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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. Nibody

    EHX The Mole

    I find using the NeoMistress or Small Stone Im loosing some bottom end, so it sounds like it could do the job.
  2. Looks like a BOG standard model to me. Oak might be a bit heavy, you may get FLUSH playing it.
  3. [b][size=5]"Well they always say... *Puts on shades, looks left*... no-one stays for the Drum Solo"[/size][/b] [b][size=5] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vh0WmT7YQ4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vh0WmT7YQ4[/url][/size][/b]
  4. [size=5][b]"Well I guess we just found the new drummer... *Puts on shades, looks left*...for the KILLERS"[/b][/size] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vh0WmT7YQ4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vh0WmT7YQ4[/url]
  5. [size=5][b]"well it looks to me like like... (puts on sunglasses, looks to left).. she fell into somones snare..."[/b][/size] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YMPAH67f4o"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YMPAH67f4o[/url]
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1333964695' post='1608706'] , you're there to astound people with your musical ability, not demo your latest metal box. [/quote] I'd better buy lots of pedals then.. LOL. I like messing withy them, but rarely (apart from a bit of flanger) use them live
  7. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1333958884' post='1608611'] Ooh thanks for the complement (Who fan here <) [/quote] Same here . I've just recently got a Stagg pedal board. Currently running a Neo Mistress, Small Stone, Behringer Ultra Chorus (would have prefered a Small Clone instead but it was cheap!), Bass Big Muff and awaiting the arrival of the Doctor Q from a fellow BC'er. Would REALY like a tremolo pedal so i could get that JPJ warble from "Heartbreaker", also considering an EHX "The Mole" bass booster. I'm limited when writing on guitar due to skill level (I know about the same amount of Chords as 1 1/2 Status Quo's. Oddly I write different stuff on bass to guitar.
  8. That has a slightly "Who" ish feel to it till the bassballs kicks in. Waiting for my Dr q to turn up, but yes I am an equipment junkie too. My need to try stuff out is limited by my wallets capacity to provide the stuff to try!
  9. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1333911219' post='1608168'] Ah now this is because youve been or have educated yourself in a variety of musical styles like alot of us on here. Since your tastes have changed then you still want to listen to some of them on a casual basis but on the more 'serious' level of playing you want a different challenge. Damn Im good. Its like the psychiatrists chair A [/quote]
  10. I like a variety of stuff. Basicaly I'm a "Rocker". But I'd be equally as happy slipping on a suit and Trilby and sitting in a dance hall listening to Glen Miller or the Rat Pack. Or laying back and chilling out to Tom Paxton or Donovan. Or air drumming (I'm sad to admit) to a classic Motown track. I like some thrash, some NWOBHM, some Ska, some blues, a little Jazz, some newer stuff like Foo Fighters, Funeral for a Friend, The Gaslight Anthem, Biffy Clyro... I even like the odd Erasure track and a bit of Rap. It's always been a problem for me with being in bands - I like a lot of stuff, but not enough to commit to it. I can knock out Iron Maiden Basslines without breaking a sweat - but I dont want to do that kind of band. Same applies to Blues and a lot of other Genres. Still don't know after 20 years of playing if I have musicaly "found" myself or if I ever will. There's a lot of things I like playing but I can't write similair stuff. Finding muso's the same is a pain - someone always secretly wants to go this way or that. This situation has left me with a dep guitarist and the task of finding a replacement for him because he wants to play heavier stuff. I wish I could just say "yeh I want to be like Genre X or Band Y". Damn me and my varied musical background.
  11. On a similair note (Job Interview) I was asked to Interview for "Forensic Alliance" a good few years back, as a Forensics Technician (Private company does a lot of the "CSI" stuff for the police). They dragged me down to Oxford for a days interview, all whent well till the end of the day, when they announced I was under qualified for the role. Did they not bother to read the CV before dragging me fifty miles and an unpaid days leave from work? On a musical side it's mostly been me that has ended up putting the bands together (Think I've only "auditioned" twice, and got both gigs). When i'm auditioning folk I prefer it to be a bit more laid back. I've had the other end of the stick when putting the current band together, in that had various people (singers, guitarists, drummers) ask for an audition and express interest then just disapear or not turn up.
  12. Nibody

