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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. Just recieved me Little Big Muff from nick. Bargain and a decent honest bloke. Cheers mate
  2. It's a good site, you just have to wade through some rubbish transcriptions on some of them
  3. What? But WHY?
  4. [url="http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/j/jet/are_you_gonna_be_my_girl_ver3_btab.htm"]http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/j/jet/are_you_gonna_be_my_girl_ver3_btab.htm[/url] Jet [url="http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/s/stereophonics/local_boy_in_the_photograph_btab.htm"]http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/s/stereophonics/local_boy_in_the_photograph_btab.htm[/url] Stereophonics [url="http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/s/strokes/last_night_ver4_btab.htm"]http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/s/strokes/last_night_ver4_btab.htm[/url] Strokes [url="http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/o/oasis/cigarettes_and_alcohol_ver2_btab.htm"]http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/o/oasis/cigarettes_and_alcohol_ver2_btab.htm[/url] Oasis
  5. [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1326013269' post='1490884'] That is a cracking colour And those guys with the paint are local to me.. cheers for the unintentional heads-up! I had an old Hohner guitar that was black/purple burst years ago when I'd just started playing, and although I got rid of it because the neck was so warped I didn't know whether to play it or fire arrows with it, I've always fancied a bass done the same. Will be very interested to see the end result should you find the testicular fortitude to go ahead What's the idea for the board, btw? I love the maple in your inspiration pic, but can't help feeling I'd end up going ebony if it was me.. [/quote] I have a maple neck waiting for it - the original (a refinished '76, in the pic above) was my "one bass" and i had to sell it about 10 years ago. Recreating it is an obsesive itch I've had for some time so I'm pretty tied to a Maple board. The pickguard I got from a BC'er. I'ts been wired up with CTS Pots, Switchcraft socket and cloth wire. There's also a set of Wizard "Trad"s to go in. If I had an airbrush i might have tried for the burst effect, but without propper facilities I am 99% sure I would cock it up if I tried using a can!!
  6. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1325999207' post='1490852'] That's a fantastic colour - I'd leave it as it is rather than 'burst it if it was mine. [/quote] Got the paint via ebay [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170673828826?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170673828826?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649[/url] - they do some nice colours. The body itself is a no-make ply one - though I suspect its an old 80's Encore.
  7. This is what I wanted to do and have finaly got round to it. My spraying skills are a bit rubbish but hey. This was my inspiration, my old 76: This is what I started with - someone had started stripping it and lost interest- So far have got the primer and base coat on ("Purple Lust" Pearlescent) on as bellow - uming and ahing as to whether to attempt the "burst" effect, to be honest Im woried of screwing it up. Having to do this with cans, and I'm not the best sprayer by a long mile (as you can tell by the thumbprint on the bottom horn!!!!). I know "How" to do it, just not sure if I have the balls!! Dont think the effect would be as good unless it was with an Airbrush. And bellow mocked up with the Brass Pickguard
  8. Bought a few things from here with no issues but never been left feedback So I thought I'd start my own thread. Have 100+ on my Ebay account (dippedsheep).
  9. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1325798537' post='1488074'] Mandolin, guitar & some banjo. Bass has always been my main instrument but I branched out for a while about 8yrs ago before returning *home* [/quote] Nice.. I got a Cammeyer Zither Banjo (dated around 1939 or earlier) for Christmas - currently getting my head round playing it. Mandolin is next on the list. Can "Play" guitar. As in string together half a dozen chords. Started on bass, anything else is gravy. Can get a tune out of most things (even have a violin tucked away that I inherited when the School moved buildings).
  10. [quote name='TheRockinRoadie' timestamp='1325790801' post='1487857'] Mine is strung with Rotosound 66s, I'm tempted to try flats though as I'm a big Cliff Williams fan and I'm wondering what the tonal differences are! [/quote] Its odd because I've tried Flats on P's twice and didnt get on with them but love them on the jazz.
  11. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1325771023' post='1487382'] My first proper excursion to flats was with my Dirnt. LaBellas, thought I'd give it a go to see what the big thing as about them. Really suits the bass I think. Don't think it will ever get changed now. [/quote] I like flats on my Jazz, but didnt like them on the P's, they both have rounds
  12. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1325777396' post='1487505'] I have intercepted the package [/quote] ...and here is the Photographic evidence...
  13. Guessing by [url="http://www.tokairegistry.com/tokai-info/tokai-fender.html"]http://www.tokairegistry.com/tokai-info/tokai-fender.html[/url] its 1984/1985 going by the logo.. info bump!
