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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1323020907' post='1458379'] Great stuff - but isn't it typical how most of the band shots managed to exclude the bass player! [/quote] Nice country rock sound, guy has a good voice - also noticed they DID manage to film the banjo player!!!! Wife has got me a banjo for christmas - I've always wanted one, will just have to learn how to play it!!
  2. ... and I did it all over again, so now I have 2! Presenting the Fecker Twins.. The Necks were £50 each from a seller on Ebay - Seco guitars. Not bad quality for no-name necks. Pity he's stopping the bass bits due to lack of interest. The White one has Wizard "Trad's" in it, the Black one Wizard "Thumpers" also a vintage style wiring harness (CTS Pots, Switchcraft Jack, Orangedrop Cap, Cloth Wiring, and some Allparts licenced knobs). Thumpers seem a little quieter than the trads to me, but that may be perception as the the White one has Flatwounds on it so sounds thicker. Due to the no-name body having a large - ish sustain block under the bridge area I had to go with the bridge option due to screw positioning but it was a happy accident, as I wanted a "high mass" type anyway. Black one is fitted with a road-worn Chrome over brass Pickguard courtesy of Steve (Dangerboy). Wanted something Thin Lizzy looking which I think I've achieved (tying in beautifuly with the "Fecker" logo!) Next step wil be upgrading the wiring on the white one as it still has the "Made in China" rubbish in it.
  3. The Fecker twins. Now both are finaly finished.
  4. You could try Wizard. My mates cousin (Wez Venables) gets all his made for his builds by Knucklebones.
  5. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1322509416' post='1451871'] Exactly what I thought. He says its a "70s stye headstock" - but I've never seen a 70s Precision with a matching headstock. And there should be a serial number somewhere. [/quote] I posted my refinished in the Precision Porn thread - it was done early 80's. Did have the serial on the Neckplate. That had the headstock sprayed to match the body (A sort of Blue/Purple burst). But it didnt have that Crazing on the headstock. This is a pic taken in about '93 - I know it was a legit 76 as well as knowing the Guy who I bought it off, I also knew the Roadie for his band from the 70's (they were a boiling under band called Ginty), and they hated each other! Far as I could work out it was refinished some time around 78/79. There may be some original bits there but i'd say a lothas been messed with - mine had the "F" neckplate with the serial on it and the trus rod adjuster in the right place (Heel of the neck)
  6. Steve's 2 pickguards arrived today, the Chrome one is currently adorning my Phil Lynott Alike Fender Copy. Top bloke, kept me informed when there was a delay in posting. Pickguards arrived securely packaged and were just as he said they were. Cheers steve Dave
  7. Ooh.. use one of those in the rehersal place we use. Actually had both guitarists (who bring their own rather substantial Stacks with them, one ENG, one ex-Anthrax) ask me to turn down.. something I've not experienced before!! Cheeky and quite guitarist intimidating *BUMP* on me
  8. I am humbled.. I really cant say much more than that.. Happy for you mate.
  9. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Samick-Jazz-Bass-/250936864464?_trksid=p3984.m185&_trkparms=algo%3DSIC.NPJS%26its%3DI%252BP%26itu%3DUA%26otn%3D5%26pmod%3D230689076179%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D4495412480954471595"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Samick-Jazz-Bass-/250936864464?_trksid=p3984.m185&_trkparms=algo%3DSIC.NPJS%26its%3DI%252BP%26itu%3DUA%26otn%3D5%26pmod%3D230689076179%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D4495412480954471595[/url] Samick Jazz, Sunburst with a red tort pickguard. looks in good nick
  10. Guys I have a bit of a Family emergency going on, nothing too serious bu8t won't be able to make it. Sorry =(
  11. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1322242648' post='1448594'] Thanks, Soopercrip, I've picked the body up now, looks like a 3-4mm widening of the pup cavities (apparently to take Gibson pups). I'll do some measurements and see how things go. Body looks in good nick, apparently its an older model colour. (Didn't want to be precious about the finish as I want to do it orange!) Its solid wood, thought by the seller to be Alder, but no real way of telling (even if I could recognise Alder when looking at it!) Pretty light which is good for the shoulder but not good for neck-dive so I'll be asking about strap button experiences pretty soon. [/quote] My Epi Tbird is about 5 years old ish. I moved the top strap button to the top of the body's heel, just behind the neck. Helped the neck drop a little. May be improved as well as the fender neck will not be as long as the original TBird one. And as far as I can remember, mine is alder.
  12. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1322299064' post='1448977'] This is my CIJ '57 reissue, known as 'The Duck' [/quote] Its a QUACKER!! Sory, couldnt resist it...
