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Everything posted by ironside1966

  1. The web site, [url="http://www.guitarpartsworldwide.com/p/category/0811086695-Bass+Necks/"]http://www.guitarpartsworldwide.com/p/cate...695-Bass+Necks/[/url]
  2. What do you kind people think of this body? for price quality and any alternatives? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Jazz-Bass-Guitar-Body-TOBACCO-SUNBURST_W0QQitemZ130189667726QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item130189667726&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1298%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Jazz-Bass-Guitar-Bod...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url]
  3. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1982-SQUIER-by-FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-JV-SERIES-MINT_W0QQitemZ120338946036QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item120338946036&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A10%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1982-SQUIER-by-FENDE...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url] is this a little over priced
  4. [quote name='ianrunci' post='331121' date='Nov 17 2008, 10:46 PM']I bought a few bits from these if its the music outlet shop, they never arrived, everytime I emailed him to ask about them he just said the English posties were thieves and it was tough. In the end I had to get my money back through paypal. He refused to provide proof of postage and just basically told me to F off. the guy is a joker[/quote] +1 I had to get a refund through Paypal
  5. Are you using vst or an external keyboard? is the midi outputs routed correctly? I suspect that you want to play the PC own Gm sounds if so check the internal volume of the midi synth is not tuned down. Control panel / sounds & audio devices / Audio tab Make sure it in on the G S or GN synth you want and then check the volume. also check for stray solo or mutes.
  6. +3
  7. From [url="http://www.guitardaterproject.org/fender.aspx"]http://www.guitardaterproject.org/fender.aspx[/url] Your guitar was made at the Fuji-gen Plant (for Fender Japan), Japan in the Year(s): 1996 - 1997 Fuji String Instrument Production Corporation Fuji String Instrument Production Corporation was opened in may 1960, they initially started manufacturing violins and quickly switched to classical guitar production. In 1962 electric guitar construction was started. Fujigen has a reputation for excellent quality and craftsmanship so the guitars they produce are highly regarded. They produce guitars via OEM for famous brands such as Ibanez, Epiphone, Yamaha and Fender (the import Special Interest Group nature model), G&L and others.
  8. [quote name='charic' post='297884' date='Oct 2 2008, 07:18 PM']You nailed it buddy Some people swear by cubase, I do too.. i swear its crap . Ableton live comes with the AI (audio interface) i recommended earlier, see if you get on with it and try a few others too. Best of luck and ill happily help you through recording too. [/quote] I may have posted this before. All of the big name sequences are capable of equal results for the majority of uses, it is down to the user not the software. Cubase is not crap it is just not some peoples preferd way of working, the same can be said of any piece of software.
  9. My new bass arrived today. I am completely happy with my new bass although I have to get used to it. My initial opinion is, there is a bit more tension on the strings then I am used to. Also the pickup output is very high, it is a loud bass. but it feels well made and good quality, not the most versatile of basses but a good overall sound that will work in most situations. not unlike like a jazz bass. I think it is a tone shape knob far too subtle for my liking. Any one thoughts on this matter
  10. [quote name='jmanfunk' post='294851' date='Sep 29 2008, 08:08 PM']That is a great price for this bass, wooden neck or not. Some people have the nerve to charge double that just because it has a graphite neck [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25658"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25658[/url][/quote] I do the like the look of your bass good luck with the sale
  11. [quote name='martthebass' post='289135' date='Sep 22 2008, 01:19 PM']Hiya IS. Nice to see the expanding contigent of the Rotherham 'Chapter' on BC. Can't think of anything I've played in that you might have seen. Maybe, Hot Ice (Rock covers - 1990's), UK (Britpop covers - Mid - late 90's), The Overtones (Rock covers - late 90's to early noughties) and currently MGM (Trio - 60/70's covers). More often recently tho numerous jam nights in the area playing whatever, if you're ever in the vicinity let us know.[/quote] Hello fellow Rotherham man Good luck with your new bass I may have seen you or even worked with you. Hot Ice, did you end up as a duo? UK Britpop, I once did a show case doing sound for an Abba Tribute show and there was a great Britpop band there round about late 90s there was also a band doing the Yates wine lodge circuit. I also worked for a few years as a bass player with a band called Dizzy Spells.
  12. Nobody seems to want the wooden neck ones, is there any reason for that? I have not bought this to make money I just feel so unsatisfied with my cheapish instruments I have got so I think £250 inc P&P for quality well made bass is a good price.
  13. Just won a Status Energy I think it is dated with a moment of madness on Ebay £239 +£15 postage. is this a good buy? What kind of sound should I expect [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=190253721051"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=190253721051[/url]
  14. I think I remember that name, did you support any major bands?
  15. [quote name='martthebass' post='288736' date='Sep 21 2008, 08:24 PM']Very local - Rotherham[/quote] Rotherham my old stomping ground, what bands have you played with?