  14. I love Precisions. But I wouldn't use that one to prop open the outhouse door.
  15. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-TEISCO-NECK-BASS-GUITAR-/290647851470?_trksid=p4340.m1374&_trkparms=algo%3DPI.WATCH%26its%3DC%252BS%26itu%3DUCC%26otn%3D5%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D5209471001119382166"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-TEISCO-NECK-BASS-GUITAR-/290647851470?_trksid=p4340.m1374&_trkparms=algo%3DPI.WATCH%26its%3DC%252BS%26itu%3DUCC%26otn%3D5%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D5209471001119382166[/url]
  16. I use it. Good for home practice, has a nice John Paul Jones Preset. Doubt I'd use it "Live" but for home recording and practice its useful Better sounds than GuitarRig tbh
  17. One Senheiser Wireless system changed hands in a McDonalds car park. John is a top bloke - great communications very honest and friendly. Pity we didnt have time to stop and chat longer. I'm sure the family eating their McDonalds breakfast thought there was a drug deal going on.. two middle aged muso's in a car park exchanging the comtents of a bag for £50 !! LOL
  18. I had a (I Think..) 7215GP12 SM 250w Combo that I gigged in the 90's. It was an ok amp but I could never get a sound out of it I really felt happy with. When I picked up my Ampeg Combo this year, I just felt like I had come home. I had tried an Ampeg SVT and an old Ampeg Valve head that our guitarist used as a Guitar head and loved the pair of them, but at the time I just couldnt afford one. The Trace was built to withstand a direct strike by a nuclear bomb and compared to the Carlsbro stack I had before it was a Rolls Royce. I'd take the Ampeg over the Trace anyday.
  19. 1976, refinished by previous owner in late 70's, Sold in 2001 to pay bills, and for a lot less than it was worth as a Trace GP7SM 250w combo whent with it and a LOT of pedals (including an original Marshall "Guvnor"). Regretted it every day since.
  20. [url="http://www.cashconverters.co.uk/auction-item/412764/behringer-bvt-5500h-ultra-bass-amplifier"]http://www.cashconverters.co.uk/auction-item/412764/behringer-bvt-5500h-ultra-bass-amplifier[/url] Seems like a lot of Amp for £159?
  21. Mine's rough and ribbed round the outside and shiny on the top.. look..
  22. [quote name='Tellumm' timestamp='1324464759' post='1474416'] Super français, bravo ! Si on aprennez à écrire de la sorte chez nous, cela serait déjà pas mal ! Thank you so much for your answer ! [/quote] Merci, je disais à un ami français, je parle français comme les Belges! J'ai eu beaucoup d'aide de Google Translate. Quand j'avais 17 ans j'ai eu la chance de travailler en France pour mon employeur "Foseco" Mais l'entreprise a été achetée par Burmah Castrol et j'ai perdu mon emploi. J'aurais vécu à Paris, si cela était arrivé pendant 4 ans. C'est la guerre!
  23. Bonjour et bienvenue à l'Angleterre. Excusez ma mauvaise utilisation des français, il a été très longtemps puisque je l'ai parlé à l'école. Some nice tunes there mate
  24. I have the VM Jazz and I am dead proud of it, its a lovelly bass. Like it how it is. When I started playing again I had to realise that I wasn't going to be able to afford to replace the 76 Precision/300w Trace Elliot Combo I used to have, so I decided to build. I ended up with 2 precisions - both have quality internals now (Wizzard Pickups, Cloth Wire/Orangedrop/CTS and Switchcraft stuff.). Thge bodies were no names from ebay, the necks unbranded from a seller called seco guitars. Have no idea where they are made, but I ended up with 2, 1 r/w and 1 maple - gloss laquer, nice fat classic Precision "C" profiles. I decided to put headstock decals on both. Thought briefly about sticking a Fender decal on them (then if I sold them on, I have no doubt they would later appear on ebay "found" in someones loft...") but I thought sod it. Saw a guy selling joke decals in a fender style - Fecker Jizz bass/Pretender Bass/Partsocaster/Testicaster etc. and whent down that route. Looks like a fender logo from a distance but get within a couple of meters and you can read the joke. They both play realy nice (if you're into the P Bass thing as I am) and sound as good as if not better than some fenders. I had an ex girlfriend who couldnt play a note but was a spoiled b****, so her grandmother bought her a top of the line Jackson 6 string when she wanted to learn to play guitar. It sat at the back of her wardrobe for 3 years and gathered dust. And it only takes a few minutes on youtube or watching some local bands with more money than sense failing to play some really nice instruments. If they can afford it thats great. By the same measure a good player can make the most god awful plank sound half decent. I dont consider meself a snob - I like a nice bass, particularly 70's Ps and J's but I do have a soft spot for most things with 4 strings and do love an interesting Cheapo (have owned many in the past, encores, Marlins, some I dont even know what make they were!). After all, you could hand a chimp a 70's Jazz, and he isnt going to play like John Paul Jones. But you could hand JPJ a cheap jazz copy and he would.
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