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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. I bought a Jazz neck from them via ebay recently to pop on one of my two Squier P's. NEVER AGAIN. Frets tarnished - I mean BADLY tarnished Truss rod. Fender heal end cross style. Turned.. and turned... and turned... disapeared a good 2 cm into the body before doing anything, then became super tight with little effect. Backed it out expecting it to be a removable nut like a fender hoping to put a couple of washers in there... no. no its not. the nut is part of the truss rod, almost like a cheap far eastern one way truss rod disguised as a fender one. Paid £125 for this piece of junk. Unfortunately I had already done some work (rounding fretboard edges, drilling holes for tuners etc etc) so I cant send it back, but it is trash. For comparrison I bought a no name far eastern Jazz neck (maple with black blocks in amber tint) for £40 ish and the QC and fit and finnish dribble all over this from a great height. NOPE. not again.
  2. forgot it was still up here.. no sorry mate it sold off basschat.
  3. Isn't he the guy who isn't Sammy Hagar...? (I'll grab my Van Hagar Club coat...) On a side note I cant stand Kiss (sorry Kiss fans) and Gene Simmonds in particular - he grates against my nerves like a titanium cheesegrater. Its all in search of publicity. Nothing more. I remeber seeing Carol Kay trying to teach him how to play bass in a video. It was painful.
  4. God that is gorgeous.. all it needs is a mirrored pickguard and some manner of bladed Jazz pickup in that empty cavity and you have instant Phil Lynott..
  5. I BELIEVE from what I've heard he winds his own
  6. If you get the chance based on this bass, I would seriously consider buying a Limelight or getting one made. Finnish is great, feel is great, and the pickups sound fantastic.
  7. Just bought Warrens Limelight 68 P (deacon tribute). Lovelly bass and lovelly chap - took time out from gig set-up (which he was doing locally) to sort the hand-over. One of the good un's. Very communicative and accomodating. Trade with confidence!. Thanks W... I LOVE IT TO BITS!!!
  8. Having bought this from our very own Hiram.k.hackenbacker, I have to say I am in love. Barely put the damn thing down - Im not usually a fan of Jazz necks, but OMG.. this thing is amazing. Cheers Warren! Well worth the money and the wait! Won't bore you with specs as there are already two threads on this bass, plus some great pics on Classic and cool's gallerywith much better than I can churn out with an ageing iphone.. She has been christened "The Deaky".
  9. Finally collect my new  (to me) Limelight today..

    1. TheGreek





    2. Nibody


      Hint.. it was for sale in the classifieds.. and is very John Deacon like...

    3. Nibody
  10. You could literally buy two Limelights for that price
  11. I remember a Thin Lizzy Tribute (I won't name them) getting sollidly stoned by hardcore Lizzy fans due to hillariously bad Wigs, and although they were fine musicians they just didnt sound even vaguely like Thin Lizzy.
  12. I fall firmly in the camp of sound over image, though as Lozz says - if its done tastefully and well it can be a plus. I remember seeing AB/CD in the 90's - "Bon" and "Angus" really pulled it off well image and mannerisms/stage prescence wiseand the band sounded spot on.
  13. I’ve seen a few and know a few guys in some. Personally I would rather hear a band that does an accurate sounding set than one that is passable but “dresses up” to extremes and tries (often more than not fails) to lookalike via wigs and costumes. I can see the value if the band it is a Trubute to are known for a particular image (Say Ghost, Queen, Kiss, Bowie,some 80s bands etc) but if it is a band that’s fairly non descript and Everyman I cant see the point of wearing ridiculous wigs for example to look like Dave Grohl. What are your thoughts? Image over sound/sound over image/just don’t care?
  14. Jeff gave my Spector CK-1 a new home. Paid straight away, Top bloke.
  15. Damn right. She was a "clubber", I was a "rocker/Alt music/punk" fan. She's a dot (4'11") Im a chunky 5'10. Everyone told us we would last 5 minutes. 21 years later (19 years married) and two kids later we are going strong through family deaths, health issues, kids with Autism, cancer scares, miscarriages. Most of those who laughed are not with their partners of the time. The hilarious thing is she was a friend of the girlfriend I mentioned - we split up as she was unbenownst to me practicing a one sided "open" relationship (she was basicaly going out clubbing with her mate from work - which I didnt have an issue with, not the jealous type - and doing anybody that offered/was willing to - drugs were involved too which I found out about after the fact). Myself and the wife got chatting (more so than when I was dating her friend) and it grew from there. Raises eyebrows when people ask " how did you meet" and I say she was my ex girlfriends mate - they always assume something had been going on with me and her and thats why the ex and I split. Not the case.
  16. Example one. Girlfriend - was a fan of the Genre I was playing. Hated the band, hated the band members, hated the band members girlfriends. Was wildly jealous of the band (like it was another woman). Hated me rehearsing, hated me gigging. At gigs she would go sit away from the "band table" so I had the choice of sitting with her or the band. Thought I should "grow up, sell up and spend more time focusing on her" (we rehearsed once a week, gigged about twice a month...). Example two Current wife. When I lost the will to play again and sold all my stuff to pay some debts she went ballistic and bought me a bass. Has been 100% supportive of anything I've done, never complained about rehearsals/gigs/gear purchases. Paid towards a 50th Birthday present for me of a bass - which I didnt get on with, and she was totally fine with me selling it and buying something else. Jokes about me buying and sellinbg gear, and I know if I asked within reason she would let me did into the savings to get gear (I dont.). Says it makes her "hot" when I play.. what more can you ask for.
  17. In 2000 I got rid of everything except one bass. For Peanuts (a UK made Trace Elliot 1x15 300w combo, 76 P Bass, Marshall Guvnor (original model) for literally peanuts.... In 2011 I started playing again and have spent god knows how much - making huge losses on most things Ive sold on. Now Im sick of dealing with other people, their ego's and drama's and health issues have crept in so I have what I want rather than what I need (amp gone replaced with a Headrush cab and a HX Stomp, 5 strings and Spectors gone and back to what Im comfortable with - a good old p bass).
  18. Beast 15
  19. Didn’t even clock where it was made to be fair. Was genuinely interested as you described Fenders as overpriced then bought a Fender inspired bass for in effect the price of a Fender. As I said it looks decent.
  20. Thats the bit Im trying to get my head around. Can you not pick up a MIA Fender for about that (certainly some second hand you deffo can) - doesn't compute. Looks like a nice bass though.
  22. Yeh what he said before I could post. Sounds daft but try a little bit of WD-40 on a cloth
  23. Unless it was Carol King I’m not sold on it
  24. Now if I hadn’t just put a deposit on that limelight, one of these was my other GAS bubble 🙄.. brilliant basses, GLWTS
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