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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. In no particular order.... 1. Band leader/rhythm guitarist had a nice array of vintage strats/Les Pauls/Martins/SERIOUS vintage amps/huge PA system and boutique pedals (he was loaded) - but couldn't play for toffee or use his equipment. 2. Best drummer and nicest bloke I knew. Unless he was drunk. Which was 99% of the time. Crying shame. 3. Drummer and guitarist were raving BNP/Britain First/NF supporters (Drummer was obsessed with Hitler). Found this out in the third rehearsal. Made all the more weird by the fact the other guitarist was half Indian. 4. The drummer was mates with the previous bass player (who wasn't very good) and made it clear every five minutes he wanted the original bass player back. 5. Ego-maniacal arrogant lead guitarist and singer who pocketed the large fee we got for playing Stratford Civic Hall, and didn't think I should have any input on songwriting as I was "only the bass player" (wont mention the fact I've recently had a couple of songs put on the books of a publishing company - what do I know about songwriting?!) 6. Guitarist/Band leader insisted on taking us all and our gear to venue in his van - then disappeared off in said van with his girlfriend leaving myself and the drummer trying to load gear into taxi's.
  2. I close my eyes and still see her staring into my soul....
  3. Thought Id be brave and share a couple of tracks. I work pretty much on my own - its been such a PITA trying to build a band around these Ive pretty much called it quits. Lost a lot of interest in playing bass in general. All recorded and mixed in Pro Tools 11, using a couple of online session vocalists and a session guitarist on most of them - some featuring my use of the Ample Midi Gibson LP Guitar synth plug in, EZ Keys and EZ Drummer (Both Toontrack). Mixing is all mine. Lyrics on the second tune by My friend and ex bandmate Graham Jukes, Artwork courtesy of Nigal Goodship (Whos a great photographer and guitarist) [url="https://www.reverbnation.com/aft3rglow/song/25448518-this-broken-land"]https://www.reverbna...his-broken-land[/url] [url="https://www.reverbnation.com/aft3rglow/song/23325579-beautiful-day-for-the-rain"]https://www.reverbna...ay-for-the-rain[/url] [url="https://www.reverbnation.com/aft3rglow/song/23366751-came-around-the-hard-way"]https://www.reverbna...nd-the-hard-way[/url] [url="https://www.reverbnation.com/aft3rglow/song/23315820-walk-in-my-shoes"]https://www.reverbna...alk-in-my-shoes[/url] [url="https://www.reverbnation.com/aft3rglow/song/23355810-not-enough"]https://www.reverbna...5810-not-enough[/url]
  4. There have been many basses on this settee... this is the current crop (minus my washburn XS4 and my purple pointy bitser) [IMG]http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx213/Nibody/IMG_20160315_224220.jpg[/IMG]
  5. Nibody


    This is my Chinese special in Lake Placid blue. Bidy came from a poor attempt by our Asian fruends to clone the James Johnson sig Jazz. Neck is actually quite nice - slightly reshaped the headstock, and converted it to a bullet truss rod (by cutting down a bullet truss nut, attaching a small section of allen key if the correct size for the neck, and adding more than a dash of luck... sits nice and snug, operates the truss fine, avoids stripped truss nut!). Cheap chinese minipots and wire binned in favour of CTS pots, fender knobs and Switchcraft jack. Fitted with Entwistle JBXN's in neck and bridge. Set of 60's style tuners from an old lawsuit bass. Aftermarket bridge and neck ashtrays to top it off. The Entwistles are rather hot! [IMG]http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx213/Nibody/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20160316_140500.jpg[/IMG]
  6. Bought this with tbe intention of droppig it into the bridge position of a R**k kit buid I was building, but decided to go with something else. Hasnt been in a bass, just removed from packaging to test it works. It's handwound, 6.83 kOhm, and i believe potted with beeswax. Fitted with cloth covered wire and alnico 3 magnets. Comes boxed with unused screws and foam pad. Nice upgrade for a squier 51 p [IMG]http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx213/Nibody/IMG_20160316_124022_1.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Still probably not quite worth MIM prices - as far as I know the ones labled "Squier Series" had lower quality hardware and people were known to scratch the Squier off the headstock to increase value.
  8. Sorry to disagree but the black logo in that style MIM Fender "Squier" Series are quite well known. I had an early mexican Fender that was from a series that ran alongside it with the same logo but without the squier.
  9. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-Piece-Replacement-Jazz-Bass-Electric-Guitar-Neck-Satin-Finish-/401063874269?hash=item5d61450edd:g:ey0AAOSwJb9WrZrE Ive been considering one of these
  10. Looks like they've badly edited the photo to make it look like it has a plug in the truss rod hole neck end implying its a heel adjusted rod. Unless its my eyes.
