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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. Thanks buddy. Saddly its got worse though they found the artery wasnt calcified. The Spondylosis has hit both my neck/shoulders and my lower back so I'm walking with a stick and on pretty industrial strength pain killers and had to give up my driving licence on medical grounds. I don't come on here much now, and dont get to play much - too painful (though I do still try! Wife bought me an old Trace Elliot GP12SMXX that lives in the living room) Can't cope with more than 5 or ten minutes though. Keep meaning to offload my gear as I'll never play live and my kids have no interest but.. its like throwing away pictures of a lost family member - just can't do it.
  2. I still have it though sadly rampant spondylosis means it’s a case queen sadly. Bloody nice bass too.
  3. I own 00236 (based on John Deacons Live Aid bass) - bought on this very forum just before my health went down the drain. They are fantastic basses. Will have to bite the bullet and let mine go one day because I heavily doubt I’ll get to play it in anger again 🫤. GLWTS.
  4. Which number is this out of interest (I have 0236)? I think I need a Windeeze, the bass and the fact you're up the road have given me bad gas - someone buy this before I do something the wife will make me regret...
  5. Just had a look in my usual “repositories” for boxes. The original box and packing box are long gone sorry. Had to give up my licence due to health so can’t even ask the Brum music shops if they have a box ☹️
  6. I’ll look into it. Not sure if I have a box large enough.
  7. 2000w FRFR powered cab, partner to my HX stomp pedalboard (adverised in the Effects forum) - Feeler at the moment. Would prefer for it to go with the pedalboard. Not in a rush to sell, it just seems a waste it sitting around gathering dust as I am never going to be in a position to play live again.
  8. This is VERY much a feeler. I'm in no rush to get shot of it, just seems wasted sitting unused Health has truly torpedoed me, So although I cant bear to sell my bass, I am pondering letting this go as a going concern (I also have a Headrush FRFR 112 speaker, but will have to ist that in another section), HX stomp needs no introduction, Little Robbie Pilot is a pre programmed midi pedal that hooks up to the HX stomp and controls switching between Snapshots also the tuner function, freeing up the three footswitches on the stomp unit itself. Expression pedal can be assinged to volume or expression within the stomp. All of it is mounted on a Pedaltrain Metro 20 pedalboard with Velcro. Powered by a "OneSpot" adapter. I dont want to split it, would rather let it go as a gig bagged ready to cook set up.
  9. Pretty much the same, but in a Purple burst (candy "cadburys" purple to black) with a brass pickguard.
  10. Lets simplify it down. Anything with excessive self indulgent tapping and slap in it and I switch off. Cookie Cutter throw away dance music too. Rap without social commentary (I really dont care how many AK's you got poppin, how many "ho's" you have, How much Cristal you can drink, how many diamond encrusted teeth you had put in last week...) give me a bit of old school NWA any day of the week. Unintelligble Metal Bands who sing like mating walrus's.... a bits ok (quite fond of Killswitch Engage and Funeral for a Friend, also Bloodywood, but come on... 3 minutes of Chewbaccas pickup lines blended with guitars tuned so low the notes are barely discernable...
  11. Paul bought my OLP.. as others say, great bloke! Enjoy it mate!
  12. No sorry - Im letting go stuff that doesnt have an emotional attachment (Spondylitus in spine, causing issues with arms and also Arthritus in hip joint - I REALLY struggle to play, grips going and pain).
  13. But those tuners all match... I hope at least you have taken an angle grinder to the nut.
  14. Careful... MDP will be claiming copyright...
  15. Took this in a trade a while back. It’s a great bass but worsening health issues mean it has to go. I modified it to have a battery enclosure, an Artec 2 band onboard preamp and a small toggle switch that switches the humbucker from series to parallel. it has a broken screw on one of the tuner base plates and a lot of worming/buckle rash on the back. However it has quite low action and sounds great. Comes with a generic hard case. l
  16. Gorgeous. I have one of the G5222 Electromatic Double Jets, and a buddy has a 2622 Streamliner - they are VERY well made and punch well above their weights
  17. I dont gig anymore. But always (even for small pub gigs) had at least one spare bass, spare wireless system (I still have two identical Senheiser units) , DI incase the amp went down, tools and an old set of strings. At last count having abandoned Amps I had a Ampeg SCR DI in case the Helix went bang.
  18. h sweet lordy.. I currently own @hiram.k.hackenbacker's Natural Deacon tribute, if I ever get one made myself something like this will be on my list (with a 70's vibe)
  19. I'm completely the opposite. Started on a P bass, have owned... oooh.. many - Fenders (70's, 90's, 2000's, US/Japanese/Mexican), Squiers, Japanese copies, bitsas.. tried branching out with Warwicks, Ibanez's, Spectors, Deans.. and came full circle. There are P basses and there are P basses as you found out. Nicest playing one I owned was a Mexican first generation "black logo" I bought from here, next to the 1976 I used to own, and the Limelight I recently got (again from here). A lot of it is down to the neck/nut width. tried my mates Mex Classic and hated the surfboardlike nut width, prefer my 96 Squier which has a 40mm nut similair to the 70's US models. Sweet spot for me is a 40mm nut.
  20. True. But I could send it back and they could claim its due to something I've done, in which case it's a "my word against theirs" situation,so I end up paying out on postage both ways for nothing. The neck is the fender "heel access/cross head nut" design suplier told them they were dual action rods in them (you can get truss rods that are dual ation with a fender cross head heel adjustment - if that was the case unless there was a catastrophic failure the rod wouldnt be able to be screwed in and out. And if they are single action they souldnt have to be screwed 2cm into the neck to start working. Rather bizarre.
  21. Well they were as good as their word with the partial refund - and agreed with me that their suplier may have tried to pull a fast one. I've managed (with the addition of a lot of spacers) to get it workable. It's a shame as overall the neck is well carved and finished. Guess mine was a 5pm on Friday neck.
  22. I have figured if I can add (and find) enough washers (the rod screws right out) it is inducing a backbow when tightened. But there is no way this is a dual action truss rod. NorthWest have offered to either have it sent back to them (at my expense) or a 50% refund. I've opted for the latter as I can make it workable, and its money (and hassle) to send it back. Will see if they are as good as their word. Ive bought stuff (mainly lacquer) from them in the past and had no issues, but this has really put me off getting a neck from them again.
  23. And to be clear that is screwing to both positions - not like it’s snapped - and the rod seems tight in the body.
  24. It was bought through eBay so I have contacted them there and will be returning it. It is supposed to be a dual action rod but I’ve never seen a dual action rod do what’s shown in the pictures..
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