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Everything posted by joegarcia

  1. Bought a Squier mustang off Ash last week, pleasure to deal with and was well packed.
  2. Such an killer amp, loved mine.
  3. I'll take it, PM coming
  4. Oh look, he has a gig coming up: https://www.facebook.com/events/149765062366950/
  5. https://www.facebook.com/JonoAndTheUkeDealers https://www.facebook.com/kinggeniusrecords/
  6. *COUGH* https://www.facebook.com/neckslapper
  7. What is the internal measurement from the rack rails to the back lid please?
  8. Thanks Ped, can I have his email please? Still haven't heard anything from him..
  9. Revox 3500 still available? Will take it if so
  10. Tuco still not been back in touch, done a runner by the looks of it..
  11. Looks good, I'll take it if you're ok with PayPal.
  12. Just bumping this in case anyone else tries to buy it. I paid for it over two weeks ago and haven't heard anything from Tuco..
  13. Any chance of a gutshot please?
  14. Yea, sorry to say I made a bank transfer as I'd already succesfully bought something from him previously and had his details saved...
  15. I'm having similar issues getting in touch with Tuco. I paid him for the Rat Tail fuzz over two weeks ago and have heard nothing since.
  16. If it's not taken already I'll take it please.
  17. Where abouts are you based?
  18. Just like mine. It's a beaut! Amazing basses, good luck with the sale.
  19. Don't still have this do you?
  20. Interested in the RNLA. Interested in any other studio gear trades?
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