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Everything posted by joegarcia

  1. Very very interested in the board, do you have internal measurements for it?
  2. Just want to say a massive thank you to Alex (and everyone that voted for me!). I'm so pleased with the cab, currently playing a run up at Edinburgh Fringe for the month and it's been perfect. Playing very loud stuff with my Sunn 1200s and no PA support in a 100 capacity theatre every night for a month and it's been amazing. So handy but it also sounds so deep and round and weighs nothing, having an awesome cab that's a fraction of the weight of my amp is weird! Also, just to confirm my title, this just in:
  3. £350 is very fair I'd say. Very likely to become a lot more valuable in years to come too I reckon. I'm be sorely tempted too at that price. Great travelling bass...
  4. If I'd have been in I'd totally have beaten you to that!
  5. I'll take the Small Stone. PM coming.
  6. If I get you a black plate then will that sway you?
  7. Very interested, are you interested in a trade for my Tc Electronics NR-1 Nova reverb pedal with some cash from you?
  8. I was hoping to bag that too but depends if Ian wants to trade or not really.
  9. [quote name='molan' post='904017' date='Jul 24 2010, 02:13 PM']Totally agree the desk has loads of assignable effects so why have a huge rack of outboard kit! It seemed pretty flexible but the nature of digital with pads having multi functions isn't anywhere near as fast for fixing things on the fly. Personally I'd go analogue every time for genuine usable flexibility.[/quote] Absolutely. With extra outboard you're just going through another set of D/A A/D convertors anyway.
  10. That works out nicely then haha. You can get a bit of cash for the Art and a lovely new guitar
  11. No worries, let me know. It is currently up for sale in a local shop though. If I was keeping it I'd put a black scratchplate on it
  12. Sunburst with maple neck. Link here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=93220&hl=esquire"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=esquire[/url] Great guitar, just set up and playing/sounding excellent. Pretty good trade option for the Firestudio and case I reckon.
  13. Tc Electronics NR-1 Nova reverb pedal? Burman GPA preamp and SL100 power pak (100w valve guitar/bass amp)? Fender Esquire 50's reissue?
  14. Surely the point of digital desks is to do away with all the excessive outboard? Never used a O1V live though, are they any good for live stuff or are they studio desks really? I get on pretty well with the LS9 and M7CL, particularly for monitor work. Digital desks are great in some situations but that just sounds totally ridiculous.
  15. Just can't and really really don't need it unfortunately. The four I have is already silly overkill. I will say though that these cabs sound AMAZING for drivey bass with a valve amp alongside your normal bass rig. My mate has a stack of them that he uses with a Marshall 8x10 and VBC412 and it's really really really awesome. They sing and snarl like no other cab.
  16. Really interested in the Presonus and maybe the rack. Will check finances and get back to you. Interested in any trades at all?
  17. Woo, hooray for my hideous mug! PM'd.
  18. Don't say that, I want it even more now! All my guitar cabs are like that My Orange one is cosmetically screwed, even been painted black at one point by a previous owner.
  19. That cab is a bloody bargain! If I didn't already have four 4x12's (including a 70's Orange one) I'd be sooo tempted. These are some of the best cabs available I reckon.
  20. What's the Philosophers Tone like on bass?
  21. Fancy trading the Meatwad for my TC Electronics Nova NR-1 reverb?
  22. Cool, Super Twelve sounds like the one for me then. Not into tweeters at all.
  23. Ah, my bad, I thought this was just a 2x12. It has a midrange driver then does it?
  24. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='900905' date='Jul 21 2010, 12:59 PM']Doesn't appear to be any soundclips. I can mostly hear Bolt Thrower. That isn't very funky.[/quote] You're not very funky! This looks awesome. Very interested indeed.. Would be great to have a pair of these to replace my pair of GS412's for small gigs. Reckon one could deal with my Sunn 1200s? Can't afford it right now but may well be worth having a clearout for.
  25. Yaaaaayyyy!!! Does this mean I am officially the ugliest bassist in the country?
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