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Everything posted by ironside1966

  1. I Had a Washburn Bantam headless from Steve Dawson, ex Saxon and inspiration for Spinal Tap. Unfortunately was stolen.
  2. If the sound was ok to start off with and you did not turn the volume up, be honest did you, then the my moneys on the PA As gilmour says when working with a PA let it do the work, play at a sensible volume. In small venue it is very easy for backline to over power the main PA. Also bass frequency waves are quite long so standing in front of a speaker is not always a good place to judge volume. IMHO, unless the there is a real need, or the stage is large and you have great foldback there is no need to put any thing other then vocals though the monitors.
  3. Was it you, or was it the PA, I Bet the PA was too loud and that was the route of the problems. A bad FOH engineer especially in rock band tends to concentrate on a good kick sound (lots of low end thump and a click} at the expense of every thing else even vocals. To get this sound you need lots of low end, in a small room the bass frequencies hit the far wall and come back to the stage making things boom. Also the Mic’s pick up the bass cab same result. In short it might not be your fault. Why do people think the need to put every thing through a PA system in a small venue unless it is packed?
  4. Hi Try any Japan or Garry Numan Shes got Claws
  5. Jaco Come on come over
  6. If you are very popular band and make the venue a lot more money then any of the other bands, you might just get a way with asking for a contract. If they cancel or let you down and the gig is still worth having, ask them for a couple more dates and or a bit more money next time as compensation, just hope the don’t cancel the new dates. Even working through Agents you still tent to lose out, although you stand a better chance.
  7. [I have used Cubasis 5 on Win XP and it is fine.
  8. I am With the Sm58 or Beta57, it will last a lifetime. If you want to go cheaper try, [url="http://www.red5audio.com/"]http://www.red5audio.com/[/url] They have microphones from 25 pound. I have used there drum and valve mic.s good quality and sound far more expensive then the price suggests. If you want to upgrade it will do as a spare.
  9. [quote name='sk8' post='147173' date='Feb 26 2008, 11:16 AM']ring your credit card company and say you never recieved the goods[/quote] Lodge a complaint in with PayPal, if he still wont get in touch they will automatically give a refund after about 14 days
  10. I use Cubase SX3, but I have also used most of the big names in my time. Sonar INHO as the better plug-ins {EQ, s, Compressors) and is good value for money. If you only want to record a few tracks of audio and tweak it most sequences will do More important is the choice of sound card this effects the quality of the recording. And has a low latency (the delay in the time it takes to hear the note when played) Try the M-Audio Audiophile 96/24 that comes with FREE eton Live Lite [url="http://www.m-audio.com/index.php?do=products.bundled&ID=03958e3abee4f501c7f0690e4819e2ff"]http://www.m-audio.com/index.php?do=produc...7f0690e4819e2ff[/url] Or E-MU 0404 [url="http://www.emu.com/products/product.asp?category=505&subcategory=491&product=10447&nav=softwareBundle"]http://www.emu.com/products/product.asp?ca...=softwareBundle[/url] Better sound card as FREE Cubase Le Sonar Le Ableton Lite Le or Lite stand for a cut down version or less features but the audio quality is just the same. There are USB alternatives. Also remember that unless your bass is active you will need a DI Box or equivalent
  11. For a cheaper alternative [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=120221205520"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=120221205520[/url] For a double [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Male-IEC-to-2-x-IEC-Sockets-Y-Lead-10A-"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Male-IEC-to-2-x-...ets-Y-Lead-10A-[/url] Or any IEC Splitter Or my Favorite a Art power conditioner [url="http://www.millennium-music.co.uk/education/edu_products.pl?keys=&subcategory_id=POWER+CONDITIONERS&category=Recording_Studio&mode=list&Brand="]http://www.millennium-music.co.uk/educatio...list&Brand=[/url]
  12. From Paul H I think if I was a better bass player then it would be different! I am just better at programming slightly weird, loopy synth stuff than actually playing live instruments. I can program an organ part that I am totally happy with in a fraction of the time it would take me to do ten takes of a bass line that I would never be satisfied with. It’s nice to know I am not the only one who gets frustrated with my own abilities.
  13. Basses Peavey Zephyr 01980,s Tokei MBX / LBX? Bass Fretless [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13117&hl=grass"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13117&hl=grass[/url] But Got Gas
  14. It plays well, it’s well made and it sounds good. But I want better! But I can not justify spending a lot of money on a bass that will not earn me much. And I only play bass when I have too for my tracks, although I want to get back into it. Here are a couple Mp3 The songs are the old pickups through IK.Multimedia.Ampeg.SVX. The all pickups are bass only going through all variations of pickups.
  15. I have got the Grass is always Greener, or the other bass is always better syndrome. I have a peavey Zephyr and a Behringer V-Amp, witch I use in my home studio. I was happy with my sound till a got it into my head I wanted a Squire Vintage Mod Jazz Bass. I have recently replaced the pickups with Kent Armstrong Soapbars. Money is tight so is this a good move? Or a sideways step or backwards step. I can post some sound files if any one wants
  16. Just bought a Gould Jazz bass for £50 including post. On EBay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300194422850&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=020"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...N:IT&ih=020[/url] Any comments, I think it is a Gould star maker. I have played bass for over 20 years
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