  11. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1445876809' post='2894945'] But I can't see Fender in the title? [url="http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/107887438/vintage-jazz-bass-guitar.html"]http://www.preloved....ass-guitar.html[/url] [/quote] Ditto Its this model I think - http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Vintage-VJ74-Bass-Gloss-Black/T54 Add one of these cases https://www.hwaudio.co.uk/Product/Stagg-Gca-XHB-Long-Bass-Case-p77564?gclid=CJHXgJ_K4MgCFckaGwodjPkFeA and its prety close to the same price, though he's a bit on the rich side as its second hand. Even so, I wouldn't say Fraudster - there is no mention of Fender and he/she has put up plenty of pictures showing exactly what it is.
  12. Not a bass as such, but I did get a nearly brand new MIM Precision body (one from when Fender started selling replacement bodies and necks themselves) that had been copper taped very neatly, still in the Fender box for £50 from eBay. They were going for £180 ish at the time from memory. It is now part of my 71 replica.
  13. Was wandering round PMT in Brum this morning and ended up walking out with a P/exed Cort Action Junior for £80, in walnut satin. Originally was shopping for me, then saw this and thought of my kids. As it is the six year old has been attached to it since I brought it into the house, and it is apparently now his...! The daughter is more interested in drums anyway and has lessons. Quite impressed with the quality and sound of it, I can see why the Curbow's seem popular.
  14. I'm just going to quietly stroll in and say if anyone is in or near Brum, they may want to stroll into PMT....
  15. New cab arriving and I have nowhere to store it till this rig goes BUMP
  16. Would prefer it to go as a whole - if anything Id be happy to sell the cabs and keep the head! and*[b] *BUMP[/b]
  17. Bump for lower price
  18. [size=6][s][b]£600[/b][/s] NOW [s][b]£500[/b][/s][/size] [size=8][b]£450[/b] FOR 1 day only, now need space![/size] I really don't want to part with this, but I recently purchased an Orange Terror bass 500 (which Ive fallen in love with) and I want to free up some funds to get a more suitable cab to go with it - the PF ones are only rated at 400w and it would be nice (light as they are) to not have to cart around two cabs to get the full oomph from the Orange. Ampeg PF-500 with matching PF210HE and PF115HE cabs. Also included are a set of heavy duty Roqsolid covers for the Cabs and a lightweight flight-case for the head, plus a 2 channel foot-switch to operate the mute and FX bypass. These amps had some bad press a couple of years ago but I can say mine has been extensively gigged (mostly 3 hour pub band rock covers with two guitarists) and rehearsed with since it was purchased from Andertons in March 2012 without a hitch - so it must be one of the good ones. The -40db pad switch and Ground Lift switches for the Line Out seem a little pushed in but they do work. Due to size (and the fact I am currently sharing a car with the wife) Collection ONLY from Tamworth, Staffs. [s]Would consider some kind of deal involving a 600w+ 4 or 8 ohm cab[/s]. Would also consider selling the two Cabs separately .
  19. Is it? I just don't get the s**t that's been thrown at the OP for daring to complain that an item he had ordered and paid postage to be delivered signed for was dumped into his garden overs gate, left to the elements and his signature fraudulently applied to say he had received it. The comparison is in both cases someone did something wrong, and the company they work for decided to let them go. The OP didn't ask for him to be sacked, that was the decision of his employer. Must have come under gross misconduct. So any time someone providing a service does something monumentally wrong we should put up and shut up? Total b***s. Just about sums up these forums these days. Used to be a lovely place.
  20. Here's a thought. I stopped at a zebra crossing for a pedestrian a few years back. I was rear ended by a bloke in a company van, injuring me, the wife, nearly killing my dog who was secured in the back of the car. The pedestrian almost got it to as he shunted me clear across the crossing. He lost his job as he wasn't supposed to be using the van outside of work hours. So by some of the posts here I should feel bad the guy lost his job?
  21. My first was an 80's Encore! Since then I've owned..(in no particular order) 1976 Fender USA 1970's Maya MIJ 1996 MIM Westfield MIJ Photoflame 62RI 2012 FSR USA Parts Built 66 Slab body MIK Squier x2 Parts built black n maple P (Fender body and hardware and pickups, Allparts neck) - my main bass Parts built CAR n maple PJ (either Squier or MIM body. Fender hardware, fender USA pickups, Allparts neck) - my backup
  22. The ONLY time mine has gone into "Fail" mode was with an 8x10 Ampeg cab that had been screwed with by the owner of the rehersal studios (it wasn't the impedance it said it was - as he pointed out after the rehersal). They seem very sensitive to whatever cabs they are plugged into.
  23. Said it before, will say it again. Had myPF500 about 3 years, giged it, used it for rehersal, has never failed once.
  24. Does anyone in the midlands have either of the two Acoustic amps mentioned above and be willing to let me have a quick blast on it with my P? I have been GASing for one for years but have never tried one out (they don't appear often if at all). Not looking to buy one right now, just want to see if one sounds as epic in the flesh as I seem to think they do - either disappoint myself or want one even more.
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