  16. I am a music literate bass player with, a grade 8 in theory and grade 8 double bass and as I stated in my previous post the knowledge as been invaluable, so I am on the learning side, but I am not going to elevate myself over a none reader. Steve K summed it up for me ‘’Of course, we have all heard about those wonderful musicians who know no theory - great grooves - totally original and imaginative bass lines. These guys are very gifted and very few and far between. Most of us have to put in the hours/days/weeks/months/years. Don't deceive yourself by thinking that you are one of the chosen few. I spent many years as a professional "playing by ear"...it took me that long to realize that maybe my ears just weren't good enough.’’ I also agree with this statement. “This sort of example has occurred throughout this thread - the whole "I don't know any theory and I'm ace" mindset. But all that does for me is raise "what if" questions” I also think if you want to become a professional player then you should learn theory and to read. I nearly fell through the floor when I was at collage and the young teacher fresh from uni who taught music performance could not read simple cord charts, but that’s the world we live in. INHO There are other skill which are important also like learning bass lines of songs from CD instead of relying on inaccurate tabs. Also remember in this day and age there are things that are just as important to some bands such as image, age, personality. But in the real wild the best person for the job wins regardless of what they know.
  17. Just because bass player A is up on the theory side of things does not mean that he or she is automatically a better bass player then player B who knows nothing about theory. If bass player B studied theory [u]properly[/u] then he or she will improve dramatically as a player. I remember as a ignorant youth, after seeing a local jazz band, saying what a crap bass player any fool can play a 4 in a bar walking bass line. Once I started understand theory and harmony, then I learnt to play walking lines and started to play in a few jazz bands. This opened up a complete new world for me and got me out of playing the same familiar shapes and patterns, witch in my ignorance I called playing by ear. Saying all that , one of the best guitarist I have seen and had the pleasure to work had no understanding of theory at all.
  18. As a Yorkshire man I think is great to get a bargain in fact I insist of it, I cannot help but think of the people who lost the guitars, they might have sentimental value or irreplaceable instruments or my even might not have been insured. I think in the case of this post it is different circumstances and everything was done in good faith, maybe not C Converters. For those who knowingly get a bargain of a thief, remember it might be your gear next, or you grandmas jewelry. So I say Report the B++++++s. I know it will not do much good but it might be the time they go to jail.
  19. Teen town Jaco, sill only up to 125 bpm but getting there. My old man Ian Dury
  20. My 2p worth There is a lot to be gained by learning the nuts and bolts of music theory, learning this will improve any player no matter who they are, this requires some work and the results are not instantaneous, in fact it can send some people playing back for a while in order to move forward. Let’s turn this thing around. I studied music in my teens at collage, there were quite a few musicians there who could not do anything without the music in front of them, they where talented all the same, that’s what they did, they learnt a piece well and never needed to play anthing without dots at least for guidance, if you moved the music away they would stop playing. Should they learn to busk and learn songs ear, will that make them better players. If a player can get by without any theory there is nothing wrong with that at all, I dont care as long as they can do the job, but I bet 99% of players know more theory then they think, most people will know what notes to play over simple cords, I bet most people can play a major, minor, and blues scale. Some people get bogged down with speed and technique, at the expense of musicality and taste. You can also practice 247 badly and never achieve anything positive, this is where having a good teacher helps. One thing is for sure, only the lucky few can get by without putting in a lot hard work in at some point.
  21. Check the desk to make sure the is no Fx like chorus leaking into you bass channel. Some room can sound out of tune, there is an explanation for this but it is a bit long winded, try moving your cab about. If it is at every venue then there is a problem. Is only when you can hear the sound out of the PA or when only when there is a blend of the amp and PA
  22. It is defiantly passive have looked inside, no signs of any active circuitry ever been in place. The tones seem very subtle, maybe because it is fretless. Also it is now on the Tokai forum [url="http://www.tokaiforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=11581"]http://www.tokaiforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=11581[/url]
  23. [quote name='lateralus462' post='276906' date='Sep 4 2008, 12:48 PM']I think I'm going to get a DI of some sort - probably the Behringer BDI 21 and see if that helps at all.[/quote] Most basses especially passive ones are High impedance, most mixer line, or soundcard inputs are low impedance. I don’t know what is the impedance of your east u-retro pre-amp but using D I box or the Behringer BDI 21 will solve any impedance problems. The SVT software id very good also Maybe you could try to Di straight from the amp if the amp has the appropriate outputs, also try mic’ing up the cab as well. I am sure you know that the amp and the speaker are an impotent part of the sound. Also judge the sound in the context of the mix and not in isolation. Good Luck with the recordings
  24. What to learn depends on what you want to get out of playing bass , if you only want jam along to CDs, with mates or just play in the bedroom for fun there is no need to learn anything you dont want to, nothing wrong with playing for your own pleasure. If you want more out of music then it takes some hard boring work. Developing good timing and feel takes a lot of practice, which is often boring, we all know players who go to music shops showing off with their fast triplet licks, but in reality they are no good to a band because they cannot play in time. this is what happen when you miss out on developing the basic skills The basic understanding of music allows you to communicate with others musically as well helping become a better player yourself. Also if you join a band, for the band to get good it takes a lot of practice and repartition wich can get boring. In short, you only get out what you put in. if you want the glory without the hard work there is always X factor
  25. [quote name='Musky' post='276480' date='Sep 3 2008, 07:22 PM']Well according to your attachment the difference is the scale length, the LBX is 34" and the MBX is 32". Presumably the L and M at the start of the model numbers stand for Long and Medium.[/quote] How did I not see that thanks. I think it is a LBX60 as it has the coil tap but it is not Active as far as i know.
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