  13. My Maternal Grandfather was an organist in a Methodist Church. Both my Mum and my real Dad were folkies - my mum could play everything by ear from a penny whistle via an accordian to envy inducing fingterstyle guitar, and sing too. I think I got into music more as a result of the quality of stuff I was exposed to as a kid - mum always had 50's Rock n Roll, The Stones, The Who, Moody Blues, The Hollies, The Band and a host of folk stuff (Mostly Tom Paxton, Donovan, Ralph McTell) on the record player with a bit of Motown thrown into the mix. Time with mum was spent listening to her play "Streets of London", "Last Thing on my Mind", "Universal Soldier" and the like. She never pushed me into playng, I just discovered (rather late) at 19 that I had mums ear (just not mums voice or at least the balls to sing, or her ability to harmonise), and fell in love with the Bass. My older estranged brother is quite the guitarist (Apparently), and my second Cousin is a pretty fine drummer - he has a few drum covers on Youtube under the name of DrummerDave - he's currently studdying Music Technology at Leeds. On the other hand, my half brother is as musical as a barrel of cats!!
  14. [sub]Right! DRUMROLL....[/sub] [sub]FINALY found a picture of my long lost love - 76 refinished with Brass pickguard[/sub] [sub][/sub] [sub]If ANYONE sees this beauty around, let me know, Id like to know what happened to her[/sub]
  15. Change of plan with the drummer, he's tied up all weekend now so Im coming on me own.. grrr
  16. cheeky bump
  17. Just found out the wifes already bought my Christmas present so have a regretful bump on me.
  18. [quote name='el borracho' timestamp='1321786090' post='1442919'] It reminds me of a Gordy Blueshift [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/gordy-custom-blueshift-hand-crafted-bass-guitar/83575626"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/gordy-custom-blueshift-hand-crafted-bass-guitar/83575626[/url] [/quote] A bit.. but then the Gordy wasn't handcrafted on verbal instructions by Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles Jnr. In fact, strike that - if they had made it, it would be the Carlseberg of bass - not a hacked up Precision Copy. The description should read [quote]"I took my Precision Bass copy to Newtons Violins, and the work-experience kid triped with it. After it had bounced from the bandsaw to the sander they were very appologetic and painted it black. They were able to rescue what remained of the scratchplate too and cut it so it looked like it was more than a Woodworking accident. They made me swear I wouldn't mention their name anywhere near this atrocity, but I need to sell it on ebay as it makes my eyeballs bleed and haunts my nightmares (I'm sure it moves on its own.. and its LOOKING at me.. can you see it..?). Im sure Newtons will be sending the boys round as I have literaly castrated their reputation, so please be fooled that this is a real nice custom instrument... wait, I hear the door.. its the Newtons Heavies.. QUICK, bid now..."[/quote]
  19. Was desperate to re-try flats on my Precision as years ago I tried Rotosounds and hated them. Didnt want to spend a fortune buying strings I would hate so got these from ebay [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370525992524?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370525992524?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649[/url]. They're actually pretty nice, may get another set for my Jazz, until I decide whether to get the Steve Harris sig set.l
  20. [quote name='JohnFitzgerald' timestamp='1321699917' post='1442054'] My absolute Nemesis in terms of, "can't really properly play it" would have to be "Hit me with your rythm stick." I can play it at a slower speed, but never nailed it at the correct tempo. My fingers on my right hand move far too much it seems to be in place for the next note. Maybe I should work on tightening that up a bit. I can do 16th notes at that speed, but not fluently across the strings like Norman does. [/quote] Well the man is a fine player
  21. Blimey.. and theres me with my lone Electro-harmonix Small stone...
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1321661304' post='1441859'] I don't get it... if he isn't interested, why does he turn up at all? [/quote] Probably in a subconcious way to get away from the Partner for an evening. Been there myself.
  23. What's the neck like on those profile-wise?
  24. Do you have a song that you just CANT nail, or you truly hate playing? In my case it's Phantom of the Opera by Iron Maiden (the intro) - I learnt it wrong when I first started playing all those years ago, and I've sat playing by ear, looked at Tab books, gone to sleep with a picture of Steve Harris under my pillow... doesnt matter what I try I ALWAYS end up playing it the way I first learned in which is usually followed by choice language! I'm not a sight-reader, took after my mum and dad who were folkies - always found ear easier. What makes it worse is I love the song, and being schooled in the Steve Harris style the first thing I usualy get asked when I pull out a Precision is "Can you play Phantom?" So whats the song that usually creeps up and hits you over the head or ties your shoe laces together!? Im sure some of you Pro's and Sight Readers dont have this problem!! ..
  25. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1321636994' post='1441555'] Billy Sheehan has been mentioned, you could point them in the direction of Geezer Butler? Steve Harris? Pete Way? Do they lack attack? I find it odd that they chose you to play bass for them and now want you to play differently. FWIW I play rock (and everything else) with a pick. [/quote] Have to agree with that.
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