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Everything posted by rk7

  1. Room 335 - Larry Carlton RK
  2. GLWTS! Very nice (and loud) rig. RK
  3. Hmmm, it is a bit pricey. One day maybe RK
  4. GLWTS Harry! Aurora on the way? RK
  5. The Aurora is (currently) due for release early March, (probably around the time of the London Bass Guitar Show I suspect). Marc posted some pics of the internals yesterday of Facebook. It looks very amazing. Price is showing at £1600 through BassDirect. buy one TRBboy! RK
  6. I am, until it is Aurora-time! Then the TC rig (2x10 and 1x12) will be relegated to the practice room! RK
  7. I have a tanglewater jazz that is strung BEAD. Cheap as chips and surprisingly effective. thank you please RK
  8. Bought one of these cabs from BassDirect (thanks Mark!). I'm over the moon with the sound quality it produces. Just need the Aurora amp now, and some red underpants to colour co-ordinate, and I'll be sorted! Vanderkley is top kit! RK
  9. rk7


    Welcome to the forum! RK
  10. Welcome Loula! Enjoy the forum RK
  11. Yes! Speak to the OW guys, and visit them. RK
  12. Very cool. This is gonna be a monster bass! RK
  13. Awesome! Subscribed RK
  14. (I'll get my coat)
  15. It'll be stuck to your belt buckle! And always face North! outstanding RK
  16. Welcome! RK
  17. I like the magnet method of fixing the cover. Very tidy. Should be more widely used. Great work, as ever. RK
  18. Doh! You are of course correct Bassman. My apologies. RK
  19. Yes, as far as I know, the 112MNT is half a 212MNT. The 212MNT is apparently split into two separate internal compartments, each with a driver in it It sounds soooo good. RK
  20. Can't comment on the 210MNT, but I've just invested in a Vanderkley 212MNT. Absolutely stunning cab. Huge sound, very clear over full range, and loads of definition. My band mates have also noticed a step improvement in sound quality (that the best endorsement of all). And, it is seriously lightweight! thank you please RK
  21. Happy New Year Captain! Another step forward, NBD is getting closer. RK
  22. I use a RH450, but it will soon be the backup/rehearsal head. Great amp. I'm going for the Vanderkley Aurora at the end of this month. Woop! I'll miss the presets and the tuner/footswitch though. RK
  23. Lovely!! subscribed. RK
  24. The Vanderkley Aurora still hasn't broke cover yet. End of January is the latest prediction. Gonna have one. Decided. RK
  25. rk7

    TC Polytune question

    Thanks Dave, good info. The new amp I'm considering has a Tuner Out facility so it looks like I'm sorted. RK
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