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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. Noooo... I can only stand Tort plates on Burst basses....get thee behind me satan!
  2. A drummer eh? We knew. When you were at the door, the knocking sped up and you didnt know when to come in... 😁 I'll get my coat....
  3. I think I have a problem. This started as a natural finish P bass body on Ebay that "I don't really need but was too good a price to pass over". Then someone on here was selling some Greco pickups... "I dont REALLY need but too good to pass over"... then an Omega Badass clone on ebay - you guessed it "FAR too cheap to let it slip away"... Then a 1991 Samick made Squier neck fitted with wilkinson tuners... yup... "must have that"... Then "oh look, I have an orange drop cap and a couple of CTS pots in the parts bin..." I already have a Cort made 1996 Squier p bass.. and I have virtually stopped playing,, but I really think I have a problem/addiction...!? I have named her "The Dood" in honour of our very own Dood who I saw just after putting it all together playing a very similair looking (albeit actual Fender) p bass in a video demoing the Steve Harris Tech 21. Somebody stop me please, I am supposed to be downsizing...
  4. Welcome to the land of luke warm tea, drizzle, and mild sarcasm. What about this weather we are having eh?
  5. It is indeed. It's the Chris Kael (FFDP) signature model (without the oversized knuckleduster bridge bling fitted). Trouble is it makes me want to swap out parts on the Frankenspector to black (and Im not about to buy another Schaller 5string 3D in black and Gotoh tuners in black! Mr Nibody is all spent up)
  6. What, like...
  7. correct.. been a while since I had it (still regret selling it)
  8. Should be fine - as others have said your current 8 ohm 500w cab will only be getting 400 of the PF800's 800w. The PF amps sound SOOO much nicer through a "propper" Ampeg cab than the flip top ones that match them IMHO - my studio owning friend had a SVT3 Pro with a matching Pro seriesAmpeg 4x10, and when rehearsing there he used to let me use that cab with my PF500 when I had it (I believe it was a 4 ohm cab) to save carting mine to the studio. The difference between the Portaflex cabs and a full blooded ampeg 4x10 was almost worth the backbreaking weight!
  9. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Epiphone-Thunderbird-Pro-iv-4-Bass-Guitar-and-Hardcase/174717578351?hash=item28adfaac6f:g:zN4AAOSweN5gaFQj T This is the old Pro 4 I was talking about. It may pay to have a good look second hand to see whats about (Epiphone did a few different models including a model with gibson pickups too in the last few years). But if buying new definitely the Vintage Pro over the other one
  10. Yes both of the ones you listed are passive.
  11. Pretty much that. If you keep an eye out you might pick up the older TBird Pro4 second hand for a reasonable amount. That has an even better bridge ( from memory it was a hipshot clone), active pickups and is neck through also - used to own one, also owned a Korean made epi Thunderbird same as the second one you listed - though they are made in China now not Korea. Out of the two you listed I would go for the Vintage pro.
  12. I think it was intended to be an 8 strng bass (looks like octave pairs) but they ran out of enthusiasm
  13. Shhhhh.. do not mention he who shall not be named...
  14. some sucker overpaid by about £350.
  15. so did I.. body is still in the cupboard. Agree 100 %. Not BAD basses but NOT a fender Japanese or otherwise.
  16. If that is what they feel they have to do thats up to them. I just look for another video whith someone who can play well. It speaks more of those who buy into it in the faint misguided hope that by raving about how great they are they are, they are going to climb out of the screen and into their lap.The other flipside is actually good players who recieve the same - first one that springs to mind is Tal Wilkenfield.Not my cup of tea musically but a great player but if you go by the coments section on video's featuring her she gets more lauded for the fact she is a young attractive female who doent wear bra's that that she can kill it on a bass.
  17. Quite frankly NO. The only other thing I detest equally to overuse of slap in relation to bass on YouTube is a mediocre musician being lauded with praise by a lot of rather creepy simps like the second coming of "Bass-Christ" purely due to the fact they happen to be female and wearing a low cut top. Its mysoginistic on multiple levels. And more than a little disturbing. It takes away from the player as they are being objectified due to their appearance rather than their ability.
  18. I hate frantic neo-classical guitar solo's in the vein of Yngwie Malmsteen - the type of playing where the point seems to be to fit in as many notes in a bar as possible. Drumming wise again pretty much as with slap, a nice bit of tasteful double kick has its place - but when it gets to the point of silly-beats-per-minute Im turned off. Also with vocals. Mariah Carey and Whitney houston left me cold with the frantic running up and down the scales where a simple note would have sufficed.
  19. I think the defining word here is "tastefully". I don't play slap, I have never tried in any seriousness, and have no motivation/desire to learn nor need to do so. However it becomes irritating when anyones percieved ability on the instrument is measured by their ability to perform a niche technique. Also when listening to a gear demo having someone flex their slap ego tells me nothing about the tonal charachteristics of a bass guitar or amp. If it serves the song its great, if it purely serves the ego of the player not so much.
  20. i'd rather get slapped in the testiculars than listen to some self apointed "bass god" hamering away on the fingerboard with his thumb at 200bpm with a self satisfied smug "I am sUCH a great player" face. +1 on gear demo's on Youtube - fine... play some slap.. but it is not the pinnacle of aspirations for the majority of bass guitarists to play what I define as "flex" slap. Rant over.
  21. Thankfully when it arrived from Bass Direct it was already removed! I almost bought a Rex from these very forums a few years ago.. wish I had now.
  22. These are suprisingly good amps - I have one with the 2 LWA 4x8 Celestion loaded cabs. They weigh next to nothing, are very "neutral" sounding and loud as hell. I bought mine to use in a "Royal blood" type setup, with the "fake guitar" running into channel 2 and EQ adjusted to suit. Great for teaching too as you can run two seperate basses into it with their own EQ, or have two seperate EQ's and use the footswitch if you need to switch basses (active to passive or fretless to fretted). Suprised thety never got more love.
  23. I believe Limelight created their business model on providing a cheaper alternative to Nash from reading their website
  24. And she arrived today. Here’s a pic on her own and with her sister the FrankenSpector
  25. I really wanted (originally) a YOB P bass (but there's no way on gods green earth I could afford or justify a 1971). Other alternative was a Nate Mendel (which is basicaly a copy of a 71) but Hens teeth... I love my FrankenSpector, and its the next best thing.. a Spector AND a P/J setup. And yep, me too.. been looking at the damn thing every day for the last week or so - eventually the wife said "for gods sake stop pining and buy the blinkin thing"
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