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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. Might be mad, but looking to do a direct swap of my Orange Terror bass 500 for an Ampeg PF-500 or PF-800.Love the Orange but missing my old PF-500 (more of the sound I need in my current Project.) Amp is in good condition and works great - use it regularly for rehearsals. Comes with the Orange carry case, paraphanallia and still have the original box somewhere too. Can also throw in three vintage (GEC from memory) valves if you want to tone it down a little. Not up for sale - Trade ONLY as I can't afford to be ampless whilst I buy another.
  2. God.. I used to own one in the early 90s. Nobody wanted them then - now people have woken up to what an awesome pedal it is. GLWTS
  3. Cardinal Biggles.. fetch *DRAMATIC PAUSE* THE COMFY CHAIR...
  4. I probably meant Grabber.. always get mixed up 😳 must be rare if you haven't seen one before.
  5. Not seen one of these before. Mayas are quite decent basses. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Maya-Bass-Guitar-project/223460540363?hash=item3407493fcb:g:3uMAAOSwtwVcmRWf
  6. Just bought a set of 70s style Wilkinson P bass tuners from Tony. No issues at all. Good bloke.
  7. Bought Neils surplus Hipshot Xtender. Paid Sunday, posted Monday, arrived Tuesday with apocalypse-proof packaging...😊 very happy, cheers matey
  8. He says Roadstar not Roadster.. like it is a good thing..
  9. My Royal Blood-Esque setup
  10. No it was quite recent. Saw one for sale on Facebook a few months back and looked up the maker - was a small-ish company (I get the impression they are like a smaller "Vintage" type operation). Peaked my interest as I have always liked the look of the B-20 and they dont pop up often and are pricey due to rareity. .
  11. A while ago on Facebook I saw a bass up for sale that was a similair design to a Washburn B-20. Cant for the life of me remember the name of the Maker (did look up their website but like an idiot didnt save a link to it). Have a feeling they were UK based. Dont suppose anyone has any idea who it is that makes them?
  12. Its this one https://www.gak.co.uk/en/behringer-ultrabass-bb210/923 The horror stories I heard were the cones seperating from the chassis of the speaker. The actual cabinet iteslf is quite sturdy - and heavy (Granted not as heavy as my 4x10 and it takes up less space in the boot!) Will measure it up tomorrow.
  13. Having collected it from a nice guy in Coventry at Black rose Studios (he has a second one going if anyone is interested) it actually doesnt sound too bad. I have heard horror storys about the drivers in these literally coming apart!
  14. I've managed to pick up a cheap 2x10 Cab that I am intending to use for rehersals as it is more portable than my 4x10. Its (I know... I know...) a Behringer Ultrabass BB210. Supposedly its a 600w Cab... I have read terrible things about the 10" drivers in them so I am looking to replace them sharpish with something more "fit for purpose". Going to be running my Terror Bass 500 through it. can anyone suggest some reasonably priced 10" Speakers - Im guessing I will be looking at 250+ Watts and 16 ohms each ( Cab is nominally 8 ohm) . Never needed to replace speakers so I wouldnt know where to start. I obviously dont want gold standard platinum coated speakers, just something reasonable that isnt going to disintegrate!
  15. I stopped playing for 10 years. I am almost at that point again.
  16. It makes me feel like Im lost at sea - Cold and wishing for a swift death.
  17. Going by the finish and layout this looks like a Marlin body. If that helps anyone.
  18. They are quite good - If its anything like my Vintage SG Clone. All Wilkinson Hardware and pickups (mines mahogany bodied set mahogany neck - guess this is the same?).
  19. Because its easier to sell a chinese £60 P or J for £200 by claiming its a Greco than trying to pass one off as a £1k fender.
  20. Are those chambered? Friend has a nice Warwick proto type and that is semi hollow? That 4.6 kg is a solid 10lbs so 14lbs isnt too outrageous even if its a larger body (the Jazz's are quite sizeable, think mine was 12lb from memory)
  21. Maples a fairly dense wood (Guess thats why they use it for necks). The weight of thge thing was the only reason I parted company with that VM Jazz.
  22. Had a Squier VM 70's Jazz with a maple body. It was bloody heavy - maybe not 14lbs heavy but it was a back breaker.
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