    EHX The Mole

    Has anyone tried one of these?
  13. I know a few who are "Chum"(ps). One who's a Butcher(s choice). Another ones a bit of a "Chappie".... ...I'll get me coat
  14. [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1333654741' post='1604995'] You're in prison in some far flung bannana republic,and to win your freedom,the commandant has told you to excecute one of the fellow prisoners he drags from the cells. They are Johnny Borrell,Liam Gallagher,and Axl Rose. He pulls his service revolver from his holster and hands it to you. Sweet liberty is only moments away,until you realise the depths of your jailers sadism. There is only one bullet..... [/quote] Easy, line them up, shoot from close range. Bullet should get all three....
  15. [quote name='Panamonte' timestamp='1333650323' post='1604905'] Nearly an hour and no mention of Johnny Borrell? Unbelievable. Let's have Pete Doherty while we're at it too. [/quote] Could never see the appeal of Doherty. Suprised the bloke is still breathing.
  16. Basic left hand exercises. Bought a book "Improvising Rock Bass" a few years ago - most of it was not much use, but it did have some good left hand exercises in it. Simple things but worked a treat. For example: Starting on the E string, play 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th frets using your 1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th fingers. Then move to the A string and play down 4,3,2,1, D string 1,2,3,4, G String 4,3,2,1. Then move everything up a fret, start on the G this time 2,3,4,5 then D 5,4,3,2 etc. keep going like this and work up the neck. Second one is similair idea but you play E1,A2,D3,G4 then G1,D2,A3,D4 and again move it all up one fret and repeat down the neck Gets you used to using all four fingers and moving around the neck. Not musically interesting but it helped me a lot. Actual finger exercises (Stretches) - Hold hands out and spread fingers and thumb as far as you can without causing pain, and hold for 5 seconds, Then squeeze to a "Slap hand" and hold for five seconds. While your hand is like that (sort of like a "hitler salute I guess!!?) Bend each finger at the first joint after the knuckle as close to 90 degrees as you can and hold for 5 seconds. Then do them in pairs (1&3, 2&4, 1&4, 2&3) - youll probably find the ring fingers want to follow the little finger. These are good for a warm up.
  17. I was thinking more the other Brett... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCChxBSRo1Y&ob=av2e"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCChxBSRo1Y&ob=av2e[/url]
  18. It's been up on ebay on and off for a while, and price has come down.
  19. possibly ask around on here if you fancy risking Google Translate or know anyone who speaks russian [url="http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.musicforums.ru%2Feffectstalk%2F1288117103.html"]http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.musicforums.ru%2Feffectstalk%2F1288117103.html[/url]
  20. Saw a demo of it on youtube but there doesnt seem to be any info any more recent than around 2008. Had a good t'interweb hunt and couldnt turn anything up, even second hand and on specialist effects pages - may be a bit of a holy grail for you mate.
  21. They have a website [url="http://www.bassabassa.co.uk/people.htm"]http://www.bassabassa.co.uk/people.htm[/url] drop em a line see what you can find out. Mind you looks like a while since it's been updated
  22. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1333455628' post='1601884'] I would disregard any possible Phil Lynott connection... at least, for the time being. The signed letter from his mum interests me. How does this work? My mum wouldn't have a clue what basses I use, or have used. But would probably sign a cleverly worded letter after being asked (after my untimely death ), "Did your boy play a bass [b]like[/b] this, and would you sign a letter to this effect?" [/quote] Phillomena kept most of Phils stuff - still has a lot of it at her house in Howthe - Jukebox, guitars and basses, letters from fans etc etc. It's an Aladins cave of Lizzy stuff. People often drop in and she welcomes them with open arms bless her. She's still very proud of "her boy" and is involved in the Annual "Vibe For Philo" in Dublin.
  23. [quote name='Aldo' timestamp='1333411289' post='1601462'] Nice gear on here, here's a look at mine![attachment=104031:P1010696.jpg] [/quote] Nice Ashdown rig. What model is the head? How do you find the Bass Collection Power Bass? Was tempted to get the "Lizzy" one a while back.
  24. [quote name='KuzBass' timestamp='1333368704' post='1600595'] Come on, guys! Latvia maybe is a new Europe, but I don't think there are more scammers or idiots here than in any other European country. In fact outside the BC, in my daily business, I mostly deal with the scam attempts from the UK.[/quote] Thats fair comment. I remember the issue on here for the german guy with the 8 string P bass.
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