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  1. Hello there, I'm playing bass guitar for 4 years and my Marshall MB60 Amp finally broken down and I would like to buy new set-up .First of all I'm playing (mostly) metal-rock-ish genres.And I'm performing to nearly 200 people at the concerts.So I think I dont need 410 cabs . So here is the options Heads; GK MB 500 / Markbass LM3 / Tc Electronic RH450 Cabs; GK CX210/ GK NEO112 - Markbass Traveller 102P I do not know if there is huge difference between 1x12 or 2x10 speakers Please help me guys ! And if there is any other brand that you can advise please do so. Thanks !
  2. [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Hello there,[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Here is my second bass cover from Sia ! Unfortunately ,I uploaded the video without the original song due to the copyrights .Please check out the description for the Vimeo link for the full video. Hope you like it .[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92TUcd1XyM4"]https://www.youtube....h?v=92TUcd1XyM4[/url][/font][/color]
  3. I added the tabs for the Chandelier ! And please dont forgot to check out my SheWolf Cover ! Thanks !
  4. Hello everyone, I'm Ozbil from Cyprus (btw I'm studying Music at York St.Johns Uni). It's been a long time since I uploaded my last cover song..But I'm back ! Yesterday I recorded one of my fav songs nowadays . I just tried to keep it simple,but added some fills and stuff like that. Hope you like it. I'll be happy to get feedback from you . By this way I'll be able to improve my new covers. Thank you so much guys . Here is the link ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJtRNfQ0VJw
  5. Hi Everyone, I was busy with my graduation ceremony and party by the last month.Finally I found time to work on my cover songs -projects.I’ll upload my new cover videos in a few days .They all recorded but they need a good tune-up with the video and the sound ! Btw stay tuned for the new videos.Please check out my covers on my youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvLtiTOktbo&feature=plcp : We Found Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE4MEmiDT9o&feature=plcp : Someone Like You http://www.youtube.com/user/ozbilbass : for the other covers ! Hope you like.
  6. Here is my bass videos.Hope you like them.Also the new video is uploading! Please stay tuned. Please comment and let me know what do you think about my videos.So that if I have any mistakes I'll fix them for the other time. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvLtiTOktbo&list=PL23697F9A63521F48&feature=plpp_play_all"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvLtiTOktbo&list=PL23697F9A63521F48&feature=plpp_play_all[/url]
  7. Stay tuned for the new video !
  8. Heyyyy !!! Here is my lastest cover for the song called We Found Love by Rihanna. Hope you like it. Enjoy Please comment and let me know what do you think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvLtiTOktbo
  9. Hi everyone.I'm here again after a long period of time. Please check out my lastest cover for the song called Someone Like You.Hope you like it ! Please send me message if you want the tabs or if you want to ask any questions(my e-mail address is written on my youtube channel at about me part ! ) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE4MEmiDT9o&feature=channel_video_title[/media] [u][b]Also stay tuned !! I'll upload my new cover video in a few days .[/b][/u]
  10. Here is my lastest cover .Please check it out.Hope you like it [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE4MEmiDT9o&feature=channel_video_title"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE4MEmiDT9o&feature=channel_video_title[/url]
  11. what a bad news.all the mishaps found me -.- video wasn't upload to youtube.I slept yesterday evening and I'm dreaming for the installation of the video.But suddenly my laptop goes to sleep mode : When I woke up in the morning I saw that internet didnt working because of some problems in optical fibres. I wish video will be upload in 5 hours cause it's so big(near to 1 gb).
  12. I apologise for everyone .I cant upload my video to youtube because my internet is too slow and it's killing me ... I wish it will be uploaded when I woke up
  13. New cover is on the way !
  14. Hi everyone,how it's going on? I hope everybody is fine. From now on I'll post my all videos to this thread.It will be more simple to everyone to follow my videos.Forget about the other posts.I 'll always update the thread. Forgive my mistakes,Enjoy it Hope you like them-Stay tuned ! For youtube channel ; [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/ozbilbass"]http://www.youtube.com/user/ozbilbass[/url] Here is the coverlist ; -Orion Bass Solo Part * www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmDff4z5wGQ -Sequoia Bass Tapping Part * www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN-qKj5cfA4 -Metropolis Bass Solo Part * www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9NXuOMTd2E -Dead Memories * www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCOtNnJ_-7w -Walk(Foo Fighters) * www.youtube.com /watch?v=dDzl-GLcYCo -Last Friday Night(Katy Perry) * www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpT0ZxVSq1s
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