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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. Personally I'd cover it in brass fittings and cogs and flog it to a Steampunk band . I remember first rig I had was a Carlsboro 150w stack (when I knew nothing about anything). Came with one matching 1x15 and an odd shaped 1x15 cab of undetermined origin. Bought some chipboard and basically reverse engineered the Carlsboro cab, and built a copy using the speaker and fittings from the odd shaped cab. Actually sounded better than the Carlsboro original.
  2. [quote name='Ktmman' timestamp='1400916019' post='2458079'] The neck has had a " made in japan" and serial number decal removed (badly i might add) . That is the exact position mij's and cij's have them.. Dont think JV's had them.. The only thing JV about it is the J and V on the neckplate ! [/quote] Exactly what I was going to say. Neck looks like a 62RI. Squier P Bass special body, 62RI neck and a JV neckplate for my money.
  3. Cool thanks chaps. I just want to get the old girl going again so it sounds like it'll do what I want it to do. The Wasburn Pre was never fantastic and incredibly noisy but the pickups sounded so much more sweeter with it.
  4. One of my original bass guitars ( That I bought from New in 1992/3 ) is a Washburn XS-4. It has hung around when more expensive bass guitars have been traded/sold, I just love the neck (somewhere between a P and a J). They had an on board Preamp with Passive pickups (were switchable between Active/passive with a push/pull tone switch. Passive its nothing to write home about. You dont see that many around as they were only made for 2 years. It's been in bits several times, and a while ago the active circuit started playing up, so I've bought an Artec SB-2 (2 band on board EQ with blend and volume preamp). I know there are some fantastic products out there but I couldn't justify spending £100 plus on a bass probably worth little more than that commercially but a lot sentimentally. Has anyone here tried the Artec Preamps and have any thoughts on them? Mines due in from Thomann soon.
  5. Id be interested to see where this one ended up. Neck plate said it was an early 76, had the crosshead truss adjustment, but there was some abiguity as to if it was genuine. Previous owner had refinished it. Sold it for peanuts in 2001. I just loved the burst colour. Anyone seen it or parts of it? [url="http://s757.photobucket.com/user/Nibody/media/7ab13dab-41e1-4b4f-b118-7c50b380d81f.png.html"][/url]
  6. Same bridge and pickups as my RS900. If the necks half a nice as the RS900 necks it'll be a bass and a half.
  7. http://youtu.be/G1cvYbHUXrM not a fretless, but only vid I could find.
  8. Used mine to set up for different songs - rock covers so bit of phase in a patch for Lizzy stuff, bass synth with a bit of big muff for zz top, chorus for gnr, etc etc with bypass patches between. Not fussed about the tuner as i use a clip-0n.
  9. Definitely a grain filler or sealer. My Cadburys purple P is great but i wish I'd not believed the body was sealed!
  10. I think I just had an accident... My dream bass.
  11. That's a lousy situation. My old man had a heart attack, minor stroke, then they discovered he has a congenital underdeveloped Aorta (it's too thin for its purpose and balloons out under pressure like the weak spot on an inner tube - inherited it from his mum, she had the same and it took her life at 50; she quite literally got out of bed one morning', it burst and passed away between the bedroom and the toilet). My god I'd have sold a kidney for that Buzzard, tried Trev Circles Spyder but would love an Ox bass. Here's hoping you beat the odds mate.
  12. My current two mains, both self builds bitsa's On the left Meranti Body in Cadburys Purple Nitro, Allparts neck, Chromed brass pickguard, 60s style tuners (from a Japcrap), US P bass pickups, Gotoh 201 bridge, Fender roundwounds, CTF/Sprague/Switchcraft controls. On the right Fender Standard replacement Alder body (in Black), Allparts Neck, B/W/B pickguard, 70's style tuners fro a Steve Harris sig P bass, US P bass pickups, Gotoh 201 bridge, Fender roundwounds, CTF/Sprague/Switchcraft controls.
  13. Sometimes you just have to do what you want to do..
  14. My new lot Hardride are playing at Benjamin's in Halesowen. Not been with them very long, was asked in by a guitarist mate who I hadn't seen for 18 years.
