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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. Wish I'd seen this before I bought mine for £270!! Quick advert for you, this is a fantastic bass and punches way above its weight range. Feels and sounds a lot more expensive than it is.
  2. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1317912913' post='1396162'] Welcome to Basschat, Max Mosley! [/quote] Thanks.. c'mon, we've all pictured it (maybe the Leiderhosen is a step too far....!!)
  3. Well, I used to know a guy (Roger) who played for a band (Ginty) as contempories ofThin Lizzy and a lot of the top class 70's rock bands. They released a single but never got much further than support act stage. I bought one of my basses off him years ago (since sold it on to much heartbreak on my part). Rog was always trying to "Make it" in the classic sense - recapture those 70's heydeys. I always thought "God, I hope Im not still banging my head against a brick wall when i hit my 40's. That mindset is my biggest regrett, having hit 40 and not played for 10 years in anger. I started again recently with no illusions just a love of playing bass - its so much more fulfiling when you are doing it for the love of doing it solely, not tainted by the almost obsessive drive to be the next Led Zeppelin or The Who. Getting together with our ex guitarist (who is doing quite nicely with a "NuMetal" band to the degree they own their own very nice full PA when he's not Plumbing!)) and ex drummer (the guy is Kieth Moon and Bonhams love child - ecclectic, lyrical but rock steady, currently working as a Warder in a young offenders institute!!) to have a blast and see what happens. If it all suddenly took off of course I'd have a smile a mile wide (and think sh**, MORTGAGE, KIDS..WHAT DO I DO!!) but I just want to play this time round, not end up blowing toilets and Telly's out of Holiday Inn windows whilst suckling on a bottle of Wild Turkey and "entertaining" two ladies of the night, dressed in Leiderhosen...
  4. I've seen bands fall apart over this. I let a band slip apart because there were THREE partners who were pulling the "give up the band" on various members - I had the overbearing Girlfriend. She whent after putting enough pressure on me to commit to a job I didnt want, a Flat I didnt want, and loosing a band Id been playing with in various guises for years then walked out after playing bedroom olympics with several blokes who were not me!!! - ended up selling all my decent gear (Trace 7215 250w Combo, 76 precision, bass effects etc) later because i gave up on playing and needed the cash. As it is 10 years later, me and the drummer and the guitarist are talking doing it again just for kicks, had to buy gear to replace what I had already but sold.. pain in the backside and expensive but i have the bug again. I second the "Take the drummer and walk" aproach if you have a good vibe with them. You can build anything around a decent Rhythm section. Oh and my Wife (who came along after the girlfriend, and was in fact one of the ex-girlfriends mates.. REVENGE!! Ha hah) is the oposite - she was always saying that I needed to play again, and bought me an Epiphone Thunderbird because of an off chance remark that I would like one. She also backed my decision to get a new Amp and another bass. We have two kids under five and I didnt think starting playing again was fair but she said "go for it if it makes you happy.
  5. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1290889271' post='1039252'] and how good did THAT sound? [/quote] *Moves Ricky to one side, Drools over Ampeg stack...*
  6. Ramble On, Zep.. hell, ANYTHING John Paul Jones played. Tears of a Clown and a fair few Motown classics too.
  7. My custom finished 1976 Precision. Maple FB, Blue/Purpleburst body and headstock and a Polished solid brass pickguard. Bought it from a mate of a mate, Rog, who played bass for a band called Ginty in the 70's. He also had a 65' but it was out of my price range at the time. Sold also to pay a bill. Because of the custom finish and despite all the right features could not sell it as a Fender. Sold in 2003 for peanuts in comparison to what it was worth on its own to a guy buying up used Guitars, along with a Squier P, various effects pedals and a Trace Elliot GP7215SM 200W combo. Broke my heart, it was the nicest bass I've ever owned. Still does. If anyone see's it around I'd love to see a piccy of the old girl or news of her whereabouts..
  8. Nibody


    LOL.. no thats Daughter and Son in training. The Lads just coming up on two, one of his first words was "guitar!". Daughter is 5, her two favourite songs are "Highway to Hell" and "Number of the Beast".. just waiting for Social services to catch on...
  9. Nibody


    Well what can I say. I've just turned 40, married with two great kids under 5, and have been playing bass on and off for 20 years. I started on bass, I have a love for Jazz's and Precisions (Been drooling over the precisions thread). i took a break from playing a few years back and am just getting back into it - amazing how quick it comes back. Talking of Precisions I used to own a beautiful '70's Precision that I bought from a friend of a friend years ago. It had been refinished ina sort of blue/purple sunburst (colour of a Cadburys Dairy Milk wrapper!), polished brass pickguard, with the most playable neck I have ever held - had a maple fretboard. Hit hard times and had to sell it but despite serials and all the right bits couldnt sell it as a genuine fender due to the refinish so had to let it go for much less than it was worth - whent for less than the cost of a Squier. If anyone sees it floating around I would love to know "she" is still alive and well. Kids and mortgage means I cant afford decent gear anymore - curently own an Epiphone Thunderbird, and a Washburn XS4 that I've had since about 1992. Just ordered myself a Squier Vintage Modified 70's Jazz, and working on bits for a "Frankenprecision" to fill the hole left by the bass love of my life. Grew up listening to folk, stuff like the Stones The Who, Moody Blues etc (Mum was a folk musician and a bit of a hippy! I've mostly played Rock and Blues, my influences include John Paul Jones, John Entwhistle, Duck Dunn, Steve Harris (hate his sound though, just like his style), and Peter Hook amongst others. Play fingerstyle, never got on with a plectrum - even use my fingers if I pick up a six string! Well thats me in a nutshell. Heres my current stuff:
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