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Everything posted by windowlicker

  1. ok, so now I've got over being gutted by Ampeg, and having some feedback from some of you lovely people, I'm thinking of going for TC BH500...... anyone know, if you go for 1 cab rather than 2, do you still get the same output power? i.e. is it lower wattage into 1 than 2 cabs? or could you get the full output from 1 cab at higher impedence? (not sure, I'm not technically minded or even sure about terminology, but the question makes sense to me, if I'm being thick, feel free to tell me!) Also, the nifty memory setting where you can store your control settings like a preset.... is that foot switchable at all? if it were, given you can get OD, different EQ, compression, tuner..... who'd need a pedal board? answers on a postcard.......
  2. Cheers chaps! Food for thought indeed.... Looks like TC are a fave rave of a lot of people! Im now researching and sourcing some possibles whilst waiting for Mackie to tell me about this damn fault I have with the Ampeg! 2 amps dead in a year is no fun! The Rs stuff looks like if new could blow my budget before I get a cab! Take on board what's been said about 2nd hand, just nervous about getting something out of warranty. Anyone got older TC stuff who could comment on long term reliabilty? I've also looked at the bg combo..... No speaker out? And the BH which gets good write ups but no fx loop, but then I use that for a tuner, compressor and overdrive which.all seem to be on board in some way shape or form! Also intrigued by 12" drivers, never done that before! Always been 10 or 15 previously! I take it with the BH head id have to run 2 cabs to get the full output? Shame, I.seem to have just missed out on some tasty bogof deals! Hey ho!
  3. Ok, so I'm now sending my 2nd Ampeg BA600 in a year back from whence it came... Really disappointed... Sounds so sweet by uber unreliable.... Lost quite a bit of faith in the brand so kinda hoping for a refund! So the question is, what recommendations do you guys have for a RELIABLE replacement, either combo or head/cab? I'm no rich kid so limited to around 600 quid. I'm a straight forward player, fingers and pick with not a pop, slap or tap in sight. Looking fo something deep and rich sounding, with definition.... Preferably with an fx loop, and if a combo option for a speaker out. I have to tell you I'm intrigued by TC and Marshall at present. Oh, and for the record, I rue the day I got rid of my Trace!
  4. Hello! John here from Leeds, I've joined up to this after many years playing and now thinking of actually taking this bass thing a little more seriously! Over the 25 yrs of playing I've had a lot of gear from sublime to ridiculous.... matamp, peavey mk4, laney 400, trace Elliott gp12, richter cabs, homemade 2x15 cab, various Ashdown combos, Ampeg BA600, aria, Ashton, Cimar, fender and ibanez........ Current gear is an Ampeg BA600 115 combo (partly the reason why I signed up as its jiggered!). 1st choice axe is Ibanez Atk300ipt, 2nd being trusty workhorse fender MIM jazz bass and for the passing 5 string phase an Ashton AB805 I play melodic alternative music, sometimes raucus, sometimes lo-fi.... Guided by voices meets the pixies! Ok, so that's me in a nutshell John
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