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Everything posted by Nibody

  1. Wasn't sure till I compared the grain pattern - and that difference in stain colour just on the bass side of the bridge. I bought it from somebody else on here. If I had £900 burning a hole in my pocket I'd buy it in a heartbeat! Looks like you looked after it well, glad it's had some decent usage.
  2. Mine too at one point, traded for a 62RI and cash... lovelly bloody bass. Miss it.
  3. I could see the attraction - she was somewhere between Clara Osborne from Dr Who and Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeah's (and by christ she could sing) But I was there to write music not play "Fleetwood Mac style hide the sausage".. LOL. He never got his wicked way either way.
  4. No. But I was in a band where the guitarist had the hots for the singer, then wanted to fire her when she brushed him off. So I ended up firing him for a few reasons.. and she left because I had fired him (not knowing he was actively trying to get her fired...)
  5. He's just Testing us...
  6. Owzat?
  7. should be Bye now...
  8. Doesn't Bowl me Over in the slightest..
  9. Report them as a non-performing seller.
  10. The case is identical to what was (before knowledge and the internet) sold to me as a refinished 76 P Bass. In some wys it looks right, but in others (in the words of Han Solo) "I have a bad feeling about this"
  11. Thats a VERY clean neck for a 75. VERY. Just saying.
  12. My newest one - LWA1000 with 2 matching 4x8 Celestion loaded cabs. Lightest (and loudest) rig I've owned.
  13. The Washburn XS-5 I owned was the same but J J. Always thought it wierd as my XS-4 (the 4 string variant) has normally positioned P/J's
  14. Just bought one of Chris's Warwick gigbags. Just as described and sent fast. Top bloke.
  15. Where in East Mids are you? I have a variety of bits (pickups, bridges, bodies, couple of necks) that I should really get rid off
  16. with enough petrol and a couple of nicely aimed matches I'm sure it will catch on just fine....
  17. My mate has a nice collection of guitars (he cant play very well so its just a collection) couple of Jacksons, Dave Murray sig Strat, Couple of MiM Strats and a MIM tele. Gretsch Streamliner. Vintage V100AFD, Brian May Red Special.. out of them all if I could pinch one have to say it's his Gretsch. Love that thing.
  18. I'd be interested in the Premium (1) OR one of the standards if its still available. Have yo be posted as we are in Rona self isolation hell (thanks kids)
  19. Nothing special - Epiphone 2016 Les Paul Traditional Pro II
  20. Checked everywhere - right out of monkeys to give either way.
  21. His stuff ceased to be funny about two years ago - I can admire his skills - though it's true I dont like slap, I think it has its place but is not the measuring stick by which everyone who picks up a bass should be measured. When tastefully done its great but overbearing 200bpm slap bass widdling to me is on the same levell of annoyance as the multitude of guitarists that used to live in music shops franticaly hammering on and pulling off in an attempt to impress any and all within 50ft. It gets a bit old when bass demo's consist solely of someone showing off slapping the damn thing - people play with fingers, plectrums... I couldn't give a monkeys what it sounds like when you hit it with your thumb. Davie lost me when it stopped being about his playing and turned into him trying to be PewdiePie and a host of other vaccuous YouTube "stars". The jokes were amusing at first, not so much anymore.
  22. In a world with Davie504 I think Scott Devine is quite palatable..
  23. only on the German made ones I believe. I think the Rockbass series are fantastic but the truss rod is horrible - I fixed one of mine by fitting an aftermarket two way truss rod. The anchor point at the neck end on the original Warwick one was just too small - pushing a small piece of brass on five string too much pressure on too little surface area of wood. I( don't know if with the updated Rockbass line they changed the truss rod - I hope they did.
  24. Two Rockbass Streamers both with shot truss rods ( a standard 5 and an LX 5). Granted my Vampyre was bulletproof. Heard a lot of bad bad things on the Warwick forums related to truss rods in the past
  25. It's funny coz its true...
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