don't think but i'm confident the main riff and the Verse are right, and parts of the fill. Thanks. Cliff (again sorry if this is the wrong place to post, didn't see a forum for own tabbing etc so I appoligise if it's me just being a fool) Intro E—0—3--5—0—3—1 X2 1st time only E—0—3—5 Main riff E—5-------------------5--3 A--------7—5—3--------- E—5------------------5--3 A--------5—3—2--------- X2 no lyrics X4 with lyrics Verse A—3—5—7-------3—5—7—8--------- D----------------5---------------------10sup X2 Main Riff E—5-------------------5--3 A--------7—5—3--------- E—5------------------5--3 A--------5—3—2--------- X6 Verse A—3—5—7-------3—5—7—8--------- D----------------5---------------------10sup X2 Chorus E—5------------ A------5s-------- D-----------10sup X8 Main Riff E—5-------------------5--3 A--------7—5—3--------- E—5------------------5--3 A--------5—3—2--------- X4 1st fill E—5-----------------5------------9 A----5—3—5—7------5—3----- 1st fill 2nd part? Chorus E—5------------ A------3s-------- D-----------10sup X8 Main Riff E—5-------------------5--3 A--------7—5—3--------- E—5------------------5--3 A--------5—3—2--------- X2 1st part of 2nd fill E—5—7------------------------ A----------3—5—7—8—7--3 2nd part ? E—5—7---------------------------5 A------------3—5—7—5—3--- X2 altogether Main Riff E—5-------------------5--3 A--------7—5—3--------- E—5------------------5--3 A--------5—3—2--------- X2 End E—5 Let ring then: A—1s12
  21. Hey dude Good to see someone who's into metal, I saw Incubus actually at brixton in Oct (I think) Welcome to Bass Chat Cliff
  22. Thanks guys i'll check out those tunes tomorrow after college, but keep 'em coming, I'll check out Guitar pro as well. Thanks. Cliff
  23. [quote name='NickThomas' post='115076' date='Jan 6 2008, 11:05 PM']Try having a listen through "Badge" (Cream song) . Got a very prominent bassline and nice to play too . Good luck, Nick.[/quote] I don't have the song i'll try and find it on youtube. I learnt sunshine of your love by ear a while ago, a lot of fun to play at the time. Thanks Nick Alex
  24. Firstly I thought this would be the best place to post this topic if not I appologise. My musical ear for notes is absoulutely appauling, it may be because the bass is hardly audible within the music I listen to or I just don't have a very good ear. I know it will come over time but does anyone have any tips to speed up the process? I hate cheating off tab as i'm doing a music course i'm feeling a little left behind. Can anyone give me any simple metal, rock or blues songs to decifer by ear. Thanks. Cliff.
  25. [quote name='neilb' post='110500' date='Dec 29 2007, 11:35 AM']You may get specific advice if you ask a specific question Cliff. Do you want views on what pedals/effects do what? Do you want advice on connections/setup etc? In other words, your question is a bit vague.[/quote] Thanks for posting this dude, well.. views would be good I can see I have a few so far, and any advice on setup and connections from anyone would be great. Cliff
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