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Everything posted by Nibody
Might just be me with the channel 1/2 difference. But it did seem quite marked to my ears with both all settings at 12 (not in a bad way, just "different") - heard others comment this too - prehaps that why Thomann are selling these off for a big discount if they are not consistent unit to unit?. And my sole experiences of using a compressor are the built in one on the Portaflex and a EHX stomp (Bass Preacher?). Ampeg was closer to the Warwick Compressor set-up (one rotary control and a switch)and it didnt add a volume boost at full compression from memory.
Had a mad fit and bought one from Thomann whilst Im waiting for an SVT 3 Pro Im hopefully buying to become available. Initial thoughts: Very clean sounding amp - even on a spector with the legendary TonePump it is virtually impossible to get any "grit" on the go, even with the input gain maxed out. EQ is quite versatile with a good range - though as some commenters have said the "High Mid" is more like a treble. Compressor is bizzare - almost actls like a volume boost (but I've never been big on compressors so... Channel switch (inline) works fine, as does using two seperate inputs (without the channel switch) - I briefly tried my "Royal Blood" type setup with the fake guitar into the second channel and it was fine. Probably work well with a Rick. There is a DISTINCT difference in voice between channel one and channel two - channel one seems "beefier" - more mids and bottom end - I dont know if that is intentional on Warwicks part. The thing is FEATHER LIGHT. I thought Thomann had sent me an empty box when UPS delivered it. Lighter than my old PF-500 and the Orange Terror Bass I just sold. It is rather loud, even pushing 500w at 8ohms through a 2x10 cab - yet to try both the 2x10 and 4x10 at 4 ohms and the full 1000w. All in all for a reduced £275 from Thomann on first impressions a bargain. Pity they dont do the Bubinga side pannels any more though!
I like it.. but then, I like my Vampyre too.. similair aesthetic
Chances are to avoid suspicion they offloaded the Helix elswhere to avoid suspicion.
I see this one may have a happy ending
Its been a hell of a year, but after much blood sweat and tears this is the new (in fact first) single from my project NewTownGhosts - "To Live Is To Die". Track was completed with collaborators from the Kompoz website and a session rap performer by the name of Guyku based in Israel. It has a strong anti-suicide vibe, something all of the contributers have been touched by. Its not my greatest or most technical bassline but its the overall message of the song thats is king here. It's also bizare that the track developed into something Linkin Park esque considering the loss of Chester Bennington to suicide. I'm damn proud of this one. https://www.soundblend.com/store/release/1040203
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I have to say no matter how many donut shops Ive been in or seen featured in film and telivision I have yet to see all the cops in a dounut shop walking like an egyptian.
It actually does rain in Southern California. Nothing in the song "Ironic" actually is.
Apart from the "pointy gothic look" the vamps have the same pickup arrangement and configuration as a Warwick Infinity - They dont sound quite as dead sounding as some of the BC Rich's Ive tried - will have to look up Scotts socials to have a listen. At the other end of the scale Ive just ordered a set of Dave Ellefson (Megadeth) pickups to drop in my harmless looking Spector.. =D
I love Vampyres.. and Im not in a death metal band. Suprisingly versatile pallet of sounds.
10 minute pointless slap bass "flexing" video's = really great bass player The best way to demonstrate a bass or amp is to do the above Bass players dont wrote songs You chose that because you are a failed guitarist No-one plays up the dusty end
I've had similair happen for various reasons (not with LaBella - never used them, and with fretted). From memory various reasons were: Loose paddle on the tuner Bridge issue after fitting new strings (bridge saddle and intonation screw were not sitting correctly) String not sitting correctly in the nut (had wound it badly and there was not enough tension on the nut from the string Sorry I cant suggest much more to help than that.
Perfect..Thanks Dood again! In my head I was confusing the set-up for a standard V/V/T/T (without any pre) even though I understood the two volumes daisy chained.. DOH.. Must be the heat! Would you recomend sticking at a single 9v to power both or a dual battery (18v)?
That would be very helpful. No rush as Ive yet to see if Andertons can get them (they assure me they can) as EMG seem to be pushing the X series now
Thanks for the advice Dood. Still havent forgiven you for the video review that persuaded me how much I needed an MS60-B!
I dont realy need a tone on top of that do I?
I figure its easier to solder up an unused lead to the quick connect plug than run jumpers from both pickup outs to the feed back into the bus. Begining ro wish Id gone blend rather than v/v.. lol
The BP-4/TonePump has its own Bass/Treble cut/boost
All this excitement from a factory reject neck I bought on a whim..
Im going to have to sacrifice a lead though - the green terminal is BP out, NP out, Signal in and earth. Its realy designed for a selector switch. Dont think it comes with "pig tails" as they call them (wires with bare wire one end, plug the other) but as I wont be using the supplied tones that isnt a problem. Might have to go 18v though as both the pickups and pre use 9v
It comes with 2 volume, 2 tones and the little circuitboard thingy everything plugs into - I believe that has screw terminals on one end battery bus I think its called. Going by Petr's circuit diagram should be able to run the two volumes and then output via the bus to the preamp input. Theoreticaly.
Thanks Dood! If I still had a decent P bass I'd be considering the Geezer signatures. I just have to figure out how to mate the DE set to the BP-4/TonePump (if it ever gets here!!)
Well I've ordered them from Andertons. Not sure on the time scale as they have to special order them in.. and with covid and everything. My Pre-amp disapeared off the radar somewhere between Czech republic and UK last Thursday =/
I may just have to pull the trigger on them - I used to be a purely P bass guy but Im slowly drifting to the dark side. I do still have one bitser P bass if I need that whole distinctive P sound.
From what I read Mr E uses the DC at the bridge and the CS at the neck. Im currently using a pair of Artec Superpower soapbars (Neck and bridge models) with a corresponding SE-2 preamp - to be fair it sounds pretty good, just fancy a bit more oomph (hence the BP-4). not sure if adding actives to the BP-4 (which is notoriously hot in its TonePump skin) is going to be overkill.. lol