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Everything posted by bcbass

  1. Thinking between Lakland 44-02 or Warwick Streamer Stage 1.
  2. On mine old Fender Jazz neck pickup is gone and need to be rewound.I know Bare Knuckle are good place to get job done,but is there anybody else,especially in London who can do it? Cheers!
  3. The Fretboard still alive and running: [b] [url="http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thefretboard.co.uk%2F&ei=QMsCVJqtI4nmaPnUgYAG&usg=AFQjCNFPaAMEZGbe_haPFaQLrWsCjQex1A&bvm=bv.74115972,d.d2s"]View Discussions and Categories on [i]The Fretboard[/i][/url][/b]
  4. Bought some valves from pow_22,nice and easy to deal with.
  5. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1372953619' post='2132103'] This is groovay! What does it sound like? [/quote] I like how it sounds,I think it's same as B301,same pickup and wood(body+neck),just different body shape.Nice bass guitar.
  6. Bought some strings of Dylan,nice and easy to deal with him.Excellent staff.
  7. [url="http://postimg.org/image/6ymg1fkhp/"][/url] [url="http://postimg.org/image/hetdc9x0j/"][/url] Guild SB 201 from '82.
  8. Thanks Ale,nice and easy with you.
  9. Cheap CD's and DVD's bump.
  10. Another happy user here,mine's are from here:[list] [*][url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/fender-stainless-9050l-bass-guitar-strings--79967"]Fender Stainless 9050L Bass Guitar Strings[/url] [/list]
  11. Schaller strap locks,no pins in gold,brand new,never used 8£ posted. Blues CD's . Gregor Hilden-blue hour Duke Robillard-la palette bleue D.Robillard&Herb Ellis-conversation in swing guitar Larry McCray-delta hurricane Jim Kahr-nothin' to lose Joe Louis Walker&Otis Grand-guitar brothers Hubert Sumlin-healing feeling Hubert Sumlin-blues guitar boss Hubert Sumlin-about them shoes Johny Heartsman-the touch Tutu Jones-I'm for real Big Jack Johnson-we got to stop this killin' Jimmy Dawkins-hot wire81 Jimmy Dawkins-tell me baby 2or 3£ per CD's+postage
  12. Must be the same bass: [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/rare-wal-pro-bass-1982-4-string-non-active/1004884817"] [/url] [b] [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/rare-wal-pro-bass-1982-4-string-non-active/1004884817"]Rare WAL PRO BASS 1982 4 string (non active)[/url][/b]
  13. The Doors DVD commemorative edition Rick Vito In concert DVD American folk blues festival DVD 3£ . Shawn Pittman Something's gotta give CD Long john Hunter Swinging from the rafters CD Jody Wiliams return of legend CD Barry Levenson ft J.Dyer Hard times won CD Sugar Ray and bluetones My life,my friends,my musicCD Eddie c Campbell Hopes&dreams CD Otis Grand he knows the blues CD Robert Randolph UnclSSIFIED CD Guy Forsyth Steak CD Big George jackson Big shot CD Vince Converse one step ahead CD Eddie Turner Diaries CD Susan Tedeschi wait for me CD Snooky Pryor too cool,to move CD " " in this mess.... CD " " and the country blues CD Otis Taylor below the fold CD " " white african CD Mike Morgan the road CD " " texas man CD JW Jones defibrillatin' CD " " bogarts bounce CD Little Smokey Smothers second time around CD Eugene hideway Bridges man without a home CD Rusty Zinn Zinfidelity CD Willie King living in a new world CD " " freedom creek CD Big Ed Sullivan 300 pounds of Brooklyn love James Blood Ulmer birthright CD Bobby Purify better to have it Rod Piazza beyond the source Chris Beard born to play the blues CD Freddie Kind is a blues master CD Arthur Adams back on track CD Lee McBee 44 CD DC Bellamy water to wine CD Gary Primich dog house music CD all cd's and dvd's in good or very good condition 2or 3[b] £ for each +postage.[/b] [b] Recent CDs for Sale ads in Acton[/b]
  14. This one cost me 300£ and is great!Rockinbetter [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/40/dsc02610xe.jpg/"] [/url]
  15. Bought set of strings from me,very easy to deal with GS1000.Payment and communication at best,buy or sell in confidence.
  16. Bought a set of strings from throwoff,no problems at all.
  17. Fender jazz 78 http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/405/dsc01827tw.jpg/
  18. [quote name='evilLordJuju' timestamp='1345146527' post='1774339'] Can I make you an offensively low offer? I think these are 70s and i'd be buying to look at them rather than to actually use... [/quote] [quote name='KK Jale' timestamp='1345149462' post='1774387'] Oooh, look at the string tension diagram. Why don't we bring THAT back eh? [/quote] .
  19. Few cons:terible neck dive,narrow string spacing at bridge for 5er(16,5mm),always on EQ adjusting tone I like.When I sold my Thumb,I was extremely happy
  20. [quote name='johnbiffa' timestamp='1344172842' post='1760661'] Are these short scale or regular? [/quote] Long scale,fit any 34" bass. Cheers!
  21. [quote name='evilLordJuju' timestamp='1343699809' post='1753927'] how old are these please? [/quote] No idea how old,they are with me 2 months.Never used. Cheers!
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