  15. Have had my rig for a good while now, and for a good while I have had this nigling issue. Whatever I put In the Ampegs effect loop causes an irritating farting to the sound, even on bypass (on the actual pedal). Have tried bridging the effects loop to eliminate the amp itself and when this is done there is no issue, but this doesn't really help! Have had this problem with all my old EHX pedals, a Zoom B1, Boss ME 20 B, and my current Zoom MS-60B. On those that allow it I've turned the output down to the point of nothing, and have had the issue when they are on bypass. The idea of a switchable effects loop is great as I want to run my wireless into the input rather than chaining it with the effects and having to balance out the input gain. Nice to be able to cut the loop out and go back to my rigs normal sound at the press of a switch. Do I just have a bad effects loop or am I missing something as all Ampeg could offer was the unity of gain which I've already tried by adjusting the output level of the Multieffects. At present I can't afford to change amp, and to be honest I don't want to as I love the sound of the Portaflex rig.
  16. Needs a carved wooden pickup cover.
  17. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1390073802' post='2341232'] These were the first version of the Blazer, only around for a few months in 1980 as far as I can tell. I have one, in bits and awaiting a refin (body had been stripped & stained horribly) and the pup's a single-coil as Kennyrodg says. These were also sold as the Cimar Stinger - Cimar was a brand owned by Ibanez' parent company, Hoshino. Stinger/Blazer shape headstocks appeared on other Cimar-branded basses & guitars, and also on some CSL-branded instruments. Jon. [/quote] Ah thought they always had the "knife blade" headstock like my RS900 and the later Blazers.
  18. Not seen one like that before
  19. Need this gone.Dropped to £40 posted.
  20. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1388580724' post='2323556'] I totally agree with the above, I play in a good covers band, it keeps me gig ready and on my toes and I love doing it, I am also working on an original band which over the last year has produced some really exciting songs, but a year down the line we have gigged only once and are now only just about at the stage of having a full original set that is strong enough to take out. We have had promoters chasing us to play off the strength of rehearsal recordings but we have held off until we feel ready to push it further which we will do this year, but it will still be a gradual build (unless we turn out to be the next U2!) I know exactly where my heart lies but had I walked away from the covers band a year ago I would have gone stir crazy by now. Stay with the rock band and develop the funk band until such time you are happy the funk band needs your full commitment. Happy new year [/quote] This. I play in a rock covers band, on and off in a punk covers band (which is a hoot) and will be getting together with the guitarist of the first (who I was in an originals band 15 odd years ago) to wite some originals. Keeps me busy, playing loads, gigs from the first will bring in some much needed cash hopefully and help fund the last, which w hope to commit to tape at a studio involved with a guy in the second... If you follow that...
  21. Bought this a couple of months back, fitted it to an Epi TBird which has now gone. Cost £95 new from bass direct (price tag is still on the box). Has a couple of scratches to the nut from fitting.
  22. [sub]had one of these as my first amp. it was awesome (if huge)[/sub] [sub][/sub] [sub]But the worst was this piece of trash - cut out during gigs and sounded souless[/sub] [sub][/sub]
  23. Traded my Epi TBird pro IV for Karl's 90s Squier P. Poor bloke had several of my basses thrust at him and had a good chat. All round decent and patient bloke.
  24. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1388337111' post='2320919'] There's no reason to believe the neck's warped. There's also no reason to believe it's a scam, either, in fact I'm struggling to understand exactly how it could be a scam. The seller has masses of mostly-good feedback and clearly sells on Ebay all the time - they currently have 130+ items listed. Chances are, the bass' owner doesn't have an Ebay account and just happens to know this person. Thisn is a straight-up auction for a beat-up JV that's been in someone's loft for the last 20 years, and prior to that, has had a hard life of abuse & neglect like 99% of budget, second-best, throwaway cheap JapCrap instruments. It's always good to remind oneself how these instruments were seen in their day, and why it is they're so scarce now. Most of them will have been chucked in landfills decades ago. Jon. [/quote] In so far as an extremely brief check on the net would suggest to those uninformed that people are willing to pay well over the odds for a JV series Squier, so from someone who obviously sells a lot on Fleabay to show little knowledge, be selling it for a friend, etc etc just seems odd. So could it be it has serious issues, the seller is well aware what it is and is playing off people's wanting to get one cheap to sell on for a profit by playing dumb?
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