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Everything posted by triggno9

  1. That's exactly the reason. People were expecting too much. They are a great little cab. But little !! When the greenboy F110 is on my build list. I'm going to push customers towards that cabinet.. Amazing what an extra 2 inches can do ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  2. Hello. Guy here. From TrickyAudio. Just putting it out there (clearly !!! ) That I'm still in business and making greenboy cabinets, I decided to put a stop to the crazy8 model as a lot of users would get back to me with problems. I suspected the problems were because they were expecting the c8 to have the performance range that the FEARLESS range has.......simple answer... IT DON'T !!! Order a F112 or any of the FEARLESS range instead and cover all your needs for the rest of your fruitful and lengthy careers ๐Ÿ˜„ Thanks Guy www.trickyaudio.com
  3. Iโ€™ve not tried one yet Jack........ Iโ€™ll let you know what I think, WHEN I BUILD YOURS ???. Theres quite a lot of threads about the c88 on that other bass forum ( I forget the name...talkโ€”-?? ) also try the Greenboy forum www.greenboy.us
  4. Sounds like a fun shoot out !! I'll try get some of our other greenboy models down to the next bash, so we can enter the F212, F115, F110 in the different categories ๐Ÿ˜‰
  5. Or snip the second side of the underwood then solder a jack input and you have a perfectly good spare underwood
  6. That's sounds fine. We're based in Lincoln and my partner is in Leeds. I would strongly urge you to demo our F110 with your electric.
  7. Hey Mark. (Welcome to the greenboy forum,by the way !!) Here is a link to the F110 details. http://greenboyaudio.com/cabdetail?model=FEARLESS%20F110 These weights are calculated by actually weighting lots of cabs And are NOT made up by a marketing department !! We do offer a lighter weight plywood if weight is an issue.
  8. Where abouts are you based in the country ? We have an F110 and F112 at the moment you could take for a test drive. I started building a c8 for myself a few months ago, but sold it to a guy in Holland that ordered one, so we don't have one in stock at the moment !!! I personally would go for just the F110. Its gonna cover all bases. Small, portable, natural sound and powerful when needed.
  9. This depends on quite a few factors......... How loud are you going to be driving a crazy8 ? Are you going to be playing with a drummer that has no concept of volume !!? If weight and space are an issue too ? If not I would personally go for the F110 or the F112 ( they are the same price, the 10" driver we use is the same price as the 12" - don't ask me why !!) The FEARLESS range is the best 'all rounder' cab. They sound beautiful, punchy and coulerless allowing the sound of your acoustic bass to shine. They will also put out and out perform many cabs that are Twice the size. Check out our website at. www.trickyaudio.wix.com/trickyaudio Also check out the Greenboy forum ( lots of great advice there ) www.greenboy.us/forum
  10. So, I'm presuming It was a good day !! Is it gonna be an annua thing or bi-annual ( hopefully ) I can arrange gigs around the next one ๐Ÿ˜‰
  11. I was using my F112 for all my gigs and it does the job perfectly. I have since built a F212 which I use mostly now as I need no PA support with it. It will cope with anything I have to throw at it. For most venues though the 112 will cope too. It's great turning up and setting up when the previous band are packing down and wheeling off their refrigerator cab, then watching their jaw drop ๐Ÿ˜‰ We are slowly building an arsenal of demo cabs at TrickyAudio so if you're interested in taking one for a spin. Get in touch. Hearing is believing and provides a lot more information than a list of numbers ๐Ÿ˜
  12. Great review. Thanks a lot. It was a pleasure to build (most of it, haha)
  13. I'll be there in spirit !! But I'll also be flying into gatwick from Zurich, then driving straight to stansted to fly to tenerife ........... I think ?? ( that's what I've planned out in my little head ) My greenboy FEARLESS F112 will be there though ( invitca59 is taking it down there for me ) You'll catch it out the corner of your eye, it's the one covered in Marvel comics !! ( experimental covering by TrickyAudio) So have a great day. I'll be sat by a swimming pool waiting to read all about it on here ๐Ÿ˜‰
  14. Ah, there's always 2 rebels in every class !! You may have to set the slab section up in the hotel toilets ๐Ÿ˜‰
  15. They love a lower tone Owen !!! See what I did there ๐Ÿ˜
  16. You're a star Dave ( sorry invitca59 !! ) It sounds like it's gonna be a great day. I seriously thought about cancelling a gig I have on the 4th in Germany and family holiday in tenerife starting on the 5th, but that would leave me jobless, single and homeless ๐Ÿ˜‰
  17. No not the F212. The wedges are the F110, F112 and F115. Here's a cool pic of Jonny ( my partner ) playing his F110 in the wedge position.
  18. I've just finished the new paint work on my own FEARLESS F212. Now this will keep up with drummers, Guitarists, more guitarists, keyboards, brass sections !!
  19. That's a mighty fine setup clarky. Are you going to use a blender of some kind, so you can mix the mic and piezo together ?
  20. I think it depends on a few factors. The music genre The technique of the drummer and the size of his kit I'd be confident with a jazz kit and brushes
  21. Oops sorry ! (Blurry eyes in the morning) ;-)
  22. That's true bassface. I've been in that situation a few times with keyboard players ( so annoying ) it makes me wonder about my whole meaning in life !!! The F110 or F112 would be great for those situations. The keyboard player would then be stood wondering why the bass player is playing all the same lines as me !!! x2 crazy8s should also solve it
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1409604846' post='2541514'] I am looking forward to hearing that at the bash bassace, I have a Genz STL 3.0 too, whats it like with that amp? Dare I ask how much these are triggno9?! [/quote] The crazy8 is ยฃ360. Pete.
  24. Hey. thisnameistajen. I would suggest the FEARLESS F110 if you're looking at small and light. Emminence 3010LF Faital M5N Emminence APT80 Depending on how loud your drummer is of course, that will keep up and overtake !!!
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