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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. Well I'm pretty definate, and my drummer has had his leash fitted and a new muzzle and willl hopefully be coming too as he isnt working that weekend. The thought of being locked in a room with several bass players oddly excited him!!
  2. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1321179636' post='1436051'] Lets not forget his purchase of E-books on penis enlarging. [/quote] They obviously didnt work, as he had to sell his out of date condoms (obviously too big or just unused..)
  3. Nice! I sourced a solid ebony thumb rest for my 70's VM Jazz - guy even ptovided a template for placing it. He makes boxes shaped like guitar necks and uses the offcutts to make Thumbrests. I have the SD designed pickups in mine too, they were a pleasant suprise. May upgrade mine to a set of Wizards - Nice as SD's are I like the Scatterwound hand crafted approach, and the Wizard trads on my Pbass are great. I think they got the necks wrong on these two (the VM 77 and the VM 70's). Yours would definately look better on mine and Vice versa.. lol. Am currently taering myself up as to whether to offer a straight neck swap - one Steve harris wanabee to another!!
  4. They're nice amps. I've got the HP version which is 220W. Like it better than the Trace Elliot GP7SM Combo I used to own
  5. I don't know who "handcrafted" this "Unique" bass from a precision, but I think they should be clocked over the bonce with it.
  6. it's a Thunderbird that stood to close to the radiator.. "Im MELTING!!!"
  7. I'm liking the logo. The guy that does the "Fecker" ones oversprays them with Nitro lacquer to avoid the problem with them breaking on aplication. Looks very similair to mine on the whole but I whent for the black 3-ply pickguard.
  8. My drummer is possibly coming with me if theres a kit available
  9. I'll chuck in "Need Your Love So Bad" - Peter Green and "What is and what should never be" Led Zep
  10. What the hell.. my P Copy build.. I give you the Fecker Pretender Bass.. .
  11. After a nervous relocation of the bridge, intonation is ok. Even managed to knock together a Bitsa from the leftovers.. its a dog but a laugh to noodle on I love the colour.. pity the body looks like it was in a fight with Mike Tyson. From what I can tell the previous owner had tried very heavy handedly to chisel out the neck pocket to fit a 5 string neck. And managed to mess it up/crack the body/gouge it.
  12. £125!!!? Blimey. Glad I didnt go down that route then! Mind you they do make some nice bodies.
  13. Its daft really. I'd love one of these copies, and if I had the money to buy a real Rik... I'd spend it on a classic P-Bass... LOL. You'd think they'd be better licensing to a company to make copies or a "budget" version. I wonder how Bass Collection get away with their "Californian" or are they officially licensed?
  14. I dare'dnt put a picture of my dinky little Ampeg BA115HP.. I think it would shrink at the sight of some of these beasts!!
  15. [quote name='SidVicious1978' timestamp='1320293300' post='1424931'] how much the duty tax? [/quote] Yeh I'd quite like to know too - Drooled on the MightyMite site and Warmoth but was put off as was scared off by prospect of a bill.
  16. I have 5!! One (Washburn) out on loan to a kid from a poor family who wanted to learn bass (it has a nice slim guitar-like neck and 24 frets with good access) - had that one from new and its like a part of me, My Jazz because I always wanted a Jazz and it sounds SOOO nice jamming to JPJ basslines, My Fecker Pretender (P bass copy) as I am a P bass man at heart, another "bitser" P bass cobbled together from the leftover project bits, and an Epiphone T Bird that I wont part with as the wife bought it for me a couple of years after I had to sell my 76 Pbass for peanuts to pay bills. I love all my basses - I grew up on Phil Lynott and Steve Harris via Duck Dunn and Motown so I've always been a Pbass man, but each has their "sound" and Charachter. Wpould realy like a Ricky purely because of Bruce Foxton but even a Rickenfaker is out of the price bracket at the moment. That of course isnt counting the acoustic and the LP copy 6 string I have.. oh and a violin. Must get it from my parents, they both did the folk scene in the late 60's and the house before they divorced was full of every type of instrument you can imagine.
  17. [quote name='Vibrating G String' timestamp='1320662381' post='1429447'] The original neck was a 21 fret, the new one just 20 remounting the bridge will fix things. [/quote] Yes I was thinking that. As the old neck was the "overhang" style thought I might get away without doing so.
  18. After a visual inspection realised a possible cause for the intonation issues - with the original neck on it the 16th Fret just lined up with the top of the heel of the body. With the new neck the 15th frett lines up with the heel. How did I not notice that! Suspect the bridge needs to be moved about 3/4" - 1". Odd because the distance 12th fret to nut/12th fret to bridge match up.
  19. Thanks mate. I have a warm glow and the urge to build another much to the wifes disgust and horror!! Only issue I've had is slightly high action and an intonation problem. Neck has been shimmed as per fender specs - going to get my itarist and part time Luthier to have a butchers at it. Checked it by measure and theoreticaly the bridge is in the right place, but its 'orribly sharp at the 12th Frett. Could be intonation could be action height. Ideally the nut needs filing down a bit I think, it looks a bit high.
  20. Never broke a string. Ripped off a fingernail playing a gig once. Blood everywhere! I had a white T shirt and jeans on as well. Kept going for the remainder of the set, then it started to hurt!!
  21. Well.. after much being mesed around I finaly got somewhere near what I was after. Donor bass was a brand new Arctic White Hodson Pro bass £89 from Fleabay. As it stood for the money was a nice enough cheapo copy - pickups weren't bad, neck quite slim. Solid Alder body too. First up was a set of Wizzard "Trad" pickups. Cant say enough nice things about Wizard, from the quality of the pick-ups to the price, to the personal touch. This was followed by a set of cloverleaf tuners, Maple neck (both from SECO guitars on ebay). The Maple neck was nicely finished and fairly chunky. Been a while (10 years!!) since I had my precision so I dont have a lot to compare it with, not exactly a baseball bat, but rounded, comfortable and fits my hand well.. Added a 3 ply Black pickguard as well. Then to top it off a "Fecker Pretender Bass" waterslide decal also from ebay.Resulting in the Beauty below.. Quite chuffed with it, and it has just made my GAS worse!!!
  22. Can highly reccoment the Wizard pickups.. have a Magical *bump* on me
  23. Interested to see what bridge you put on it
  24. Sorry, I chickened out. I wouldnt pay a "buck-buck" for that..
  25. Thanks guys.. Whent for attempt 2, picked up a rough-ish looking blue sunburst body, but when it arrived it had two massive cracks along with the chips that I already knew about!!! Seemed like they had put it on Two bricks and jumped on it!!! I'm guessing they tried (rather heavy handedly) to chisel the neck pocket a bit and screwed up. Thinking about that one as I have some spare bits from attempt 3 (see below!) so it may get patched up... Bought a Hodson Pro Bass (White Pbass copy with a solid Alder body) as I just wanted a Precision again. Then came the Wizzard Trad Pbass pickups (which are gorgeous sounding). Then I gave in and ordered a Maple/Maple P bass neck.. and a black pickguard.. and tuners.. and a "Fecker Pretender Bass" logo mod from Fleabay. End plan is to get a gold anodised pickguard on it and go for the 50's re-issue look (like the guy from "Rise Against" plays) Andy thanks for the offer, I may at some point pick up a plain unfinished body and get it Purply bluebursted as I have a severe case of gAS at the moment. Will tap you up if I do for a quote.
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