Need some help choosing a new backup amp.
Main bass is a Euro 4lx. Main amp is a Hartke LH500. Love the warmth, punch and fatness of the Hartke but struggling to settle on a spare amp. Would like something different but with similar qualities. Also have an Ashdown ABM500RC evo 3 and find it too soft, big and bassy for my taste so thats probably going to go.
Today tried an Ampeg PF500 and GK RB700. Thought the GK sounded nice in a hifi sort of way and the Ampeg was ok but had just the one sound which i think i like - the mid controls didnt seem to do much though. Any thoughts on the above or possibly a GK MB500 instead?
The logical thing to do is buy another LH500 but it'd be nice to try something different. Need about 500 watts and running a couple of 15" cabs. Playing noisy modernrock covers mainly.
If anyones got something suitable they want to trade for the Ashdown, drop me a pm (hope this doesnt break any rules, let me know if it does and i'll edit the post)
Spector Club member #290